Stage 2. If not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Stage 1, the Federation may file within seven (7) days Stage 2 of the Grievance Report with the Assistant Superintendent of Operations. The Assistant Superintendent of Operations shall meet with the grievant. Within fourteen (14) days after the filing of the grievance at Stage 2, the Assistant Superintendent of Operations shall indicate the disposition by completing Stage 2 of the Grievance Report and returning it to the grievant. The Federation shall be notified as to the disposition of the grievance.
Stage 2. (a) The employee may file a grievance in writing with his/her supervisor specifying the clause or clauses in this Agreement alleged to have been violated.
(b) The supervisor shall complete an investigation of the grievance and provide the grievor with his/her written decision within fifteen (15) days of receiving the grievance. The investigation may include a meeting with the employee affording him/her an opportunity to be heard.
Stage 2. (a) If the grievance is not resolved to the satisfaction of the grievor at Stage 1, the grievor, a Union Xxxxxxx or the Branch Local President may, within 5 Business Days of the date on which the immediate Supervisor’s reply was or should have been given, deliver the written grievance to the Supervisor’s immediate supervisor.
(b) The Supervisor’s immediate supervisor, or designate, shall arrange to meet with the grievor and the grievor’s immediate Supervisor to discuss the merits of the grievance. The grievor shall be accompanied by a Union Xxxxxxx and the Branch Local President.
Stage 2. If the grievance is not resolved at Stage 1, the grievor may submit the grievance to the Executive Director, or his designee, who shall hold a meeting with the grievor and his/her union representative at a mutually agreeable time within ten (10) days of receipt of the request. The Executive Director shall deliver his/her decision in writing within ten (10) days of the meeting. If the grievance is not resolved at Stage 2, the grievor may submit his/her grievance to arbitration as set out below.
Stage 2. If a satisfactory decision is not rendered within the time limits of Stage 1, the Union may, within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Stage 1 decision or forty four (44) days from the date of the Stage 1 hearing if a decision has not been provided, refer the written grievance to the Associate Vice-President, People and Resources, or designate. The grievance shall be heard at Stage 2 within thirty (30) days. A written decision shall be rendered by the Associate Vice-President, People and Resources, or designate, within fourteen (14) days of the meeting.
Stage 2. Contract Arrangement
Stage 2. The employee may file a grievance in writing with the Manager to whom his immediate supervisor reports. The Manager, after meeting with the Griever, and a Xxxxxxx shall give the Griever his or her decision in writing within five (5) working days of the Grievance being filed.
Stage 2. Within five (5) normal working days after notification of grievance is received by the Fire Chief, the aggrieved firefighter, represented and accompanied by the Grievance Committee, shall meet with the Fire Chief or designate to have the grievance heard. A decision and reason therefore shall be rendered by the Fire Chief within ten (10) working days after this meeting and failing settlement. (1981)(1998)(2001)
Stage 2. If the employee is dissatisfied with the manager’s response or decision, or a decision is not received within a reasonable timeframe, the employee is entitled within seven days of receiving the response or decision, or if no decision is received and a reasonable timeframe has elapsed, to make a written request to the next level of management to review the response or decision. The investigating manager must arrange a conference of the parties within fourteen days of receiving the written request. The investigating manager must provide a written response on the matter within seven days of the conference. If the response does not contain a decision, it must indicate approximately when a decision can be expected.
Stage 2. If the grievance is not resolved at Stage 1, the grievor may submit the grievance to the AVP of Human Resources, or designate, who shall hold a meeting with the grievor and his/her union representative at a mutually agreeable time within ten