Probationary Teachers Probationary teachers' order of reduction shall be according to program needs.
Work Year The full-time work year for all employees employed in EA and ECE job classes shall be a minimum of 194 work days to correspond with the school year calendar.
EMPLOYEE WORK YEAR 9.1 The work year shall be as follows:
Probation for Newly Hired Employees (a) The Employer may reject a probationary employee for just cause. A rejection during probation shall not be considered a dismissal for the purpose of Article 11.2
Promotional Probationary Period For a permanent worker who changes job classification due to promotion (except as noted in Section 7.5), probation shall be for six months, unless the worker is released from the new job before this time. At the end of the second month on the new job, the worker shall receive a written evaluation of his/her performance and progress towards permanency. The worker retains permanent status in the District and is only probationary in the new job. If he/she is released from the new job during the six-month probationary period, the Director of Human Resources shall assign the worker to a position in the class in which he/she holds permanency. He/she will be reinstated as a permanent worker, and his/her seniority at the higher position shall be credited to his/her seniority in the lower class. Workers who successfully complete probation shall have their annual step date adjusted to reflect the six-month probationary period.
Probationary Period A newly hired employee or a former employee who is rehired, except as otherwise provided herein, shall be on a probationary period for the first ninety (90) working days of his/her employment or re-employment. An employee who has been voluntarily or involuntarily transferred to another position covered by this Agreement shall be a probationary employee for the first ninety (90) working days of his/her employment in that position. An employee that has been transferred from a District position that is not covered by this Agreement shall be a probationary employee for the first ninety (90) working days of his/her employment in a position covered by this contract. The probationary employee shall accrue no seniority during the probationary period. The District shall have the right to discharge a 90 day probationary employee during the probationary period, and such employee shall not have recourse to the grievance procedure. If an employee is promoted, or is transferred to a new position within the District, that employee shall serve a period of probation of ninety (90) working days in that new position. If the employee does not successfully complete that period of probation, the employee will return to the identical job classification, at the same salary level, with the same level of seniority and the same job skills classification, which the employee had before the promotion or transfer. The employee will not necessarily be returned to the same job which the employee had before the promotion or transfer, however. A probationary employee, who voluntarily requests to be returned to the employee’s previous position will be permitted to do so only at the discretion of the Aberdeen School District. Upon the completion of the probationary period, the employee shall be added to the seniority list as of the last date of hire. The successful completion of the probationary period should not be construed as creating a contract or as guaranteeing employment for any specific duration or as establishing a just cause termination standard.
Term of Service Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, Atlas shall serve as the Managing General Partner of the Partnership until either it:
Probationary Periods Employees transferring to a different title will serve a six (6) calendar month probationary period. In the event the probationary period is not satisfactorily completed, the affected employee shall be returned to Job Bank assignment and the employee’s “bumping”, layoff or transfer rights under the Agreement or other applicable authority shall be restored to the same extent such rights existed prior to the employee taking the probationary position. Upon the affected employee’s first such return to the Job Bank, the employee shall be entitled to remain in the Job Bank for the greater of ten (10) business days, or the duration of the applicable Job Bank period, as determined under Article I, paragraph 2, that remained as of the date the employee began in the probationary position. The rate of compensation for the remainder of the employee’s time in the Job Bank will be the same as the rate in effect as of the employee’s last day in the probationary position. Return to the Job Bank terminates the employee’s work in the probationary assignment and, therefore, time served following the return to the Job Bank shall not be construed to count toward the completion of the probationary period.
Probation Period It is understood and agreed that the first ninety days of employment shall constitute a probationary period during which period the Employer may, in its absolute discretion, terminate the Employee's employment, for any reason without notice or cause.
Compensatory Time for Overtime Eligible Employees A. Compensatory Time Eligibility