Compensation to the City Sample Clauses
Compensation to the City. The Contractor shall pay to the City a one-time fee of thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000) upon Contract execution to cover City costs for procuring this Contract. The Contractor shall also pay to the City an Administrative Fee of ten and seven-tenths percent (10.7%) on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of each month during the term of this Contract, starting the month following the initiation of the fee. The Administrative Fee shall be based on the gross receipts received by the Contractor from all Customers under this Agreement, excluding Drop-box Container disposal fees. The Contractor’s obligations to pay the Administrative Fee shall survive the termination date of this Contract until the Contractor is no longer receiving payments from Customers for services provided under this Contract. The Contractor shall fully participate with any City billing audit to confirm the Contractor’s Customer receipts during any accounting period during the term of the Contract. The audit shall be confined to confirming Customer billing rates, Contractor receipts for services provided under this Contract and bad debt recovery. The City may change the Administrative Fee level in any year, provided that the change is synchronized with the annual Contractor rate modification. The City shall notify the Contactor of the new Administrative Fee for the following year by September 1st, and the Contractor shall itemize and include the appropriate adjustment in its Rate Adjustment Statement provided October 1st of each year. In the event that the Administrative Fee is adjusted, either up or down, the Contractor shall add or subtract the change in Administrative Fee plus an amount equivalent to the State excise tax (1.75% in 2023) on the change in Administrative Fee, as may be adjusted from time to time by the State. In addition, the Contractor shall be responsible for payment of all applicable permits, licenses, fees, and taxes as described in the Permits and Licenses Section.
Compensation to the City a. A one-time permit and license fee of $1,000.00 for each DAS Facility installed within the Public Right of Way of the City shall be paid by IdeaTek.
b. Franchise compensation shall be paid on a quarterly basis paid not later than forty- five (45) days after the end of the remittal period equal to five percent (5%) of Gross Receipts.
c. Ideatek agrees to pay City all fees and charges set forth in this Article within thirty
Compensation to the City. (a) Franchisee is solely responsible for the payment of all lawful franchise and permit fees in connection with Franchisee's performance under this Agreement.
(b) In consideration of this Franchise Agreement, Xxxxxxxxxx agrees to remit to the City a Franchise Fee of five percent (5%) of Gross Receipts as defined in K.S.A. 12-2001(c)(6), and in addition, any other Gross Receipts as defined in Wichita City Code 3.93.040 to the extent permitted by state and federal law, (together the “Franchise Fee”).
(c) The franchise fee is compensation for the use of the right of way and shall in no way be deemed a tax of any kind. The franchise fee is in addition to, and not in lieu of, the City's Telecommunications Service Occupation Tax under Wichita City Code Section 3.01.020. Franchisee will receive credit regardless of whether it is an end-user in the City limits toward total franchise fee payment pursuant to Wichita City Code Section 3.93.350 for occupation tax paid.
(d) In accordance with Section 3.93.310 of the Wichita City Code, each franchise fee payment shall be accompanied by a statement showing the manner in which the franchise fee was calculated. The franchise fee payment should also specify occupation tax credit as identified in Section 4(c) above.
(e) The franchise fee shall be due on a quarterly basis. The first payment shall be due on the first day of the month following the date on Page 1 of this Franchise Agreement, without the City being responsible for submitting an invoice. Any franchise fee not postmarked or delivered by the due date shall accrue interest from the due date until received, at the applicable statutory interest rate, as defined in K.S.A. 16-201.
Compensation to the City. In consideration for the grant of this Contract franchise, the Grantee agrees to pay and the City agrees to accept as adequate compensation and consideration for the Contract franchise hereby granted the following fees as defined herein:
Compensation to the City. As compensation for the franchise herein granted to the Company, the Company (a) shall make an accounting to the City on a monthly basis of all Gross Receipts it has derived from the sale and provision of Telecommunications Service during the preceding month and (b) shall pay to the City a Franchise Fee, which shall be a monthly sum equal to five percent (5%) of all Gross Receipts it has derived from the sale and provision of Telecommunications Service during the preceding month.
Compensation to the City. WMW shall provide the City with an initial contract fee and an ongoing administrative fee, as follows:
9.1. WMW shall pay the City a contract fee of FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($15,000.00) on or before February 15, 2015 to help offset the City’s costs of developing a comprehensive solid waste management plan and procuring this contract.
9.2. WMW shall pay the City a monthly administrative fee equal to ONE PERCENT (1%) of Gross Revenues, as defined in Section 1.10 above. Payment shall be made by the tenth of each month, including the three months following the termination of this Agreement to capture trailing payments.
Compensation to the City. In exchange for what it shall provide KFN, as set forth in paragraph 3, supra, the City shall receive from KFN the following:
(a) KFN shall pay for the cost of labor to install the fiber in the conduit described in subparagraphs 3(a) through 3(c) above a one-time payment in the amount of $2,000.00. IN ALL OTHER RESPECTS, except as expressly modified herein, the terms and conditions of the Memorandum of Understanding shall remain in full force and effect.
Compensation to the City. A. For services to be provided under this Agreement, the Village shall pay the City the Annual Fee based on the following:
Compensation to the City. A. All compensation to the City will be made on a cost reimbursement basis. The Authority will reimburse the City for services specified in this Contract in a total amount not to exceed One Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars ($130,000.00) in the following expense categories: Assigned Personnel Salaries and Fringe Benefits $130,000.00 Administrative Liaison Officer Prorated Salary and Benefits $ -0- Communications/Other Miscellaneous Expenses/Equipment $ -0-
B. The Authority shall reimburse the police department on a monthly basis, upon receipt of performance of the proposed services and evidence of authorized expenditures.
C. The percent of overtime authorized under this Contract for court appearances or other hearings is -0-.
D. The Authority and City agree that compensation adjustments including, but not limited to the reasons below, will not exceed ten percent annually upon renewal:
1. Insurance premium increases
2. Officer step increases related to time in service.
3. COLA increases when authorized by the City.
E. All requests for reimbursement are subject to the approval of the Executive Director, or that official’s designee, and the Authority shall thereafter make payment of the approved amount within thirty days of the request for reimbursement.
Compensation to the City. A. The Housing Authority will reimburse the City for services specified in this Contract in a total amount not to exceed FIFTY-ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED SIXTY DOLLARS ($51,760.00) over twelve (12) months.
B. The Housing Authority shall reimburse the Police Department on a monthly basis, upon receipt of performance of the proposed services and evidence of authorized expenditures.
C. The City shall provide the following documentation in requesting reimbursement:
1. Copies of Certified Payroll Time Reports documenting names, employee identification, hours worked in Housing Authority Developments, supervisory approval of the report, and supervisory verification of the necessity for any overtime worked.
2. Copies of receipts for other allowable communication and other miscellaneous expenses shall be subject to pre-approval, and shall be accompanied, at the time of reimbursement request, by a brief explanation of the expense incurred.
D. All requests for reimbursement are subject to the approval of the Executive Director, or Deputy Executive Director, and the Housing Authority shall thereafter make payment of the approved amount within thirty (30) days receipt of the request for reimbursement.