Permanent Bargaining Unit Members. Permanent bargaining unit members shall be evaluated at least every other year prior to April 30 (see Appendix G-1). The teacher will be notified by November 1 that he/she will be evaluated that school year. Prior to the evaluation, the teacher will review standards, identify focus standards and be ready to discuss his/her self-reflections on the focus standards with the evaluator. The evaluation shall entail at least one formal observation or alternative evaluation review conference that is designed to specifically target the foci for the evaluation period. If a permanent bargaining unit member is marked unsatisfactory for a standard, a work plan will be developed as part of the assistance plan as described in Article XXXI Peer Assistance and Review. The teacher will be evaluated the following year and the focus of the evaluation shall be on that standard and will include formal observations of teaching.
Permanent Bargaining Unit Members. The goals and objectives for assessment shall be contained within the evaluation forms unless prior performance does not meet District standards. In such cases the evaluator may require additional goals and objectives to be written and approved. For each evaluation cycle the evaluator and the teacher will choose two standards as a specific focus. The evaluator may select one of the standards. For teachers with satisfactory evaluations at least one of the two standards will be new each cycle.
Permanent Bargaining Unit Members. A minimum of two conferences between the bargaining unit member and the evaluator shall be held during the year the employee is to be formally evaluated.
1. The pre-conference shall be held by October 31.
2. The spring evaluation conference shall be held 60 days prior to the last regular school day. A written copy of the evaluation will be provided to the permanent bargaining unit member 60 days prior to the last regular school day.
3. Permanent personnel may elect to have another permanent bargaining unit member do their evaluation with their administrator’s approval (see checklist for Peer Review Process). Peer Review must be completed by April 13, if not, the process reverts back to site administrator who has until May 30 to complete Evaluation Process.
Permanent Bargaining Unit Members. A minimum of two conferences between the bargaining unit member and the evaluator shall be held during the year the employee is to be formally evaluated.
1. The pre-conference shall be held by October 31st.
2. The final evaluation conference shall be held 60 days prior to the last regular school day. A written copy of the evaluation will be provided to the permanent bargaining unit member +60 days prior to the last regular school day.
3. Permanent personnel may elect to have another permanent bargaining unit member participate in their evaluation with site administration approval (see checklist for Peer Review Process). Peer Review must be completed by April 13, if not, the process reverts back to site administrator who has until May 30 to complete the evaluation process.
4. For permanent employees, the final evaluation conference will be held no later than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the end of the last regular school day. The evaluator will present the written evaluation and discuss the evaluation with the bargaining unit member. The bargaining unit member must sign the evaluation signifying only that the bargaining unit member has read the document and has been provided the opportunity to attach a written response which shall become part of the permanent record.
Permanent Bargaining Unit Members. 1. Permanent bargaining unit members shall be formally observed and evaluated at least one time during the school year for which the bargaining unit member is identified to be evaluated. The administrator may conduct more observations prior to the final evaluation if the need arises.
2. Administrators may choose to formally observe and evaluate any member before their next scheduled formal observation and evaluation. Procedures outlined within this Article shall apply.
3. Throughout the school year, as determined by the principal (or immediate supervisor in the case of the District Office), formal observation and visitations/walk-throughs may be made by the administrator.
4. In the event that the administrator deems the bargaining unit member is “developing” or is “unsatisfactory” in his/her performance, the administrator will so indicate in a written statement on the observation/ evaluation form, listing suggestions for improvement.
a. The administrator shall confer with the bargaining unit member, making specific recommendations as to areas of improvement, and endeavor to assist him/her with developing strategies and/or resources to address those specific recommendations.
b. Additional observations and review conferences may be conducted as necessary. Review conferences shall be held at a time mutually agreed upon between the bargaining unit member and the administrator.
5. Unless referred to or voluntarily accepted into Peer Assistance and Review (PAR), a bargaining unit member who has received an overall rating of “developing” or “unsatisfactory” shall have an annual evaluation until the evaluation is no longer overall “developing” or “unsatisfactory.”
a. An “unsatisfactory” or “developing” evaluation shall be one in which a majority of Key Elements are marked as “unsatisfactory” or “developing.”
Permanent Bargaining Unit Members. (1) No PT or asterisk ratings shall be given to permanent Bargaining Unit members on the Observation Report (TPE-2A).
Permanent Bargaining Unit Members. Bargaining Unit Members whose last or most current "overall" evaluation (at the time each professional growth request is submitted) indicates a rating of "meets requirements" or "exceedsrequirements."
Permanent Bargaining Unit Members. 10 9.7.1 Permanent bargaining unit members shall be formally observed and evaluated at 11 least one (1) time every two (2) years.
12 Bargaining unit members who have received one overall rating of 13 “distinguished” after gaining permanent status shall have their following 14 formal observation and evaluation deferred for five (5) years.
15 Bargaining unit members who have received an overall rating of 16 “proficient” for two consecutive evaluation cycles after gaining permanent 17 status shall have their following formal observation and evaluation 18 deferred for five (5) years1.
19 Administrators may choose to formally observe and evaluate any 20 bargaining unit member before their next scheduled formal observation 21 and evaluation. Procedures outlined in Section 9.4 through Section 9.5 22 shall apply.
1 Unless referred to or voluntarily accepted into Peer Assistance and Review 2 (PAR), a permanent bargaining unit member who has received an overall 3 rating of “needs improvement” or “unsatisfactory” shall have an annual 4 evaluation until the evaluation is no longer overall “needs improvement”
Permanent Bargaining Unit Members. 9.7.1 Permanent bargaining unit members shall be formally observed and evaluated at least one (1) time every two (2) years.
(A) Bargaining unit members who have received one (1) overall rating of “distinguished” after gaining permanent status shall have their following formal observation and evaluation deferred for five (5) years.
(B) Bargaining unit members who have received an overall rating of “proficient” for two
Permanent Bargaining Unit Members. A permanent bargaining unit member shall be formally evaluated on the Evaluation Form once during the school year in which she/he is to be evaluated (see Appendix H). A permanent bargaining unit member may request at her/his initial conference and shall be granted two (2) formal observations that shall be used in her/his evaluation. The original observation summary (Appendix H) must be completed no later than the third (3rd) week of the third (3rd) quarter of the school year. Written observation summaries shall contain the same content as those for probationary and temporary bargaining unit members. A written evaluation (Appendix I) must be transmitted to the bargaining unit member at least thirty (30) days prior to the last day of school. The bargaining unit member and the evaluator shall meet to discuss the evaluation prior to the last school day of the year.