Departmental Liaison Officer Allowance. An employee who performs the duties of Departmental Liaison Officer and attends for duty at the office of a Minister or Assistant Minister for the whole of the employee’s ordinary hours of duty on a day is entitled to an allowance for that day based upon the annual rate of allowance as follows: $21 651 $22 084 $22 305 An employee who temporarily performs work in a position normally filled by an employee engaged under the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 is entitled to an allowance and other conditions. For more information about the conditions, employees should consult the AGD Employee Relations Advice Allowances.
Departmental Liaison Officer Allowance. 33.1 An employee who performs the duties of Departmental Liaison Officer, and attends for duty at the Office of a Minister for the ordinary hours of duty on a day, is entitled, in respect of that day, to be paid an allowance at the annual rate of $18687 (and $19061 from 21 June 2012, $19252 from 3 January 2013 and $19637 from 20 June 2013).
Departmental Liaison Officer Allowance. An employee who performs the duties of Departmental Liaison Officer (DLO) is entitled to be paid the following allowance per annum in recognition of the long hours of duty expected, and in lieu of overtime payments, flex-time, TOIL and meal provisions: Year 1 # $17,699 Year 2 $18,053 Year 3 $18,414
Departmental Liaison Officer Allowance. An employee who performs the duties of Departmental Liaison Officer and attends for duty at the office of a Minister for the whole of the ordinary hours of duty on a day will be paid pro-rata on a fortnightly basis an allowance of $20,577 per annum in lieu of overtime and flextime. The allowance is payable during periods of leave. The rate of the allowance will be updated in accordance with clauses 3.2(b) and 3.2(c).
Departmental Liaison Officer Allowance. An employee who works as a Departmental Liaison Officer in the office of the Minister or Assistant Minister associated with the Department is entitled to be paid a Departmental Liaison Officer allowance. STUDY SUPPORT
Departmental Liaison Officer Allowance. 26.1 An employee who performs the duties of Departmental Liaison Officer, and attends for duty at the Office of a Minister for the ordinary hours of work on a day, is entitled, in respect of that day, to be paid an allowance in accordance with Attachment A, Schedule 4.
26.2 The payment of the allowance will count towards payment for overtime.
Departmental Liaison Officer Allowance. 23.1. An employee who performs the role of Departmental Liaison Officer (DLO) is entitled to be paid an allowance in recognition of the long hours of duty expected, and in lieu of restriction and overtime payments, flex-time, TOIL and meal allowances.
23.2. An employee who undertakes the duties of DLO in the absence of the substantive occupant will be entitled to be paid a pro-rated DLO allowance if the period of acting in the role extends beyond five continuous working days. Further information is contained in the HRM.
Departmental Liaison Officer Allowance. 35.1 The Secretary may approve payment of an annual allowance to an employee who performs the duties of Departmental Liaison Officer in the office of a Minister or Parliamentary Secretary.
35.2 An employee receiving the Departmental Liaison Officer Allowance will not be entitled to overtime in accordance with subsection 59.
35.3 The annual rate of the Departmental Liaison Officer allowance is set out in the table below. The allowance will be paid fortnightly in accordance with an equivalent formula as the fortnightly pay formula detailed in clause 15.1. From commencement of the Agreement $21,617 From the first anniversary of the Agreement $22,049 From the second anniversary of the Agreement $22,269
Departmental Liaison Officer Allowance. 62.1. Departmental liaison officers will receive an annual allowance paid fortnightly. The allowance is $18,000 per annum from commencement of this Agreement.
Departmental Liaison Officer Allowance. A DSS employee who performs the duties of Departmental Liaison Officer and attends for duty at the office of a Minister for the whole of the ordinary hours of duty on a day will be paid pro-rata on a fortnightly basis an allowance of $20,174 per annum in lieu of overtime or flextime. The allowance is payable during periods of leave.