Doctoral Thesis. (1) The doctoral thesis must be the candidate's own work. Furthermore, it must be an appropriately formulated and scientifically noteworthy contribution to scientific research. As a rule, the thesis must be written in German. Department-specific provisions can also permit submission of a thesis written in a modern foreign lan- guage. In such cases, a German-language summary must be submitted together with the foreign-language version. Further details are specified in the department- specific provisions.
(2) The thesis must have a title page, a table of contents, a brief summary and a de- tailed bibliography of the sources and references used. A previously published paper by the candidate may be submitted if no more than three years have elapsed since its publication.
(3) The department-specific provisions can specify that multiple contiguous papers by the candidate may be submitted as the thesis if the requirements set out in Sections 1 and 2 are met. In case the research was performed by more than one person, it must be possible to clearly delineate the work carried out by the xxxxx- date for separate evaluation. The department-specific provisions can determine further requirements for a cumulative thesis. The provisions of § 6 Sec. 2 No. 6 shall remain unaffected.
(4) Detailed reports giving reasons for the conclusions reached shall be written by the referees independently of one another and submitted to the Zentrales Prüfungsamt (Central Examination Office) no later than three months following the appointment as referee.
(5) The reports must include the referees' approval or rejection of the thesis. The following evaluation standards shall be applied in the event of approval: excellent = 0 very good = 1 good = 2 satisfactory = 3 Half-marks may be given. The "excellent" grade shall be awarded only if the candidate's work is of particu- larly high quality. The grade for a rejected thesis is as follows: unsatisfactory = 4 A third assessment shall be obtained if the two grades given differ by more than a full grade. Department-specific provisions can specify that a third report shall be obtained if the average grade is 0.5 or higher, as well as that the third report shall be pre- pared by a qualified referee from outside the University of Konstanz if the two referees appointed pursuant to § 7 Sec. 3 are both members of the University of Konstanz staff.
(6) If the thesis is accepted, the Zentrales Prüfungsamt (Central Examination Office) shall inform the rel...
Doctoral Thesis. The doctoral thesis shall be written in (language) An abstract of the doctoral thesis shall be supplied in language). Defence: The defence of the doctoral thesis is to take place in (language)
Doctoral Thesis. The single doctoral thesis is written in [language]. A summary of the doctoral thesis is provided in English and Dutch [and if necessary in an additional language]. For the production of the doctoral thesis, the lay-out prescriptions of the [name partner institution] will be handled. At a minimum, the logos of both partner institutions are to be clearly visible on the front page of the thesis.
Doctoral Thesis. The single doctoral thesis is written in English. A summary of the doctoral thesis is provided in English and Dutch [and if necessary in an additional language]. In the separate appendix for each PhD candidate will be inserted which lay-out prescriptions will be handled for the production of the doctoral thesis. At a minimum, the logos of all partner institutions are to be clearly visible on the front page of the thesis. At all times the Ghent University logo and, if possible, the FFW logo have to figure (in an equally prominent way as the joint institution(s) logo(s)) on the booklet cover of the doctoral dissertation.
Doctoral Thesis. Following the guidelines at the U KN and the rules for writing doctoral thesis in the RTG R3, the thesis of a doctoral researcher enrolled in the RTG R3 should preferentially consist of three manuscripts publishable in international journals, and a general introduction and discussion. One of the manuscripts should have been published or be accepted for publication with the doctoral researcher as first author. The other two manuscripts should be publishable and the doctoral researcher must at least be coauthor. It is expected that the thesis will be written in English, but German is also allowed.
Doctoral Thesis. The Doctoral Thesis will be realised on one of the Joint Doctoral Topics proposed by the two Universities of the co-tutelle. An outline of the thesis’ topic and research agenda will be detailed in the Doctoral Project Plan.
Doctoral Thesis. Xxxxx A, ‘Corporate criminal liability: an analytical study with special reference to penal laws in India’ PhD Thesis, Xxxxx Xxxxxx National University of Law Punjab, 2016
Doctoral Thesis. The Doctoral Thesis will be realised on the following Joint Doctoral Topic proposed by the Home and Host Universities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Doctoral Thesis will be written in English and will contain a summary in English and in the local languages of the Home and Host Universities. The Doctoral Thesis defence (viva voce examination) will be held in English.
Doctoral Thesis. Independently compiled scientific output of the doctoral work. It has to be written in English and should be composed of several single scientific manuscripts with a detailed summary in English and German.
Doctoral Thesis