EXTRA DUTY POSITIONS. 1. Extra duty compensation for newly created positions in the bargaining unit shall be subject to negotiations. N: 80
2. The board shall maintain a manual of position descriptions for each position included in schedules B and C. N: 89; R: 94
3. It is understood that these descriptions are not negotiable and that the decision of the board in this matter is final and not subject to the grievance procedure as outlined in Article XII. N: 89
4. Proposals for new positions under Appendix B or C shall include a proposed position description. N: 89
EXTRA DUTY POSITIONS. The schedule contained in this article states the extra duty positions. Beginning with the 2018-2019 school year, all other employees performing extra duty assignments at step 11 [or higher] shall have their extra duty compensation frozen at their 2018-2019 step and lane for as long as they are continuously employed in that specific position. Once an employee reaches step 11, he/she will be frozen at that step and lane for the duration of that assignment. Extra duty positions will be filled if there is sufficient student participation, finances, facilities, and qualified personnel available. The Board reserves the right to approve or deny a specific extra duty activity. The presence of an activity in this Addendum does not guarantee that the activity will be offered.
EXTRA DUTY POSITIONS. 1. Posting the Position
a. Positions must be posted for a minimum of five (5) days and applicants will have five (5) days after the posting to send their applications to the Superintendent.
b. Postings must include all/any specific qualifications needed for the position.
c. All committee work postings will include the stipend to be paid for each participant.
EXTRA DUTY POSITIONS. Extra-duty percentages shall be based on BA/Step 1 Base The following dates are established for the pay out of extra duty stipends. • Fall – Paid by 11/1 • Winter – Paid by 3/1 • Spring – Paid by 5/15 Head Varsity 11 12 13 Head J.V./Head Freshman 7 8 9 Head Varsity 16 17 18 Head J.V./Head Freshman 10 11 12 Middle School “B” Teams 5 6 7 Head Varsity 5 6 7 Head Varsity 7 8 9 Junior Varsity 6 7 8 Freshman 4 5 6 Assistant (1) 2 3 4 Head Varsity 10 11 12 Junior Varsity 6 7 8 Head Varsity 5 6 7 Head Varsity 8 9 10 Assistants (1 – Boys, 1 – Girls) 6 7 8 Head Varsity 8 9 10 Assistant (1 - shared) 6 7 8 Middle School 6 7 8 Head Varsity 16 17 18 Assistants (4) 10 11 12 Head J.V./Head Freshman 10 11 12 Assistants (1 – JV, 1 - Freshman) 9 10 11 Middle School Head Football 6 7 8 Middle School Assistant 4 5 6 Head Varsity 8 9 10 Head J.V. 5 6 7 Head Varsity 10 11 12 Assistant (1) 6 7 8 Head Varsity 11 12 13 Assistant (1) 6 7 8 Head Varsity 11 12 13 Head J.V. 6 7 8 Head Freshman 5 6 7 Head Varsity 8 9 10 Assistant (1) 6 7 8 Head Varsity 11 12 13 Head J.V. 6 7 8 Head Freshman 5 6 7 Head Varsity 11 12 13 Head J.V./Head Freshman 7 8 9 Head Varsity 13 14 15 Assistant (1 – Boys, 1 - Girls) 8 9 10 High School Diving (1 – Boys, 1 – Girls) 6 7 8 Middle School Assistant 4 5 6 Head Varsity 8 9 10 Head J.V. 5 6 7 Middle School 6 7 8 Head Varsity 11 12 13 Assistants (3-total between Boys & Girls) 7 8 9 Assistants (3) 4 5 6 Head Varsity 11 12 13 Head J.V./Head Freshman 8 9 10 Head 7th/8th Grades 6 7 8 Middle School “B” Teams 5 6 7 Head Varsity 11 12 13 Assistants (1) 7 8 9 JV Coach (1) 7 8 9 Head Varsity 13 14 15 Assistant (2) 8 9 10 One percent (1%) shall be added to the extra duty assignment at the beginning of the eighth (8th) year extra duty assignment in the same assignment. Telecommunications / TV Studio Director 6 7 8 HS Band Director(s) 15 16 17 Middle School Director(s) 5 6 7 HS Director 10 11 12 Freshman Director 3.5 4 4.5 Middle School Director 5 6 7 HS Director 10 11 12 Middle School Director 5 6 7 Dramatics Musical Director 8 9 10 Music Director for Musical 5 6 7 Pit Director for Musical 2 2 ½ 3 Elementary Lead Teachers 3 3 ½ 4 Elementary Academic Excellence Team Member (Up to 7 district-wide) 3 3 ½ 4 Teacher Mentors (w/1st year mentees only) 2 2 2 Teacher Mentor to 2+ teachers (w/1st year mentees only) 2.5 2.5 2.5 Xxxxxx State Early College Teachers 2 2 2 Debate 5 6 7 (If incorporated with class) 1 ½ 2 2 ½ 2-9 Teachers 3 3 ½ 4 10 or more Teachers 5 5½ 6 Forensics 5 6 5 ...
EXTRA DUTY POSITIONS. Open extra-duty positions will be posted prior to the end of the school year, and employees may also apply for such. It is understood that these positions are for one (1) year normally, but employees who serve a portion of a year will receive pro-rated compensation.
EXTRA DUTY POSITIONS. Extra duty positions are defined as services performed to lead and direct student activities and athletics that occur outside of instruction and require additional time and responsibilities. The District will annually determine extra duty assignments each school year and which extra duty assignments shall be filled. Compensation for extra duty assignments will be as specified in the Extra Duty Stipend Schedule.
EXTRA DUTY POSITIONS. When the BOARD and ASSOCIATION mutually agree, the following services shall be offered as extra-duty positions and shall be compensated for at a rate of pay attached hereto and identified as schedules B and C. Each teacher performing extra duty shall be placed on the proper step each academic year. Notification of extra-duty positions shall be posted no later than July 30, with service to begin on or after September 1.
EXTRA DUTY POSITIONS. Extra duty positions will be voluntary only. In the event volunteers are not available, the administration will attempt to find qualified applicants from outside the district. In the event such applicants are not available, the administration has the right to make assignments. Assignments will be made on a rotating basis from a list of qualified candidates prepared by the administration in consultation with the Association.
EXTRA DUTY POSITIONS. It is agreed by the parties that extra-duty positions will be filled only at the discretion of the Board of Education. If the Board of Education deems within its jurisdiction not to fill a particular extra-duty position, that position shall remain unfilled for as long a term as is decided by the Board of Education. New positions not filled by the Board of Education may also be eliminated from the payment scale if the position remains unfilled for one (1) academic year. New positions may be added at the discretion of the Board, at any time. Salary scales for new positions will be negotiated with the bargaining agent.
EXTRA DUTY POSITIONS. The District shall determine the activities, number and qualifying activities for extra duty positions and school improvement stipends. The following positions are compensated at the listed percentage of the base salary for the current contract year.