Computer Literacy Sample Clauses
Computer Literacy. 3 credits
1. Microcomputer components, selected application software, an operating system, and electronic communication techniques.
2. Word processing software for document development for college and workplace requirements.
3. Spreadsheet software for worksheet development for college and workplace requirements.
4. Database software for data organization, retrieval, and reporting.
5. World Wide Web for information retrieval and communication for college and workplace requirements. Upon successfully completing this coursework, students will be able to:
1. Login to a network and use Windows graphical user interface to access computer resources.
2. Create an organized structure of folders and manage documents, saving them to an electronic medium using a previously created directory structure.
3. Use email to: login to email account, create and send email, receive, read, save a message in a folder, attach a file, and create a personal signature.
4. Review and perform basic text enhancing with Microsoft Word.
5. Perform document formatting options with Microsoft Word: margins, orientation, page breaks, page numbers, headers and footers, cover page, find & replace, spelling and grammar, save, save as, print.
6. Perform advanced formatting with Microsoft Word: paragraph line spacing, indents, tabs, borders, lists, columns; styles; tables of contents and indexing.
7. Create, format, and use tables and graphics with Microsoft Word.
8. Use Microsoft Word to collaborate, create a bibliography, add reference resources, and merge files.
9. Design, create, edit, format, and print spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel.
10. Create formulas and use functions for calculation of cell contents in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.
11. Xxxxxx and use relative and absolute cell references.
12. Define, create, and print graphs that include titles, legends, borders, color.
13. Sort, filter, and subtotal data converted to data tables in Microsoft Excel.
14. Use a Microsoft Word document as the basis for copying and pasting objects from Microsoft Excel.
15. Create a database to store data.
16. Construct queries and report forms to extract specific information from a database.
Computer Literacy. The parties understand that the computer literacy language of Section and Section 8.3.7.(d) shall not be interpreted as requiring Faculty Members, Counselors and Librarians to possess each and every skill listed in those sections. Rather, it is the parties’ understanding that Faculty Members, Counselors and Librarians should possess strong computer/information literacy skills and that they should possess such skills as are required for the full and effective performance of their positions. To the extent that Faculty Members, Counselors and Librarians need to improve their computer/information literacy skills, the parties encourage them to engage in Professional Development activities designed to gain or strengthen such literacy skills. TEACHING FACULTY The existing minimum salary for each faculty rank will be increased by the value of the general wage increase. The value of a step, which is the same for all steps within each faculty rank, will also be increased by the value of the general wage increase. The new grid is generated by adding the new step value to the new minimum salary to create a new Step 2 and to the new Step 2 to create the new Step 3 and so on up to the top step. This process is repeated for each faculty rank. COUNSELORS AND LIBRARIANS (CCP-18 and CCP-19) The value of the general wage increase will be added to each step of the CCP-18 and CCP-19 grades. Thus, if the general wage increase is 3%, Step 1 is multiplied by 1.03; Step 2 is multiplied by 1.03, and so on to the top of the grade.
Computer Literacy. Current knowledge and commitment to Equal Opportunity in all aspects of employment and service delivery.
Computer Literacy. Employee’s ability to learn and use new computer programs Evaluation Notes and Recommendations
Computer Literacy. The parties agree to cooperate in establishing and upgrading computer literacy of collective bargaining unit employees.
Computer Literacy. 3 credits
1. Microcomputer components, selected application software, an operating system, and electronic communication techniques.
Computer Literacy. Effective July 1, 2023, Management Association Members are not eligible for the District’s Computer Literacy loan program. Loan agreements entered into as part of the Computer Literacy loan program prior to July 1, 2023 shall not be impacted and shall continue under the existing terms of the loan agreement.
Computer Literacy. Appointment Prerequisites
Computer Literacy experience with Microsoft software e.g. Word, Outlook, Publisher, Power Point, Access & Excel to generate own letters and use email.
Computer Literacy. The parties understand that the computer literacy language of Section and Section 8.3.7.(d) shall not be interpreted as requiring Faculty Members, Counselors and Librarians to possess each and every skill listed in those sections. Rather, it is the parties’ understanding that Faculty Members, Counselors and Librarians should possess strong computer/information literacy skills and that they should possess such skills as are required for the full and effective performance of their positions. To the extent that Faculty Members, Counselors and Librarians need to improve their computer/information literacy skills, the parties encourage them to engage in Professional Development activities designed to gain or strengthen such literacy skills.