DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE REQUIREMENTS Contractor will comply with the requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1990 and will provide a drug-free workplace by taking the following actions: a. Publish a statement notifying employees that unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited and specifying actions to be taken against employees for violations. b. Establish a Drug-Free Awareness Program to inform employees about: 1) the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; 2) the person's or organization's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; 3) any available counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance programs; and, 4) penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. c. Every employee who works on the proposed Agreement will: 1) receive a copy of the company's drug-free workplace policy statement; and, 2) agree to abide by the terms of the company's statement as a condition of employment on the Agreement. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in suspension of payments under the Agreement or termination of the Agreement or both and Contractor may be ineligible for award of any future State agreements if the department determines that any of the following has occurred: the Contractor has made false certification, or violated the certification by failing to carry out the requirements as noted above. (Gov. Code §8350 et seq.)
Time Requirements The Independent Contractor will not be required to follow or establish a regular or daily work schedule, but shall devote during the term of this Agreement the time, energy and skill as necessary to perform the services of this engagement and shall, periodically or at any time upon the request of the Company, submit information as to the amount of time worked and scope of work performed.
Compliance Requirements A. Nondiscrimination. The Contractor agrees to comply, and to require its subcontractor(s) to comply, with the nondiscrimination provisions of MCL 37.2209. The Contractor further agrees to comply with the provisions of Section 9:158 of Chapter 112 of the Xxx Arbor City Code and to assure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment in a manner which provides equal employment opportunity.
DBE Requirements A. Notice is hereby given to the CONSULTANT and any SUB-CONSULTANT, and both agree, that failure to carry out the requirements set forth in 49 CFR Sec. 26.13(b) shall constitute a breach of this Contract and, after notification and failure to promptly cure such breach, may result in termination of this Contract or such remedy as INDOT deems appropriate. The referenced section requires the following assurance to be included in all subsequent contracts between the CONSULTANT and any SUB-CONSULTANT: The CONSULTANT, sub recipient or SUB-CONSULTANT shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this Contract. The CONSULTANT shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts. Failure by the CONSULTANT to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this Contract, which may result in the termination of this Contract or such other remedy, as INDOT, as the recipient, deems appropriate. B. The CONSULTANT shall make good faith efforts to achieve the DBE percentage goal that may be included as part of this Contract with the approved DBE SUB-CONSULTANTS identified on its Affirmative Action Certification submitted with its Letter of Interest, or with approved amendments. Any changes to a DBE firm listed in the Affirmative Action Certification must be requested in writing and receive prior approval by the LPA and INDOT’s Economic Opportunity Division Director. After this Contract is completed and if a DBE SUB- CONSULTANT has performed services thereon, the CONSULTANT must complete, and return, a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Utilization Affidavit (“DBE-3 Form”) to INDOT’s Economic Opportunity Division Director. The DBE-3 Form requires certification by the CONSULTANT AND DBE SUB-CONSULTANT that the committed contract amounts have been paid and received.
Interface Requirements The NID shall be equal to or better than all of the requirements for NIDs set forth in the applicable industry standard technical references.
Insurance Requirements Vendor agrees to maintain the following minimum insurance requirements for the duration of this Agreement. All policies held by Vendor to adhere to this term shall be written by a carrier with a financial size category of VII and at least a rating of “A‐” by A.M. Best Key Rating Guide. The coverages and limits are to be considered minimum requirements and in no way limit the liability of the Vendor(s). Any immunity available to TIPS or TIPS Members shall not be used as a defense by the contractor's insurance policy. Only deductibles applicable to property damage are acceptable, unless proof of retention funds to cover said deductibles is provided. "Claims made" policies will not be accepted. Vendor’s required minimum coverage shall not be suspended, voided, cancelled, non‐renewed or reduced in coverage or in limits unless replaced by a policy that provides the minimum required coverage except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested has been given to TIPS or the TIPS Member if a project or pending delivery of an order is ongoing. Upon request, certified copies of all insurance policies shall be furnished to the TIPS or the TIPS Member. Vendor agrees that when Vendor or its subcontractors are liable for any damages or claims, Vendor’s policy, shall be primary over any other valid and collectible insurance carried by the Member or TIPS.
Maintenance Requirements The Contractor shall ensure and procure that at all times during the Maintenance Period, the Project Highway conforms to the maintenance requirements set forth in Schedule-E (the “Maintenance Requirements”).
Quality Assurance Requirements There are no special Quality Assurance requirements under this Agreement.
Overtime requirements No contractor or subcontractor contracting for any part of the contract work which may require or involve the employment of laborers or mechanics shall require or permit any such laborer or mechanic in any workweek in which he or she is employed on such work to work in excess of forty hours in such workweek unless such laborer or mechanic receives compensation at a rate not less than one and one-half times the basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of forty hours in such workweek.
Service Requirements Grantee shall: