Half Days Sample Clauses
Half Days. The actual scheduling will be determined by the principal or supervisor after discussion with the prospective Job Sharers.
Half Days. For the purpose of parent conferences, half days as deemed appropriate by the District, will be scheduled in both Fall and Spring. At a minimum the District will schedule five half days for elementary teachers, two half days for secondary school teachers. Additional half days, if any, must be approved in advance by the District.
Half Days. All employees will be expected to be on duty all day unless they are excused by their supervisor, principal, or superintendent or the day is designated one-half (1/2) working day. On all designated half (1/2) days employees will receive a full days pay. An example of such half-day may be Good Friday. On half days work times may be adjusted. This shall only apply to those employees scheduled for full-day duty.
Half Days. On parent-teacher conference days, in-service days, and examination days, when students are in attendance only one-half of the day, if the time interval between the completion of the driver's last delivery of students to school and the first pick-up to take students home is less than one hour, the driver may elect to remain on the clock or punch out. If such interval is one hour or more, the driver shall punch out for the interval. In those circumstances where the driver elects to remain on the clock, as provided above, she shall clean her assigned bus, update her seating charts or route assignments or perform other duties related to her regular job functions if assigned by the Supervisor of Transportation. It is understood that employees may also use a reasonable portion of this time to eat a morning snack.
Half Days. When required to work, employees working a reduced scheduled because of half (1/2) student attendance days, shall receive not less than two (2) hours pay or their normally scheduled day if it is less than two (2) hours. On student half (1/2) days, cooks who would otherwise not be scheduled to work, will be assigned work and paid for two hours or more as determined by their supervisor(s).
Half Days. The last day of the school year and the day before the commencement of the Winter Break shall be one-half (1/2) day for both students and teachers. The Wednesday before Thanksgiving shall be an early dismissal day, i.e., a four (4) hour day, for staff.
Half Days. Aides must work for a full day on half-days for students unless an aide requests to be excused and the principal grants the request. If excused for a half-day, pay will be only for the time worked.
Half Days. 5.8.1 Four (4) progress reporting half days as follows:
1. End of the first semester (secondary), end of the first trimester to prepare for fall conferences (elementary), for the purpose of school record-keeping and progress reporting. The date(s) will be determined by the District.
2. Early release the last day of school.
3. Two additional early releases determined by the District for the purpose of staff planning, program development, departmental planning, coordination & evaluation activities. At the elementary level, one of these additional early release days will precede the spring conferences and will be used for the purpose of student record-keeping and progress reporting and conferencing.
4. More early release days may be provided on a regular basis if allowed under Washington Administrative Code related to program hour offerings and teacher/student contact time. Additional Responsibilities – District Level. Conversely, in any given school year, the District may eliminate either one or both of the ‘two additional early release’ days mentioned above in the event that the District needs to comply with the basic education act whether the process will be extended.
Half Days. If half or all of a school day should be canceled during a day when a teacher is out on any paid leave, such day or half day shall not be subtracted from accumulation. Half day of teacher attendance is 3-1/2 hours or less.
Half Days. The last day of the school year and the day before the commencement of the Winter Break shall be one-half (1/2) day for both students and teachers.