EMPLOYEE REVIEW AND EMPLOYEE FILES. 21.1 Performance Reviews When a formal assessment of an employee’s performance is made, the employee concerned must be given an opportunity to discuss and then sign the assessment form in question upon its completion to indicate that its contents have been disclosed. A copy of the assessment form will be provided to the employee at that time. An employee’s signature on his or her assessment form will be considered to be an indication only that its contents have been read and shall not indicate the employee’s concurrence with the statements contained on the form. An employee has the right to make written comments to be attached to the performance review form and included in the personnel file of the employee.
EMPLOYEE REVIEW AND EMPLOYEE FILES. 21.1 Performance Review s When a formal assessment of an employee’ s performance is made, the employee concerned must be given an opportunity to discuss and then sign the assessment form in quest ion upon its completion t o indicate that its contents have been disclosed. A copy of the assessment form w ill be provided to the employee at that t ime. An employee’ s signature on his or her assessment form w ill be considered to be an indication only that its contents have been read and shall not indicate the employee’ s concurrence w ith the st atements contained on the form. An employee has the right to make w rit ten comments to be attached to the performance review form and included in the personnel f ile of the employee.
EMPLOYEE REVIEW AND EMPLOYEE FILES. When a formal assessment of an employee’s performance is made, the employee concerned must be given an opportunity to sign the assessment in question upon its completion to indicate that its contents have been read. A copy of the completed assessment form will be provided to the employee at the time. An employee’s signature on their assessment form will be considered to be an indication only that its contents have been read and shall not indicate the employee’s concurrence with the statements contained on the form. The purpose of the formal assessment is to measure an employee’s work performance against established objectives given in advance in writing to the employee prior to the assessment period, to assess strengths and weaknesses and to develop a plan of action with scheduled review periods in cases where an employee is assessed as not meeting the objectives. Prior to an employee performance review the employee shall be given the evaluation form which will be used for the review and any written document which provides instructions to the person conducting the review. If during the employee performance review, either the form or instructions are changed they shall be given to the employee. An employee has the right to make written comments to be attached to the performance review form Upon written request of an employee, the personnel file of that employee shall be made available for their examination in the presence of an authorized representative of the Employer. Upon request, an employee will be given a copy of their personnel file. The Employer shall maintain one (1) personnel file for each employee. There shall be no disciplinary report or other document, relating to an employee’s conduct or performance placed on that file unless a copy of the report or document has been given to the employee.
EMPLOYEE REVIEW AND EMPLOYEE FILES. 21.01 (a) When a formal assessment of an employee’s performance is made, the employee concerned must be given an opportunity to sign the assessment in question upon its completion to indicate that its contents have been read. A copy of the completed assessment form will be provided to the employee at the time. An employee’s signature on their assessment form will be considered to be an indication only that its contents have been read and shall not indicate the employee’s concurrence with the statements contained on the form.
EMPLOYEE REVIEW AND EMPLOYEE FILES. 20.01 When a formal assessment of an employee's performance is made, the employee concerned must be given an opportunity to sign the assessment form in question upon its completion to indicate that its contents have been read. A copy of the completed assessment form will be provided to the employee at that time. An employee's signature on his or her assessment form will be considered to be an indication only that its contents have been read and shall not indicate the employee's concurrence with the statements contained on the form.
20.02 The Employer has the right to conduct employee performance evaluations.
20.03 The purpose of the evaluation is to measure an employee’s work performance against established objectives given in advance in writing to the employee prior to the evaluation period, and to develop a plan of action with scheduled review periods in cases where an employee is assessed as not meeting the objectives. The evaluation document does not comprise disciplinary action as enumerated at Article 23.
20.04 Prior to a formal assessment of an employee’s performance the employee shall be given:
(a) the evaluation form which will be used for the review;
(b) any written document which provides instructions to the person conducting the review;
(c) if during the employee performance review, either the form or instructions are changed they shall be given to the employee.
20.05 An employee has the right to make written comments to be attached to the performance review form.
20.06 On the written request of an employee, the employee’s personnel file, or specified documents from the file, shall either be made available for the employee’s examination in the presence of an authorized representative of the Employer or copies provided. The Employer will respond to the request as soon as reasonably possible and in no case more than ten (10) days from the date the written request is received. There shall only be one personnel file for each employee.
20.07 The Employer shall maintain one (1) personnel file for each employee. There shall be no disciplinary report or other document, relating to an employee’s conduct or performance placed on that file unless a copy of the report or document has been given to the employee in accordance with Article 23.
EMPLOYEE REVIEW AND EMPLOYEE FILES. 21.01 Should a written review be made of an employee's performance, the content of such review shall be discussed with the employee and a copy of the review document shall be given to the employee.
21.02 Should the employee be required to sign the review document, such signature shall not signify that the employee agrees with its content but simply that the employee has read and understands the content.
21.03 An employee who has been the subject of a written performance review shall be entitled to comment, in writing, such review. The employee's comments shall be placed in his/her personal file.
21.04 Upon request, an employee may review his/her personal file in the presence of an authorized representative of the Employer.
EMPLOYEE REVIEW AND EMPLOYEE FILES. 21.01 When a formal assessment of an employee's performance is made, the employee concerned must be given an opportunity to sign the assessment form in question upon its completion to indicate that its contents have been read. A copy of the completed assessment form will be provided to the employee at that time. An employee's signature on his or her assessment form will be considered to be an indication only that its contents have been read and shall not indicate the employee's concurrence with the statements contained on the form.
21.02 An employee has the right to make written comments to be attached to the performance review form.
21.03 Once each calendar year, on the request of an employee, the personnel file, or specified documents from the file, shall be made available for his or her examination in the presence of an authorized representative of the Employer. The Employer will have up to thirty days to respond to the request.
21.04 There shall be no disciplinary report placed on the employee's file unless a copy of the report has been given to the employee. Any disciplinary report shall be withdrawn from the employee's file after two (2) years from its date provided there is no further discipline imposed on the employee. If there is such discipline, all discipline will remain on file for an additional two (2) years from the date of the most recent discipline, provided no additional discipline is imposed.
EMPLOYEE REVIEW AND EMPLOYEE FILES. 22.01 When a formal assessment of an employee's performance is made, the employee concerned must be given an opportunity to sign the assessment form in question upon its completion to indicate that its contents have been read. A copy of the completed assessment form will be provided to the employee at that time. An employee's signature on his or her assessment form will be considered to be an indication only that its contents have been read and shall not indicate the employee's concurrence with the statements contained on the form.
22.02 The Employer's representative(s) who assess an employee's performance must have observed the employee's performance for a period of at least three months.
22.03 The purpose of the formal assessment is to measure an employee’s work performance, to assess strengths and weaknesses, and to provide guidance to the employee in cases where he or she is assessed as requiring improvement. In no case will the evaluation document be used to discipline employees.
22.04 An employee has the right to make written comments to be attached to the performance review form.
22.05 Once each calendar year, on the request of an employee, the personnel file, or specified documents from the file, shall be made available for his or her examination in the presence of an authorized representative of the Division. The Division will have up to thirty days to respond to request.
22.06 All documentation related to allegations of employee misconduct that is subsequently deemed unfounded will be held in a separate file.
22.07 The Employer shall maintain one (1) personnel file for each employee. There shall be no disciplinary report placed on that file unless a copy of the report has been given to the employee in accordance with Article 26.
EMPLOYEE REVIEW AND EMPLOYEE FILES. Should a written review be made of an employee's performance, the content of such review shall be discussed with the employee and a copy of the review document shall be given to the employee.
EMPLOYEE REVIEW AND EMPLOYEE FILES. When a formal assessment of an employee's performance is made, the employee concerned must be given an opportunity to sign the assessment form in question upon its completion to indicate that its contents have been read. A copy of the completed assessment form will be provided to the employee at that time. An employee's signature on his or her assessment form will be considered to be an indication only that its contents have been read and shall not indicate the employee's concurrence with the statements contained on the form. The Employer's who assess an employee's performance must have observed the employee's performance for a period of at least three months.