Evaluation Summaries Sample Clauses

Evaluation Summaries a. Non-tenured bargaining unit members shall be evaluated at least twice each year until acquiring tenure. The first evaluation shall be completed by December 15. All procedures will be completed and the culminating summary will be completed and transmitted to the employee not later than March 1st. b. Tenured bargaining unit members shall be evaluated every 3-5 years. c. Highly qualified tenured bargaining unit members may be evaluated every 5 years in accordance with Board Policy and Education Code. An evaluation shall be completed at least every five years for personnel with permanent status who have been employed at least 10 years with the school district, are highly qualified as defined in 20 U.S.C. Section 7801, and whose previous evaluations rated the employee as meeting or exceeding standards, if the evaluator and the certificated employee being evaluated agree. The certificated employee or the evaluator may withdraw consent at any time. Both the evaluator and the certificated employee must provide written consent annually and note the year of the evaluation cycle. d. The culminating summary will be called the Final Evaluation Summary. All procedures will be completed and the culminating summary will be completed and transmitted to the employee not later than thirty (30) days before the end of the school year. e. The steps to be used in preparing the summaries will be as follows: (1) The evaluator must be provided with results of agreed upon evaluation instruments at least one week prior to a scheduled conference. (2) In working draft form the evaluator shall state his/her opinion as to whether the goals, and/or objectives agreed upon are in the process of being or have been met and shall provide qualifying statements. Such opinions must be based upon (with direct reference to) the evaluation methods used. (3) In written form the evaluator shall state goals and/or objectives upon which, in his/her opinion, agreement should be made for the following year. (4) In conference the evaluator will provide the evaluatee with a copy of the informal evaluation and the parties will discuss areas of agreement and disagreement. The evaluator may or may not elect to give the bargaining unit member a copy of the evaluator’s working draft. (5) The evaluator shall take affirmative action to assist the bargaining unit member in the correction of any cited deficiencies. Such action shall include specific recommendations for improvement and at the discretion of the eva...
Evaluation Summaries 

Related to Evaluation Summaries

  • Evaluation 1. The purposes of evaluation provisions include providing employees with feedback, and employers and employees with the opportunity and responsibility to address concerns. Where a grievance proceeds to arbitration, the arbitrator must consider these purposes, and may relieve on just and reasonable terms against breaches of time limits or other procedural requirements.

  • Evaluations A. District management shall direct the evaluation of all permanent bargaining unit members no less than once every two years and probationary bargaining unit members no less than twice per year. Bargaining unit members who have been employed with VUSD for at least ten (10) years and whose previous evaluation rated the employee as meeting or exceeding standards, may be evaluated at least every five (5) years, if the administrative evaluator and certificated employee being evaluated agree. The certificated employee or the administrative evaluator may withdraw consent of this agreement at any time (EC 44664 (a) (3)). B. The written procedures for evaluations that are currently in effect shall be maintained by the District until the bargaining unit negotiates and ratifies new procedures. The present procedures are in Appendix A. They include: 1. The evaluator shall be an immediate supervisor or any other management or supervisory employee, who is designated by District management. 2. Bargaining unit members may utilize peer review in lieu of management evaluation with principal approval. 3. Those bargaining unit members who are regularly scheduled to be evaluated will be notified by the evaluator no later than October 1st of each school year. Such notice will contain a brief explanation as to the procedures for evaluations 4. One-half of the permanent staff will be formally evaluated each year. a. Pre-Conference Guidelines (for Temporary, Probationary and Permanent Bargaining Unit Members) 1. A pre-conference for bargaining unit members to be evaluated will be held by October 31. The purpose of the pre-conference is to review the Standards for Bargaining Unit Members assignment and to determine the evaluation focus. At that time the evaluator and the bargaining unit member may agree that some elements of the standards are not applicable (NA) to the employee’s assignment and may mark them NA at that time. 2. If there is disagreement about which of the elements is not applicable (NA), the parties may invite the Assistant Superintendent of Certificated Human Resources to assist in resolving the differences. The Assistant Superintendent shall recommend alternatives to the unit member and evaluator.

  • Evaluation Reports Where a formal evaluation of an employee's performance is carried out, the employee shall be provided with a copy to read and review. Provision shall be made on the evaluation form for an employee to sign it. The form shall provide for the employee's signature in two (2) places, one indicating that the employee has read and accepts the evaluation, and the other indicating that the employee disagrees with the evaluation. The employee shall sign in one of the places provided within seven (7) calendar days. No employee may initiate a grievance regarding the contents of an evaluation report unless the signature indicates disagreement with the evaluation. The employee shall receive a copy of the evaluation report at the time of signing. An evaluation report shall not be changed after an employee has signed it, without the knowledge of the employee, and any such changes shall be subject to the grievance procedure.

  • Information Supplementation Prior to the Commercial Operation Date, the Developer and Connecting Transmission Owner shall supplement their information submissions described above in this Article 24 with any and all “as-built” Large Generating Facility information or “as-tested” performance information that differs from the initial submissions or, alternatively, written confirmation that no such differences exist. The Developer shall conduct tests on the Large Generating Facility as required by Good Utility Practice such as an open circuit “step voltage” test on the Large Generating Facility to verify proper operation of the Large Generating Facility’s automatic voltage regulator. Unless otherwise agreed, the test conditions shall include: (1) Large Generating Facility at synchronous speed; (2) automatic voltage regulator on and in voltage control mode; and (3) a five percent change in Large Generating Facility terminal voltage initiated by a change in the voltage regulators reference voltage. Developer shall provide validated test recordings showing the responses of Large Generating Facility terminal and field voltages. In the event that direct recordings of these voltages is impractical, recordings of other voltages or currents that mirror the response of the Large Generating Facility’s terminal or field voltage are acceptable if information necessary to translate these alternate quantities to actual Large Generating Facility terminal or field voltages is provided. Large Generating Facility testing shall be conducted and results provided to the Connecting Transmission Owner and NYISO for each individual generating unit in a station. Subsequent to the Commercial Operation Date, the Developer shall provide Connecting Transmission Owner and NYISO any information changes due to equipment replacement, repair, or adjustment. Connecting Transmission Owner shall provide the Developer and NYISO any information changes due to equipment replacement, repair or adjustment in the directly connected substation or any adjacent Connecting Transmission Owner substation that may affect the Developer Attachment Facilities equipment ratings, protection or operating requirements. The Developer and Connecting Transmission Owner shall provide such information no later than thirty (30) Calendar Days after the date of the equipment replacement, repair or adjustment.

  • Faculty Selection, Supervision, and Evaluation A. Faculty for a dual credit course will be approved and employed by Hill College. The instructor must meet credential requirements of Hill College and minimum requirements as specified by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). Each faculty member assigned to teach an academic course will have a master’s degree plus 18 hours in the specific discipline. Technical course instructors will have at least an associate degree and three years of work experience in the related business or industry. B. Instructors teaching dual credit courses must meet the same standards, review, and approval procedures as full- time, regular Hill College faculty. C. Faculty for a dual credit course who are not a full-time faculty member of Hill College report directly to the appropriate Xxxx of Instruction for the pathway in which the course(s) is being taught. The college shall supervise and evaluate part-time faculty teaching dual credit courses using the same or comparable procedures used for full-time faculty employed by college. D. The performance appraisal process for dual credit instructors will be conducted by the immediate supervisor and reviewed by the second line supervisor prior to the appraisal interview with the employee. The dual credit faculty evaluation process will mirror the evaluation process used at the college for all full-time faculty members and will be done according to the college policy manual. All dual credit faculty will be periodically evaluated using the following means: 1) random classroom observation by the immediate supervisor of that discipline, 2) student evaluations and 3) self-evaluation. E. All Dual Credit faculty instructors will be supervised by the following means: i. When dual credit classes are visited during a classroom observation, supervisors will ask to see items such as the textbook, observe instruction and interaction with students, and request a class syllabus and a sample of class tests, quizzes, labs, and/or projects. ii. Dual Credit instructors are given a self-evaluation form and are asked to fill it out and return the form to their Hill College supervisor. iii. All dual credit instructors are given a master syllabus for the course. The master syllabus provides grading policy and student learning outcomes. iv. All dual credit instructors are required to participate in the assessment process. v. All dual credit instructors are required to certify rosters. vi. All dual credit instructors are required to submit final grades. F. Faculty teaching courses, which result in the award of college credit, will be regularly employed faculty members of Hill College. All faculty selected by Hill College to teach dual credit classes will be considered employees of Hill College and will be compensated by the college in accordance with Hill College policy, procedures, and guidelines. G. Applications for employment and official transcripts from each college or university attended MUST be submitted and approved prior to the start of classes. All paperwork will be kept on file at Hill College.