Health Examination. The University will provide to each member of the bargaining unit a physical examination at the time of employment. Thereafter, an exam will be provided if required by the appropriate accrediting authority or the University or by statute. Staff members returning from medical or disability leave must present a note from the treating physician which indicates the date the staff member was able to return to duty and certifying the staff member’s fitness to return to work full duty. The University may, at its own cost and expense, have a physician of its choosing perform a physical examination of the staff member to ensure fitness and capability to return to work.
Health Examination. When required by the Administration, the employee will submit to a physical examination, stool examination and/or culture including laboratory test, x-rays, inoculations vaccination, it being understood that the expense of such shall be borne by the Hospital and without limiting the generality of the foregoing the employees agree to submit to any examination required from time to time by the Public Hospitals Act, R.S.O. 1982 Reg. 865 and amendments thereto and/or Regulations passed thereunder.
Health Examination. The Employer shall pay the cost for any city, county or state health examination required of employees who are covered by this Agreement.
Health Examination. 27-1 When the District determines that a MBU’s health condition (mental or physical) may be impairing their job performance, the immediate supervisor, site administrator, or Assistant Superintendent, with the concurrence of the Human Resources Department may, with just cause, direct the MBU to have a health examination at District expense. The MBU will be given a copy of the directive which will state the reason(s) for such examination.
Health Examination. When the District determines that an ESP’s health condition (mental or physical) may be impairing his/her job performance, the immediate supervisor, site administrator (or equivalent position), or Assistant Superintendent (or equivalent position), with the concurrence of the Human Resources Department may, with just cause, direct the ESP to have a health examination at District expense. ESPs will be given a copy of the directive which will state the reason(s) for such examination. Following the examination, results will be sent by the Human Resources Department, to the ESP, and immediate supervisor.
Health Examination. 27-1 When the District determines that a MBU's health condition (mental or physical) may be impairing his/her job performance, the immediate supervisor, site administrator, or Regional Assistant Superintendent, with the concurrence of the Human Resources Department may, with just cause, direct the MBU to have a health examination at District expense. The MBU will be given a copy of the directive which will state the reason(s) for such examination. Following the examination, results will be sent by the Human Resources Department to the MBU and immediate supervisor. All communication which results from the implementation of this Article shall be handled in a confidential manner.
Health Examination. 1. Good health as evidenced by a medical examination at the employee’s expense at the time of entry to employment is a condition of employment.
2. A health examination may be required of any employee when deemed advisable by the administration. The employee shall be informed of the health concern and advised of his/her rights to Union representation. Such examination shall be at the Board of Education expense except that such cost shall not include any items covered by the Comprehensive Major Medical Plan. The employee shall, in writing, authorize the examining physician to release the complete results of the examinations to the Human Resources Department. If an employee should choose to have the examination made by a qualified examiner other than the one designated by the Board, the examinations shall be at the employee’s expense. The employee is required to complete a HIPAA compliant authorization to allow the physician’s medical report(s) to be released to the Board. Results and reports of all examinations are required to be part of the confidential personnel records in the Human Resources Department.
3. All bus drivers, yearly, by medical examination, shall furnish evidence that they are physically fit to perform their assigned duty. Such examination shall be performed by the Board appointed doctor. If the Board appointed doctor requires an additional examination by another doctor, expenses shall be incurred by the Board. The employee is required to complete a HIPAA compliant authorization to allow the physician’s medical report(s) to be released to the Board.
Health Examination. 1. If an employee is absent from duty because of illness or injury for more than five (5) consecutive days, the employee must, before returning to duty, submit a written medical clearance and verification of illness or injury from his/her own attending physician. Said verification and clearance must be submitted to his/her immediate Supervisor immediately upon return to service. Nothing in this Article shall be construed to limit management from requiring employees to obtain such medical clearance at any time the District deems necessary.
2. An employee shall be required to report for a health examination to the District's employee health service when, in the judgment of his/her Supervisor, the apparent health condition of the employee warrants it. If the report of the physician shows that an employee in service or returning to service is not medically qualified to perform his/her duties, the employee may be required to take sufficient leave to rehabilitate himself/herself. Written notice of non-approval and the reason therefore shall be provided to the employee together with information concerning the employee's right to appeal to the Office of Employer-Employee Relations for an Administrative Review.
Health Examination. 1. Good health as evidenced by a medical examination is a condition of employment. The medical examination must include a tuberculin test. The cost of the medical examination is to be paid for by the employee.
2. A health examination, at Board cost, shall be required of any employee at any time upon recommendation of the administrative and supervisory personnel in charge.
3. New and currently employed employees who have had a positive reaction to a tuberculin test or who became known to have converted a tuberculin skin test from negative to positive shall have a chest x-ray and any other medical and laboratory examinations deemed necessary by the school physician or the board of health district to determine that there is an absence of tuberculosis in a communicable state.
4. Any employee who submits a written statement from his/her physician saying that such test is inadvisable for medical reasons shall be required to submit such a statement annually or be required to have such test. It shall be the employee’s responsibility to submit the statement to a designated person by a designated date. Noncompliance by an employee in any condition listed in this section within 30 days of the designated date may result in suspension from duty without compensation until the requirements are fulfilled or may be the basis for the termination of employment. The employee is required to complete a HIPAA compliant authorization to allow the physician’s medical report(s) to be released to the Board.
Health Examination. Prior to the start of employment, the Hospital will provide each candidate for employment with a physical examination. Thereafter, an examination will be provided if required or permitted by the appropriate accrediting authority, the Hospital, or by State and/or Federal law.