Personal Statement. Please write a detailed paragraph (a minimum of 6 lines) describing your day-to-day duties and responsibilities within your current working role; summarise how you plan to complete the coursework required of you each week in your working hours.
Personal Statement. Students who are enrolling in ICL Graduate Business School are strongly recommended to provide their opinions/decision to study at ICL. Please take some time to explain;
Personal Statement. A 3-6 page personal statement developed by the bargaining 36 unit faculty member evaluating his or her performance measured against the 37 applicable criteria for tenure and promotion. The personal statement should 38 expressly address the subjects of teaching; scholarship, research, and creative 39 activity; and service contributions to the academic department, center or institute, 40 school or college, university, profession, and the community. The statement 41 should also include discussion of contributions to institutional equity and inclusion. 42
Personal Statement. A 2-6 page personal statement developed by the bargaining unit 3 criteria for promotion. The personal statement should expressly address the subjects of 4 teaching; scholarship, research and creative activity; and service contributions to the 5 academic department, center or institute, school or college, university, profession, and 6 the community. The statement should also include discussion of contributions to 7 institutional equity and inclusion. 9 • Teaching portfolio (if applicable): Representative examples of course syllabi or 10 equivalent descriptions of course content and instructional expectations for courses 11 taught by the bargaining unit faculty member, examples of student work and exams, and 12 similar material. 14 • Scholarship portfolio (if applicable): A comprehensive portfolio of scholarship, 15 research and creative activity; and appropriate evidence of national or international 16 recognition or impact. 18 • Service portfolio (if applicable): Evidence of the bargaining unit faculty member’s 19 service contributions to his or her academic department, center or institute, school or 20 college, university, profession, and the community, such as op ed pieces, white papers 21 authored or co-authored by the faculty member, commendations, awards, or letters of 22 appreciation. The portfolio may also include a short narrative elaborating on the faculty 23 member’s unique service experiences or obligations. 25 • Professional activities portfolio (if applicable): A comprehensive portfolio of 26 professional or consulting activities related to his or her discipline. 28 • Internal and/or external reviewers (if applicable): A list of qualified internal 29 and/or external reviewers provided by the bargaining unit faculty member.
Personal Statement. Briefly describe why the individual’s experience and qualifications make him/her particularly well suited for his/her role (e.g., PD/PI) in the project that is the subject of the award. • Section B (required) Positions and Honors. List in chronological order previous positions, concluding with the present position. List any honors. Include present membership on any Federal Government public advisory committee. • Section C (optional) Peer-reviewed publications or manuscripts in press (in chronological order). You are encouraged to limit the list of selected peer-reviewed publications or manuscripts in press to no more than 15. Do not include manuscripts submitted or in preparation. The individual may choose to include selected publications based on date, importance to the field, and/or relevance to the proposed research. Citations that are publicly available in a free, online format may include URLs along with the full reference (note that copies of publicly available publications are not acceptable as appendix material). • Section D (optional) Other Support. List both selected ongoing and completed (during the last 3 years) projects (federal or non-federal support). Begin with any projects relevant to the project proposed in this application. Briefly indicate the overall goals of the projects and responsibilities of the Senior/Key Person identified on the Biographical Sketch. NARRATIVE GUIDANCE To ensure that you fully address the review criteria, this table provides a crosswalk between the narrative language and where each section falls within the review criteria.
Personal Statement. A 2-6 page personal statement developed by the bargaining unit 3 criteria for promotion. The personal statement should expressly address his or her 4 impact and contribution to research excellence relative to their job duties. This statement 5 should also include discussion of contributions to institutional equity and inclusion. 7 • Scholarship portfolio (if applicable): A comprehensive portfolio of scholarship, 8 research and creative activity; and appropriate evidence of national or international 9 recognition or impact. 11 • Service portfolio (if applicable): Evidence of the bargaining unit faculty member’s 12 service contributions to his or her academic department, center or institute, school or 13 college, university, profession, and the community, such as op ed pieces, white papers 14 authored or co-authored by the faculty member, commendations, awards, or letters of 15 appreciation. The portfolio may also include a short narrative elaborating on the faculty 16 member’s unique service experiences or obligations. 18 • Professional activities portfolio (if applicable): A comprehensive portfolio of 19 professional or consulting activities related to his or her discipline. 21 • List of reviewers (if applicable): A list of qualified internal and/or external 22 reviewers provided by the bargaining unit faculty member. Normally, external 23 reviews are not expected for those in the research assistant ranks.
Personal Statement. Compose a 500 word personal statement on a subject of your choice
Personal Statement. Demonstrates interest in non-curatorial museum practice
Personal Statement. I am the Director of the Office of Informatics and Data Systems at the Utah Department of Health & Human Services and I lead a team of informatics professionals who provide informatics domain expertise, project management, and consulting on innovative data analysis, integration, and interoperability projects that involve diverse professionals across the Utah Department of Health & Human Services, other state and federal government agencies, and the healthcare industry. I will be responsible for the overall coordination and supervision of Utah Department of Health’s participation in the University of Utah Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI). I will also attend CTSI leadership meetings and provide update reports. I have a broad background in biomedical informatics, with specific training and expertise on public health data, standards, informatics, innovation, human-centered design, public health programs, processes, procedures and policies of the Utah Department of Health & Human Services. I oversee the Department’s Master Person Index, that deduplicates and links several internal and external data sources. I have led several CDC funded grants focused on exploring innovative solutions and standards for public health information exchange. I was part of the Covid-19 response team for the State of Utah and have received letters of recognition from Governor Xxxxxxx X.Xxx for exhibiting excellence in public service.
Personal Statement. Please attach a one page typed or handwritten personal statement on a separate piece of paper addressing the questions below: