DATA ADJUSTMENTSCapitation rates were developed from a blending of historical calendar year 2014 encounter and cost report data. Adjustments were made to the base experience for data credibility, completion, reimbursement changes, and other program adjustments. i. Credibility adjustment The base experience data was developed based on blending calendar year 2014 cost report and encounter data at the rate cell level using a 90% (cost report) / 10% (encounter) weighting. As discussed later in this section, known encounter data issues were addressed prior to blending the two data sources. Aggregate expenditures in the encounter data were approximately 10% less than those reported in the cost report data prior to addressing known encounter data issues. While the encounter data is underreported relative to cost reports, it is the only source of member and claim level experience. We believe it is an appropriate source of utilization and expenditures for the MMC program, which is why it is assigned a credibility of 10% after addressing known encounter data quality issues. It is our goal to increase the weighting of the encounter data in the development of capitation rates in rates periods after calendar year 2016 by addressing any data quality issues in conjunction with ODM. ii. Completion adjustment The capitation rates are based on calendar year 2014 experience. Encounter data is paid through June 30, 2015, while cost report data is paid through March 31, 2015. Separate sets of completion factors for the two data sources were developed by summarizing encounter data and applying traditional actuarial techniques to develop estimates of incurred but not paid (IBNP) liability. First, we stratified the data by category of service and population groupings. Claims for each of these population-service category stratifications were analyzed and formed into lag triangles by paid and incurred month. Claim completion factors were developed for each month of the base experience period, based on historical completion patterns. The monthly completion factors were applied to calendar year 2014 experience to estimate the remaining claims liability for the calendar year. Results were aggregated into annual completion factors for each calendar year. iii. Errors found in the data Through discussions with ODM and our independent review of the data, we were made aware and confirmed several encounter data quality concerns. After applying the adjustments, the aggregate encounter data expenditures were...
DATA ADJUSTMENTS. Should the MPF Provider make any adjustments to the data pertaining to any of the MPF Xtra Mortgages, such adjustments shall be the responsibility of the PFI just as the PFI would be responsible for adjustments made for Mortgages held by the Bank.
DATA ADJUSTMENTSCapitation rates were developed from CY 2015 program-wide Opt-In and Opt-Out cost report data with claims runout through March 31, 2016. The base data year adjustments include claims completion adjustments, regional smoothing adjustments, opt-in/opt-out selection adjustments, retrospective program adjustments, and other program adjustments.
DATA ADJUSTMENTSCapitation rates were developed from historical FFS data, incurred from May 1, 2013 to April 30, 2014, and paid through August 31, 2015. The primary base data year adjustments include completion adjustments, reimbursement adjustments, and other program adjustments. i. Credibility adjustment The MyCare eligible populations, in aggregate, were considered fully credible. No adjustments were made for credibility in the aggregate; however we did implement data smoothing among population groups and regions as discussed in a later section of this report. ii. Completion adjustment The base data year includes 12 months of incurred claims, with 16 additional months of claim payments. To develop the completion factors, we used an additional 16 months of earlier historical experience. This allowed us to analyze payment completion patterns in the earlier experience and apply it to the base year data. iii. Errors found in the data No material errors were found in the data. iv. Program change adjustments The base data year represents a historical time period from which projections were developed. We reviewed prior rate setting documentation and other materials from ODM to identify program changes that were implemented during the base data period. To the extent the program adjustments were estimated to have a material impact on MCOP service or administrative costs, an adjustment was considered for the calendar year 2016 rate development process. Adjustments were made to the portion of the base data prior to the implementation of each program change in order to ensure the entire base period was on a consistent basis. Relevant historical program changes are discussed below. Program changes have been grouped into three categories: nursing facility (NF), HCBS waivers, and other medical, as summarized below. Other base data year changes are also described.
DATA ADJUSTMENTSCapitation rates were developed from a blending of historical CY 2015 encounter and cost report data. Adjustments were made to the base experience for data credibility, completion, reimbursement changes, and other program adjustments. i. Credibility adjustment The base experience data was primarily developed based on blending CY 2015 cost report and encounter data at the rate cell level using a 75% (cost report) / 25% (encounter) weighting. As discussed later in this section, known data issues were addressed prior to blending the two data sources. Aggregate expenditures in the encounter data were approximately 10% lower than those reported in the cost report data prior to addressing known data issues. After the application of the data adjustments, composite encounter claims were within 1% of aggregate cost report claims on a PMPM basis. We believe it is an appropriate source of utilization and expenditures for the MMC program, which is why it is assigned a credibility weighting of 25% after addressing known data quality issues. It is our goal to increase the weighting of the encounter data in the development of capitation rates in rates periods after CY 2017 by addressing any data quality issues in conjunction with ODM.
DATA ADJUSTMENTS. The CY 2019 Opt-In capitation rates were developed from the projected benefit expenses underlying the Opt-Out capitation rates (baseline Medicaid data). The baseline Medicaid data was adjusted for the following factors: • Selection adjustments • Application of non-benefit expenses • Application of 4% joint savings as required under demonstration year 5 Selection The baseline Medicaid data was adjusted using selection factors to reflect the estimated health status and corresponding utilization of the Opt-In population relative to the Opt-Out population. The selection factors are consistent with those used in the Original certification III. Non-Benefit Expenses Care management and administrative expenses have been calculated by rate cell and region for the baseline Medicaid data, and are applied as PMPMs consistent with the PMPMs associated with the baseline Medicaid data. Refer to the Opt-Out rate certification for additional information related to the development of the care management and administrative expenses. The provision for margin includes items such as cost of capital, risk mitigation, contingency, underwriting gain, and profit. Consistent with the Original certification, we applied a 3% margin to the Opt-In capitation rates.


  • True-Up Adjustments From time to time, until the Retirement of the Recovery Bonds, the Servicer shall identify the need for True-Up Adjustments and shall take all reasonable action to obtain and implement such True-Up Adjustments, all in accordance with the following:

  • Market Adjustments Neither this Article nor any other in this Collective Agreement prevents the Employer from using other funds to increase a Member’s salary in response to offers received from other employers or to accommodate other market forces.

  • Cost Adjustments Both parties agree that contracted prices shall be fixed for the first 12 months of this Contract. Contractor must submit to District any proposed cost adjustments at least 60 days before the proposed effective date of such increases with a detailed explanation for each adjustment. District alone reserves the right to reject any changes to this Contract it deems unacceptable.

  • Audit Adjustment If any audit of the records, books or accounts relating to the Properties discloses an overpayment or underpayment of Management Fees, Owner or Manager shall promptly pay to the other party the amount of such overpayment or underpayment, as the case may be. If such audit discloses an overpayment of Management Fees for any fiscal year of more than the correct Management Fees for such fiscal year, Manager shall bear the cost of such audit.

  • Pricing Adjustments a. In the event an adjustment is made to the computation of the net asset value of Fund shares as reported to Insurance Company under paragraph 7, (1) the correction will be handled in a manner consistent with SEC guidelines and the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended and (2) the Funds or Transfer Agent shall notify Insurance Company as soon as practicable after discovering the need for any such adjustment. Notification may be made in the following manner:

  • CPI Adjustment If the CPI Percentage Increase (as defined below) is more than [***] for the relevant Adjustment Period, then the Rent payable during that Adjustment Period shall be adjusted upward by a percentage equal to the CPI Percentage Increase (as defined below) applicable to such Adjustment Period, but not to exceed an adjustment during any Adjustment Period of greater than [***]. The term “Consumer Price Index” shall mean the unadjusted Consumer Price Index for All Urban Workers, U.S. City Average, All Items, 1982-84=100, calculated and published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. The “CPI Percentage Increase” shall mean, with respect to any Adjustment Period, [***]. For the avoidance of doubt, no CPI Adjustment shall be made to any payment due under this Ground Lease for any Adjustment Period if the result of such CPI Adjustment would be to (a) reduce the amount of such payment to an amount that is less than the amount of such payment due for the immediately preceding Adjustment Period or (b) to raise the amount of such payment to an amount that is greater than [***]. For illustrative purposes only, [***]. The CPI Percentage Increase for any Adjustment Period shall be calculated by the Tenant, and the Tenant shall deliver written notice to the Landlord describing such calculation in reasonable detail (a “CPI Notice”) no later than thirty (30) days after the commencement of any Adjustment Period. If the Landlord disagrees with the Tenant’s calculation of the CPI Percentage Increase, then the Landlord shall deliver to the Tenant written notice, describing the basis for such disagreement in reasonable detail (a “CPI Disagreement Notice”), not later than thirty (30) days after delivery of the CPI Notice. If the Landlord fails to deliver a CPI Disagreement Notice within thirty (30) days after delivery of any CPI Notice, then the Landlord shall be conclusively deemed to have agreed with the calculation of the CPI Percentage Increase set forth in such CPI Notice.

  • Market Adjustment The parties to this Agreement recognize the appropriateness of market pay adjustments in rare instances for compelling reasons. To effectuate judgments in such cases, the President and AAUP Chapter President, in consultation, shall each name three (3) individuals to a university Market Evaluation Committee. Deans may submit recommendations for market pay adjustments with supporting written reasons to the Committee. Said Committee shall consult with the President concerning proposed market pay adjustments reporting its advice not later than May 15 in each year. Upon the favorable recommendation of the President and the BOR President, market pay adjustments may be approved effective at the beginning of that pay period including September 1 of the following year. Not more than one (1) market pay adjustment per one hundred (100) full-time members, or fraction thereof, may be recommended in any contract year. A member’s salary may not be increased beyond the maximum for the rank. Funding for this program shall be governed by Article 12.10.2.

  • Payment Adjustments Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Article 3, any payment pursuant to this Article: (a) shall be subject to (i) any delay in payment or reduction required by Section 5.2 hereof, and (b) shall be subject to a set-off equal to the gross amount of any current or deferred compensation, including wages, salary, fees, benefits, tangible or intangible property or ownership rights or interests or other property rights, received by Executive or which he becomes entitled to receive in the future as remuneration for services to any Person, business or other entity as a result of, or in exchange for, any work or services performed, or any intellectual property conveyed by Executive, during the Restricted Period (“Remuneration”), provided that the foregoing provision shall in no way limit or impair Executive’s obligations or the Bank’s rights under Article 3 or Article 4 of this Agreement. Executive understands and agrees that the Bank’s set-off rights will accrue, and any set-off pursuant to this provision will be applied to any non-compete payments due (or previously paid or accrued), after the earlier of Executive’s receipt or accrual of Remuneration (the Set-off Date), and if Executive is not entitled to further payments under this Agreement, Executive agrees to refund the setoff amount in full to the Bank within fourteen (14 days) of Executive’s Certification reporting such remuneration or the Set-off Date, whichever is later.

  • Royalty Adjustments The following adjustments shall be made, on a Licensed Product-by-Licensed Product and country-by-country basis, to the royalties payable pursuant to this Section 5.5:

  • Year-End Adjustment If necessary, on or before the last day of the first month of each fiscal year, an adjustment payment shall be made by the appropriate party in order that the actual Fund Operating Expenses of a Fund for the prior fiscal year (including any reimbursement payments hereunder with respect to such fiscal year) do not exceed the Operating Expense Limit.