EMBANKMENT Sample Clauses

EMBANKMENT. Purchaser shall slope landing embankments to the original construction specifications.
EMBANKMENT. Purchaser shall slope landing embankments to the original construction specifications. Polyethylene culverts must meet AASHTO M‐294 specifications, or ASTM F‐2648 specifications for recycled polyethylene. Culverts must be Type S – double walled with a corrugated exterior and smooth interior.
EMBANKMENT. Purchaser shall slope landing embankments to the original construction specifications. DRAFT Metallic coated steel culverts must meet AASHTO M-36 (ASTM A-760) specifications. Culverts must be galvanized (zinc coated meeting AASHTO M-218).
EMBANKMENTContractor shall slope landing embankments to the original construction specifications.
EMBANKMENT. A. This work shall consist of forming embankments, other than for building pads, with materials from excavation or other approved sources and in conformance with the lines, grades, and cross-section shown on the Drawings. B. Complete the clearing and grubbing of embankment areas in accordance with the requirements of Section 02230, Clearing and Grubbing before placing embankment thereon. C. Conduct all embankment operations in accordance with the requirements of the erosion control plan approved by OWNER. Refer to Section 01570, Erosion Control. D. Use only acceptable materials in embankment formation. Place no frozen material, stumps, logs, roots or other perishable materials in any embankment. Place no stone or masonry fragment greater than 4 inches in any dimension within 12 inches of the finished subgrade elevation. E. Remove topsoil from all embankment areas to a depth of approximately 6 inches, or to a greater depth wherever the soils investigation report so indicates. F. Form soil, soft shale, soft sandstone, weathered rock, bank gravel or creek gravel embankment by distributing the material in successive uniform horizontal layers no more than 12 inches thick (loose depth) to the full width of the cross-section. However, layers less than 12 inches in loose thickness will be required whenever necessary to obtain the specified density. Compact each layer as specified below. Shape the upper surface of the embankment so as to provide complete drainage of surface water at all times. The forming of ruts will not be permitted. G. In embankments constructed principally of unweathered limestone, hard shale or hard sandstone, the layer thickness shall not exceed 2 feet; the maximum dimensions of boulders or large rocks placed in the embankment shall be 2 feet vertically and horizontally. Larger pieces may be placed in the embankment face when permitted by the OWNER. Keep rocks with any dimension greater than 2 feet at least 2 feet below the subgrade elevation. Do not dump the rock into final position, but instead distribute it by blading or dozing in a manner that will ensure proper placement in the embankment so that voids, pockets and bridging will be reduced to a minimum. The slope shall conform substantially to the requirements of the Drawings. H. In areas where layers of rock and shale or soil are encountered and embankments are constructed of a mixture of rock and shale or rock and soil, place, manipulate and compact the material in layers no more than ...
EMBANKMENT. Purchaser shall slope landing embankments to the original construction specifications. ▪ Apply grass seed concurrently with abandonment and in accordance with Section 8 EROSION CONTROL. ▪ Provide and evenly spread a 6-inch layer of straw to all exposed soils associated with stream culvert and puncheon removals, as well as all waste material generated by fill removal that is within 30 feet of excavation limits. ▪ Scatter woody debris onto abandoned road surfaces. ▪ Block roads with earthen barricades in accordance with the attached EARTHEN BARRICADE DETAIL. SECTION 10 MATERIALS
EMBANKMENT. This item consists of any fill material brought on site necessary to provide a complete project. Fill material shall be compacted to 98% density and shall be clean and free of organics, large rocks and vegetative material and shall be of a quality acceptable to the County Inspector. This item does not include the removal and disposal of temporary backfill necessary for concrete formwork. Payment for this item will be per cubic yard (CY) of fill (Truck Measure).
EMBANKMENT. A raised mass of earth or stone built to hold back water or to support a roadway.
EMBANKMENT. ‌ The Contractor will perform embankment work which will include the placement of required embankment for all berms, access road, cell grading, truck turn around pad and general site grading. Work completed shall be done in accordance with Specification 2.3 - Grading unless otherwise stated herein. The berms, access road, cell grading, truck turn around pad and general site grading shall be constructed as shown and specified in the drawings.
EMBANKMENT. Purchaser shall slope landing embankments to the original construction specifications. Purchaser shall decommission the following roads before the termination of this contract.