Credit for Prior Service Sample Clauses
Credit for Prior Service. Individuals hired into an ASF position on or after January 1, 2020 may be granted service credit for prior employment held within two (2) years of being hired into the ASF position. The prior employment must be with:
(a) A public sector employer;
(b) The United States Armed Forces as a service member; or
(c) A private sector employer in a position directly related to the ASF Member’s current ASF position. The University may grant service credit in any amount up to the length of time employed by the previous employer. Granting of service credit and the amount is at the University’s sole discretion and is not grievable or arbitrable.
Credit for Prior Service. 26 Time served prior to a break in service caused by voluntary resignation from the District shall not 27 be counted towards seniority, vacation accrual, or calculation of longevity, with the following 28 exception: a break in service is disregarded and seniority credit for prior service is granted if an 29 employee is reinstated, reemployed in regular status, or appointed to a regular position within 39 30 months after layoff while his/her name is on a reemployment list.
Credit for Prior Service. An employee who is laid off and subsequently reemployed shall be reinvested with credit for prior service on the record at the point of separation for purposes of salary step placement, vacation, sick leave, and longevity.
Credit for Prior Service. In addition to the reinstatement language in this Article, an employee who has a break in service of more than one (1) year may request prior service credit for previous employment with the University, provided that:
Credit for Prior Service. An employee, following reinstatement or re- employment within two years after separation, will, upon request, receive credit for prior service in computing sick leave credits. These credits will only apply to severance pay benefits and only after such employee has accumulated sufficient sick leave credits following reinstatement or re-employment to qualify for minimum severance pay benefits. No such credit will be applied to an employee reinstated or re-employed for the second or subsequent time.
Credit for Prior Service. When credit for prior service is agreed upon, the terms 42 of hire will state the number of years of credit granted and the earliest date for promotion 43 eligibility. Teaching, scholarship, research, and creative activity completed by the bargaining 44 unit faculty member during the period of prior service will receive full consideration during 45 the promotion process if the bargaining unit member elects the earliest date for promotion
Credit for Prior Service. An Employee or prospective employee whose services have been terminated through severance or retrenchment and at the date of such termination, had an entitlement to long service leave accrued and not already taken or paid in lieu, shall upon re-employment under this Agreement, subject to prevailing legislation, be given credit for such prior service.
Credit for Prior Service. When credit for prior service is agreed upon, the terms 42 of hire will state the number of years of credit granted, the earliest date for tenure 43 consideration, and the required date for tenure consideration. Scholarship, research, creative 44 activity, and teaching completed by the bargaining unit faculty member during the period of 45 prior service will receive full consideration during the promotion and tenure process if the 3 research, and creative activity completed prior to arrival at the university will be of secondary 4 consideration during the promotion and tenure process. Should the bargaining unit faculty 5 member choose to use some, but not all of the credit for prior service, the focus of the review 6 of teaching, scholarship, research, and creative activity will adjust appropriately so that, for 7 example, four years of full-time appointment at the University would mean that at most two 8 years of prior service will receive full consideration.
Credit for Prior Service. If a person was employed with another government agency immediately prior to his/her appointment to a City position, full or partial credit may be allowed by the City Manager for that service time in establishing the employee's accrual rate.
Credit for Prior Service. Each Transferred Employee will receive service credit for all periods of employment with SLI or any Affiliate of SLI or any predecessor thereof prior to the Closing Date to the same extent and for all purposes under any employee benefit plan of Supernus or any Affiliate of Supernus in which such employee participates after the Closing (including the Transferred Plans), to the extent that such service was recognized under any analogous plan of SLI or any Affiliate of SLI in effect immediately prior to the Closing (including the Transferred Plans). For the avoidance of doubt, Supernus may establish any service requirements for any employee benefit plans implemented after Closing which are additional and not analogous to any plan of SLI or any Affiliate of SLI in effect immediately prior to the Closing, including any additional equity-based or non-qualified deferred compensation plans. In addition, Supernus reserves the right to change all employee benefit plan rules, except as prohibited by law and as limited under Section 9.01.