Debit Orders Sample Clauses
Debit Orders. 5.3.1. The advertiser must sign a bank debit order instruction authority that allows Mooi Troues to deduct the monthly subscription fee from the advertiser’s bank account.
5.3.2. Should the debit order return unpaid; an unpaid penalty fee of R 50.00 per unpaid debit order will be billed to the advertiser’s next invoice and will be deducted with the next month’s debit order including the outstanding unpaid amount.
5.3.3. Should the debit order return unpaid for the second consecutive month, the advertiser will receive an instruction via e-mail to pay the outstanding invoices as well unpaid penalty fees charged via EFT within 7 days. Should the advertiser not pay these outstanding invoices as well as the unpaid penalty fee, the advertiser’s contract will be cancelled, and the advertiser will be liable to pay the outstanding balance of this contract in full as well as the interest that will be charged on overdue invoices.
Debit Orders. 9.5.1 TopCo may, at its sole instance, agree to the Client making payment by way of debit order. In this instance, the Client will enter into a written debit order mandate as provided with the Booking Form. By signing the debit order mandate and accepting these Terms and Conditions, the Client authorises TopCo to draw the agreed to amount against the Client’s nominated bank account. This authorisation is to remain in force until terminated or changed by TopCo or the Client in terms of the agreement. The Client accepts that TopCo may debit its account on a date other than specified. If there are insufficient funds in the nominated account to meet the monthly payment due, TopCo is entitled to track the Client’s account and present the instruction for payment as soon as sufficient funds are available.
9.5.2 The debit order mandate will remain in force until the agreement for the Deliverables or Services is cancelled, subject to the condition that the Client agrees that debits related to cancellation penalties will be honoured before the expiration of the debit mandate. The Client understands that it will not be entitled to reclaim any amount which has been withdrawn from its account in terms of the debit order mandate if such amounts were legally owing to TopCo.
9.5.3 The Client agrees that TopCo may cede, delegate or assign any of its rights or obligations in terms of the debit order mandate without the Client’s consent to TopCo’s affiliates or any successor of all or substantially all of the business or assets of TopCo, provided that TopCo must notify the Client of such event within a reasonable time of it occurring. The Client acknowledges that it may not cede, delegate or assign any of its rights and obligations in terms of the debit order mandate to any third party without the prior written consent of TopCo.
9.5.4 In the event that TopCo agrees to receive payment by debit order, the Client will commit a material breach of this agreement if the Client cancels such debit order without the written consent of TopCo or changes its banking details on which the debit order relies, without giving TopCo prior notification of such change and providing TopCo with correct banking details.
Debit Orders. 16.8.1. In the event we require payment from you for the Solution by debit order, you will be in breach of the Merchant Agreement if you: cancel the debit order without our consent; or change your Nominated Account without providing us with prior written notice of the change and the details of your new Nominated Account.
16.8.2. You hereby irrevocably authorise us and provide us with the necessary permission to debit your Nominated Account with the following: the Charges; any refund due to a Customer, as per the terms of the applicable Solution Schedule; adjustments for any errors; reversals of invalid transactions; adjustments in respect of fraudulent entries; any penalty levied by a Bank, regulator, Card Association or Alternative Service Provider for the contravention of its regulations and/or operational risk parameters; and chargebacks processed in respect of Card Association Payment Instruments, as per the terms of the applicable Solution Schedule.
Debit Orders. 5.1. If the Tenant signs a debit order in favour of the Landlord then:
5.1.1. the Tenant warrants that there are, and will continue to be, sufficient funds in the bank account for the payment of the debit order, throughout the duration of this lease.
5.1.2. the Tenant shall pay the Landlord an administration fee of R100.00 for each debit order returned unpaid, which administration fee shall be in addition to and does not form part of the rental or any other amount owing by the Tenant in terms of this lease.
Debit Orders. Should the debit order not go through; an admin charge of R 50 will be billed to your next Invoice. E-mail our finance department to arrange how the outstanding debit order will be paid.
Debit Orders. Where a debit order is used to pay the Fees, the Client will receive the agreed number of Lessons every month until the debit order is cancelled. In the event that the agreed number of Lessons are not used in a particular month, the Client and Top Tutors shall agree to suspend the Lessons and carry the Lessons forward to be used by the Client in the future in terms of clause 7.3 and subject to the terms of this Agreement.
Debit Orders. This section applies if you elect to pay us via debit order.
11.1. If you wish to pay us by debit order, you have inform us hereof in the application form. You may also call us to elect to pay through a debit order.
11.2. You authorise us (and mandate your bank) to deduct from your bank account your monthly payments, as well as any other amount that may be due from time to time by you to us in terms of this agreement. If your account is in arrears, you authorise us (and mandate your bank) to also deduct such arrear amount, through an additional once-off debit order.
11.3. The amount deducted will vary every month depending, but will never exceed what is due and payable.
11.4. We may track your account and re-present the instruction for payment as soon as sufficient funds are available. If your debit order is still unpaid by your bank, you must pay the minimum amount due as indicated on your statement directly to us by the due date in order to keep your account from going into arrears.
11.5. If your debit order authorisation lapses for any reason determined by your bank, you must contact us to provide us with a new debit order authorisation if you want to continue paying by means of a debit order.
11.6. If your payment day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or recognised South African public holiday, the payment day will automatically be adjusted to the business day after your usual payment date.
11.7. If you wish to cancel your debit order, you must advise us hereof by calling us and giving us at least 30 days’ notice. Cancelling your debit order does not simultaneously cancel this agreement. If you cancel your debit order, you are not entitled to any refund for any deductions made when the mandate was active if such amounts were lawfully owed to us.
11.8. This debit order authority and mandate may be ceded or assigned to a third party if the agreement is also transferred to the third party.
11.9. Your debit order agreement reference number is your account number.
Debit Orders. Megafibre’s debit orders are processed once a month, typically on the first working day of each month ( please take note that we xxxx pro rata in advance) Should a customer’s monthly debit order return as rejected for any reason, a rejection fee of R51.00 will incur and this will immediately be billed as a separate invoice. Upon signing up with Megafibre, the client agrees to any additional relevant charges to their products that are not included in their monthly service invoice. This includes any top up invoices generated for Internet xxxxxxxxxx.Xx all invoices are automatically e-mailed immediately after they are generated, it is the client’s responsibility to contact Megafibre should they have any queries relating to an invoice upon receipt thereof.
Debit Orders credit card payments and Internet Banking are the preferred methods of payment for fees. Banking details are as follows:
Debit Orders. 3.3.1 NEOFBIRE's Debit Orders are processed once a month, generally NEOFIBRE will process such Debit Orders on the first working day of each calendar month of the year (Kindly Take Note that NEOFIBRE will render invoices pro rata in advance).
3.3.2 Note that NEOFIBRE reserves the right to change the date and/or day of the month on which NEOFIBRE processes the Debit Orders.
3.3.3 Note that for new Subscribers the initial debit order amount may include but is not limited to: 3.
3.3.1. The First month's subscription for services. a pro rata invoice will be generated. In the event that the activation date occurs after the 25th of that calendar month it will not be included in the Debit Order batch for that particular month. NOTE that the above mentioned Payments must be made via EFT.