Financial Record Keeping Sample Clauses
Financial Record Keeping. During the Term and for seven (7) years thereafter, each Party shall keep complete and accurate records of its Clinical Development Costs, Manufacturing Costs, Commercialization Costs, Net Sales and other business and financial data and information underlying the reconciliations, cost reports, calculation of costs and Profits, and payments that are the subject of the Transaction Agreements.
Financial Record Keeping. The Board of Directors shall cause a balance sheet and profit and loss statement to be made at least once every 12 (Twelve) months, as of the end of each fiscal year of the Company. All certificates, books and statements of the Company shall be kept at the registered office of the Company or such other place as the Board of Directors may determine from time to time, and shall be written in the English language with translation into the Khmer language as required. A copy of every balance sheet and profit and loss account which is to be paid before the Company in a general meeting of the Shareholders, together with the report of the Directors and the report of the Company’s auditors, shall be sent to every Shareholders and the auditors no less than 21 (Twenty-One) days prior to the date of such general meeting.
Financial Record Keeping. 9.1 The Institution shall keep complete and accurate records of the application of the Grant and match funding received. This shall evidence how the Grant added value to the agreed Research Project separated out from other monies and the agreed forms of matched funding such as staff time applied to the 18 month Project and its dissemination and impact.
9.2 The Institution shall retain such records and make them available to the Trust at the Trust’s reasonable request for a period of 6 Years from the end of the Year in which this Agreement expires or is terminated (this is to provide for any enquiry by a statutory regulator/authority into the application of charitable monies).
Financial Record Keeping. The Subrecipient shall maintain records of the expenditure of all SLFR funds it receives, such records to be maintained in accordance with 2 CFR 200 and with the “Common Rule” provisions [24 CFR Parts 84 and 85] as amended December 19, 2014 as applicable. All records shall be made available, upon County request, for inspection(s) and audit(s) by the County, or by its representatives. If a financial audit(s) determines that the Subrecipient has improperly expended SLFR funds, resulting in the disallowance of such expenditures by the County and/or by the U.S. Department of Treasury, the County reserves the right to recover from the Subrecipient other non-SLFR monies to fund such disallowed SLFR expenditures. See “Audit” section of this Agreement for further information.
Financial Record Keeping. SNF will keep accurate books of accounts and records (the “Financial Records”) at its principal place of business covering all transactions relating to this Agreement. Not more than once a year, Hospice may, at its expense, retain an independent public accountant or other auditor to review the Financial Records and prepare a detailed accounting of the charges made to Hospice by SNF. Hospice, and its duly authorized representatives, including any such independent public accountant or other auditor, shall have the right during regular business hours, and on reasonable written notice to SNF, to examine SNF’s Financial Records and to make copies thereof.
Financial Record Keeping. All financial reports and statements are to be prepared in accordance with generally accepted cash accounting principles. All original receipts, paid bills and financial records substantiating grant expenditures must be submitted with the Financial Report. The Donor will retain copies of all receipts for their records. The NGO will submit a Monthly Financial Report to the Donor by the 15th day of the month after the month end for the previous month’s expenditure, following the specified format. Financial Reports will include project budget line items and reporting of expenditures against budget items. Financial reports will also include amounts provided by the Donor and other donors in the cost of the project. Financial reports will include exchange rate used for converting local currency into USD. A financial report will be submitted by the NGO at the end of the project.
Financial Record Keeping. 4.1 All original receipts, paid bills and financial records related to the Grant expenditure must be retained by the Grant Recipient, and attached as part of the report after the Event.
4.2 The Grant Recipient shall not use the FIRE pilot intervention Grant funds for any other purpose other than what is agreed in the budget.
Financial Record Keeping. The City will keep and maintain accurate records relating to the Department’s audit. Starting in 2025, the City will notify the Towns and NEDFU when the City’s annual audit becomes available, and provide a full and complete copy of the audit and any other financial documents relating to the Fire Department upon request of either Town.
Financial Record Keeping. Nursing Facility will keep accurate books of accounts and records (the “Financial Records”) at its principal place of business covering all transactions relating to this Agreement. Hospice may, at its expense, retain an independent public accountant or other auditor to review the Financial Records and prepare a detailed accounting of the charges made to Hospice by Nursing Facility. Hospice, and its duly authorized representatives, including any such independent public accountant or other auditor, shall have the right during regular business hours, and on reasonable written notice to Nursing Facility, to examine Nursing Facility’s Financial Records and to make copies thereof.
Financial Record Keeping. 5.1 The Applicant must:
a) Maintain and operate effective monitoring and financial management systems;
b) Keep a record of expenditure funded partly or wholly by the Grant in Aid;
c) Maintain all accounting records for a period of ten years after the end of the Funding Period; and
d) Prepare all financial reports and statements in accordance with generally accepted cash accounting principles.
e) Be able to trace defrayal of all eligible expenditure through the organisations finance systems
5.2 True certified copies of paid bills and financial records substantiating grant expenditures must be submitted with a financial report at the end of each quarter. The Council will retain copies of all receipts for their records.
5.3 For the purpose of clause 5.1 (c) accounting records includes original invoices, receipts, minutes from meetings, accounts, deeds and other relevant documentation, whether in writing or electronic form.
5.4 Where Grant in Aid provided under this Agreement is spent on capital items the Applicant must;
a) Maintain an asset register of capital assets valued over £1,000;
b) This register, referred to at paragraph (a) above, shall record as a minimum;
(i) The date the item was purchased;
(ii) The price paid; and
(iii) The date of disposal.
c) Provide proof of insurance coverage for the useful life of the relevant capital asset;
d) Make the capital assets available for inspection
5.5 For the purpose of clause 5.4 capital equipment will include, but is not limited to, cameras, mobile phones, laptops and tablets regardless of value.