COMPETITIVE TENDERING. (i) Competitive tendering is the calling of tenders by council for the provision of service(s) that are currently being performed by council employees where council's in-house service unit submits a bid as well as external contractors. Council then makes its decision based on the tender bids about who will provide the service. (ii) Prior to making a decision to competitively tender a service, council shall notify and consult with the relevant union(s) which have members likely to be effected by the decision. (a) Where council makes a definite decision to competitively tender a service council shall notify the employees who may be affected by the proposed tender of such services and the union(s) to which they belong. (b) Council shall discuss the competitive tendering process with the affected employee(s) and union(s) and give prompt consideration to matters raised by employee(s) and the union(s) to which they belong. (c) Discussions between council and the affected employee(s) and relevant union(s) shall commence as early as practicable after a definite decision has been made to competitively tender a service. (d) For the purposes of the discussion council shall provide to the employee(s) and the union(s) to which they belong, all relevant information about the tendering process including the nature of the service to be tendered, the proposed timetable for the tender of the service, the expected effects upon employee(s), a process for the formulation of an in-house bid and any other matters likely to affect the employee(s). (iv) Where a contract is won by an in-house bid, an agreement stating the duration and other relevant terms shall be entered into.
COMPETITIVE TENDERING. Council will not introduce competitive tendering unless legislation compels Council to do so.
COMPETITIVE TENDERING. Where employee(s) who are adversely affected by the proposed changes request the employer’s assistance to submit an in-house bid and the employer refuses that request, the employer shall provide the reason(s) in writing.
COMPETITIVE TENDERING. Competitive tendering is the calling of tenders by Council for the provision of service(s) that are currently being performed by Council employees where Council's in-house service unit submits a bid as well as external contractors. Council then makes its decision based on the tender bids about who will provide the service.
COMPETITIVE TENDERING. 35.1 The provisions of the Local Government (State) Award 2007 and its successors apply.
COMPETITIVE TENDERINGFor the purposes of competitive tendering the Workplace Change and Redundancy (Clause 39 (i) Employer’s Duty to Notify and 39 (ii) (d) Competitive tendering) provisions of the Local Government (State) Award 2017 and its successors apply.
COMPETITIVE TENDERING. 7.1. Where this paragraph 7 applies, the Contractor shall, in preparing the Contractor Stage 2 Response, as far as practicable structure the works and/or services required by the High Value Change and/or an Authority Change pursuant to Schedule 26 (Planning) into a number of discrete work packages (which may include the procurement of items of equipment only or be labour only package of works), and shall invite at least three (3) competitive tenders for each work package. Where legally required, the Competitive Tendering process shall be conducted in accordance with Public Contracts Regulations 2006 (as amended) and the principles of the Treaty of Rome. 7.2. The Contractor and the Authority shall agree: (a) the work packages to be priced through competitive tendering based on what is judged to provide best value for money; (b) the procurement process; (c) the evaluation criteria; (d) any additional interface risks between the carrying out of any additional works and/or services by a third party, and the Facility and/or carrying out of the Works and/or the delivery of the Services; and (e) that the preferred tenderer shall be selected on the basis of the most economically advantageous tender. 7.3. The Contractor shall be responsible for: (a) running the competition for the work packages; (b) evaluating and selecting the preferred tenderers; (c) negotiating and finalising appointment of the preferred tenderers; and (d) managing the implementation of the works and services required as part of the High Value Change provided that the Authority shall approve the preferred tenderer(s) acting reasonably within twenty (20) Business Days following the conclusion of the tendering process either appoint or object to the preferred tenderer(s) but no sub-contractor shall be appointed, until or unless, an Authority Stage 2 Confirmation is issued. 7.4. On conclusion of the tendering process, the Contractor shall submit with the Contractor Stage 2 Response a Tendering Report and the Change in Project Costs shall be based on the prices determined through the tendering process. 7.5. The Tendering Report shall include, but not be limited to, the following information. (a) details of the companies which were asked to tender for each work package, indicating whether a compliant bid was in fact submitted; (b) the basis upon which each company was invited to tender including their appropriate experience and expertise; (c) how details of how the evaluation process was carried out ...
COMPETITIVE TENDERING. 12.1 In response to current Local Government policies and Federal Government funding cut-backs, the parties recognise that competitive tendering is an increasingly prominent feature of strategic Local Government Management. 12.2 The parties acknowledge that competitive tendering will affect the way in which services are delivered to the community. 12.3 In order to maintain security of tenure, the parties agree that work practices, machinery and training must reflect community and private enterprise standards capable of allowing successful competitive ‘in-house’ tendering. 12.4 The Mechanical Maintenance Workshop will begin to actively participate in the competitive tendering process by developing strategies in staff development and best practices to underpin competitiveness in an open market place for Council’s workforce, providing the most efficient and effective services to ratepayers.
COMPETITIVE TENDERINGThe process of inviting offers from outside organisations to run a specific service, e.g., grounds maintenance. The tendering process is competitive and decisions on who wins the tender are usually made against a set of pre-determined criteria that covers quality of service issues as well as price and value for money.
COMPETITIVE TENDERING. The Competetive Tendering (Clause 36) provisions of the Local Government (State) Award 2010 and its successors apply.