Eligibility for Paternity Leave. (a) A male employee, upon production to his Company of the certificate required by clause 20.2.4, shall be entitled to one or two periods of paternity leave, the total of which shall not exceed 52 weeks, in the following circumstances:
Eligibility for Paternity Leave. (a) A male officer shall, upon production to his employer of the certificate required by subclause (4) of this clause, be entitled to one or two periods of paternity leave, the total of which shall not exceed 52 weeks, in the following circumstances:
(i) an unbroken period of up to one week at the time of confinement of his spouse;
(ii) a further unbroken period of up to 51 weeks in order to be the primary care giver of a child provided that such leave shall not extend beyond the child’s first birthday. This entitlement shall be reduced by any period of maternity leave taken by the officer’s spouse and shall not be taken concurrently with that maternity leave.
(b) The officer must have had at least twelve months’ continuous service with the employer immediately preceding the date upon which he proceeds upon either period of leave.
Eligibility for Paternity Leave. A male employee, upon production to the Employer of the certificate required by subclause 17.2.16, shall be entitled to one or two periods of paternity leave, the total of which shall not exceed 52 weeks, in the following circumstances: • a period of up to eight weeks at the time of confinement of his/her spouse; • a further unbroken period of up to 51 weeks in order to be the primary care-giver of a child provided that such leave shall not extend beyond the child's first birthday. This entitlement shall be reduced by any period of maternity leave taken by the employee's spouse in relation to the same child and shall not be taken concurrently with that maternity leave.
Eligibility for Paternity Leave. A male employee, upon production to his employer of the certificate required by paragraph (d), shall be entitled to one or two periods of paternity leave, the total of which shall not exceed 52 weeks, in the following circumstances:
(i) an unbroken period of up to one week at the time of confinement of his spouse
(ii) a further unbroken period of up to 51 weeks in order to be the primary caregiver of a child provided that such leave shall not extend beyond the child's first birthday. This entitlement shall be reduced by a period of maternity leave taken by the employee's spouse in relation to the same child and shall not be taken concurrently with that maternity leave. The employee must have had at leave 12 months' continuous service with that employer immediately proceeding the date upon which he proceeds upon either period of leave.
Eligibility for Paternity Leave. A male employee will be eligible for paternity leave where he:-
1. has had at least 12 months continuous service with the employer immediately proceeding the date upon which she takes such leave;
2. produces to his employer the certificate required in 34.2.5; and
3. is not taking paternity leave concurrently with any period of maternity leave taken by the employee’s spouse (apart from maternity leave of up to 1 week at the time of confinement).
Eligibility for Paternity Leave. (a) A male employee, upon production to his employer of the certificate required by clause
Eligibility for Paternity Leave. To be eligible for paternity leave a full time, permanent part-time or eligible casual employee must have completed at least 52 weeks continuous service prior to the expected date of birth of the child.
Eligibility for Paternity Leave. An employee shall, upon production to his employer of the certificate required by paragraph 3.16.4, be entitled to one or two periods of paternity leave, the total of which shall not exceed 52 weeks, in the following circumstances: An unbroken period of up to one week, which includes leave taken pursuant to section 3.14.2 of this Agreement, at the time of confinement of his spouse; A further unbroken period of up to 51 weeks in order to be the primary care-giver of a child provided that such leave shall not extend beyond the child's first birthday. This entitlement shall be reduced by any period of maternity leave taken by the employee's spouse and shall not be taken concurrently with that maternity leave. The employee must have had at least 12 months' continuous service with that employer immediately preceding the date upon which he proceeds upon either period of leave.
Eligibility for Paternity Leave. (A) A male employee, upon production to his employer of the certificate required by subclause 16. b.
Eligibility for Paternity Leave above;
(1) The period of paternity leave provided by paragraph 16. b. iii. (A), above, may be lengthened once only by the employee giving not less than 14 days notice in writing stating the period by which the leave is to be lengthened.
(2) the period may be further lengthened by agreement between the employer and the employee.
(B) The period of paternity leave taken under paragraph 16. b. iii. (B), above, may, with the consent of the employer, be shortened by the employee giving not less than 14 days notice in writing stating the period by which the leave is to be shortened.