Evaluator Signature. Date Teacher Signature Date Ohio Teacher Evaluation System Improvement Plan Improvement Plan
Evaluator Signature. Photocopy to Teacher
Evaluator Signature. Date Employee's Comments (optional): Employee Name: Annual 90 Day Date Evaluation is conducted to: Promote a better understanding of job requirements Explain overall expectations of adminstrators & supervisors Recognize the individual employee's level of competence Encourage professional growth and improvement of school district programs Definitions of Performance Ratings: S - Satisfactory - Competent & dependable level of performance. Meets performance standards of the job I - Improvement Needed - Improvement is necessary. U - Unsatisfactory - Results are generally unacceptable & require immediate improvement. N/A - Not applicable or too soon to be rated.
Evaluator Signature. ☐ Photocopy to Teacher Formal Focused Observation Focus Area(s): Focus for Learning Knowledge of Students Lesson Delivery Classroom Environment Assessment of Student Learning Professional Responsibilities Professional Growth Plan (or Improvement Plan) Goal(s): (Goal prepopulates from the earlier entry) Evaluator Comments: Teacher Comments: Check here if Improvement Plan has been recommended. Teacher Signature Date Evaluator Signature Date Mark Domain Area(s): Focus for Learning Knowledge of Students Lesson Delivery Classroom Environment Assessment of Student Learning Professional Responsibilities Focus Area(s) Comments: Date of Observation: Date of Conference: Comments:
Evaluator Signature. DATE: The written observation must be provided to the unit member within five (S) school days of the observation. The unit member will receive a copy of the observation for review and a signatory copy once s/he signs the document; the original will be placed in the unit member's personnel file. Unit members have the opportunity to respond to this form in writing. NAME: ---------------- WORK LOCATION: ______ EVALUATOR: _ DATE OF EVALUATION: _ __ _
Evaluator Signature. DATE: _ NAME: WORK LOCATION: _ _ DATE OF EVALUATION: ___________ EVALUATOR: _ DATE OF EVALUATION: _ This form is intended to record the evaluator's assessment of the above-named individual's job performance during the school year shown. The purposes of evaluation are to recognize the individual's performance and to improve less than satisfactory performance. This form is to be completed and signed by the evaluator and provided to the unit member no later than June 30. The unit member will have the opportunity to meet with the evaluator. The evaluator will check the box that best reflects his/her judgment of the unit member's job performance through the school year in each area.
Evaluator Signature. Date: Teacher Name: Grade Level/Subject: School Year: Building: Date of Evaluation: The improvement plan will be evaluated at the end of the time specified in the plan. Outcomes from the improvement plan demonstrate the following action to be taken; • Improvement is demonstrated and performance standards are met to a satisfactory level of performance* • The Improvement Plan should continue for a time specified: • Improvement Plan is not being met to appropriate level. Teacher’s signature: Date: Evaluator’s Signature: Date: ✵ The acceptable level of performance varies depending on the teacher’s years of experience. Teachers in residency-specifically in years 1 through 4-are expected to perform at the Developing level or above. Experienced teachers-with five or more years’ experience-are expected to meet the Skilled level or above. 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 68 69 70 71 72
Evaluator Signature. Date: __ _ The written observation must be provided to the unit member within five (5) school days of the observation. The original will be placed in the unit member's personnel file. Unit members have the opportunity to respond to the contents of this observation in writing. APPENDIX C - 2 Name:--------- Work Location: ------ Evaluator: -------------- Date of Evaluation: ------ --- • Reviews IEP accommodations and modifications with appropriate professionals to ensure ongoing student success • Displays interest and enthusiasm at work • Maintains regular attendance and is punctual • Demonstrates ability to manage complex/varied tasks simultaneously • Supervises students as directed • Demonstrates flexibility and adjusts to change • Demonstrates initiative and resourcefulness • Uses work time productively
Evaluator Signature. Date: ______ The written observation must be provided to the unit member within five (5) school days of the observation. The original will be placed in the unit member's personnel file. Unit members have the opportunity to respond to the contents of this observation in writing. APPENDIX C - 2 Name: Evaluator: Work Location: ------ Date of Evaluation: JOB PERFORMANCE & ORGANIZATION E p NI u • Reviews IEP accommodations and modifications with appropriate professionals to ensure ongoing student success • Displays interest and enthusiasm at work • Maintains regular attendance and is punctual • Demonstrates ability to manage complex/varied tasks simultaneously • Supervises students as directed • Demonstrates flexibility and adjusts to change • Demonstrates initiative and resourcefulness • Uses work time productively • Implements IEP/504 goals under the direction of the Special Education Teacher, classroom teacher and or specialist • Provides support services in all environments of the school setting • • Works well with groups or individual students Is successful in the reinforcement of skills Maintains confidentiality of individual students and their families • • Attends in-service professional development activities appropriate to their position. • Completes tasks as directed • Establishes and maintains age- appropriate boundaries • Uses developmentally and age- appropriate language, strategies, equipment, materials, and technologies in a manner that facilitates student learning • Carries out instructions related to methods or techniques to be used with students • Manages student behavior effectively • Promotes student safety • Demonstrates an understanding of student differences • Exhibits patience and appropriate expectations with students • Accepts guidance and constructive suggestions; seeks clarification if needed • Is a cooperative team member and supports district values and mission • Consults with special education teachers as needed • Is tactful and considerate of others Unit member's comments:- - Signature indicates receipt of this document and not agreement with its contents. The original will be placed in the unit member's personnel file. Unit members have the opportunity to respond to the contents of this evaluation in writing. Comments may require additional space/pages. Complete this section for each of the four (4) performance areas noted as NEEDS IMPROVEMENT or UNSATISFACTORY. Use a separate page for each performance area so noted. Area(s) for...
Evaluator Signature. Final Teacher Evaluation