Future situation Sample Clauses

Future situation. The same questions relating to the near future (5 years prediction) are presented in table 4, 5 and figure 2. 2 XxXxxxx H.P. (1994) The Delphi technique: a worthwhile approach for nursing? Journal of Advanced Nursing 19, 1221-1225. FP7 KBBE 2007 1 34 GA 212579 Table 4 Government & Policy Impact - WBC Future (5 years) Prediction N Mean Median Mode Std. Deviation Minimu m Maxim um Q2 Organic food market strongly 44 44 43 43 44 43 44 44 44 3,5227 4,1818 2,7674 2,8140 3,7500 4,0233 2,8636 4,2727 4,3409 4,0000 4,0000 3,0000 3,0000 4,0000 4,0000 3,0000 5,0000 4,0000 4,00 4,00 3,00 3,00 4,00 4,00 2,00 5,00 5,00 ,92733 ,84283 1,01974 1,05234 ,99124 ,93830 1,19283 1,04244 ,80531 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 depends on government initiatives. Q4 Regional / local government support is very important for the development of the organic agriculture Q6 Political support for the organic sector is strong enough Q8 State incentives for organic production are adequate Q10 The influence of the EU agriculture policy is pushing the organic farming in my country Q12 The government should put special emphasis on the control system and certification Q14 The government should impose barriers for organic products import Q16 State and local governments can significantly improve the market by buying organic food and products for school or hospital kitchens Q18 National development strategy for organic farming is needed Table 5 Government & Policy Impact - WBC Future (5 years) Prediction B&H Croatia Macedonia Montenegro Serbia Slovenia WBC Q2 Organic food market strongly depends on government initiatives. 67 50 33 60 87 71 66 Q4 Regional / local government support is very important for the development of the organic agriculture 83 100 100 80 100 79 89 Q6 Political support for the organic sector is strong enough 0 0 33 40 43 36 26 Q8 State incentives for organic production are adequate 0 0 33 60 43 40 26 Q10 The influence of the EU agriculture policy is pushing the organic farming in my country 50 100 67 60 75 71 73 Q12 The government should put special emphasis on the control system and certification 100 75 67 80 100 77 84 Q16 State and local governments can significantly improve the market by buying organic food and products for school or hospital kitchens 100 75 100 80 88 93 89 Q18 National development strategy for organic farming is needed 100 100 100 60 75 100 91 FP7 KBBE 2007 1 35 GA 212579
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Future situation. Obtained results for this Part of the questionnaire are presented in table 8, 9 and figure 4. Characteristics in this Part are: great number of overall reached consensus. On the level of the WBC highest score is found in the case of motivation of producers themselves (Q.22) and teaching and training for organic farming (Q.32) – 98% both. Among 15 questions consensus is reached as follows: B&H with 13; Croatia with 12; Macedonia with 12; Montenegro with 13; Serbia with 14; Slovenia with 12 and WBC with 14 questions as presented in table 9. Among questions where consensus was achieved, on the level of the whole WBC average of 71% for present situation and 77% for future prediction is found. This values are lower compared to Part 1, but still satisfactory. Table 8 Production - WBC Future (5 years) Prediction N Mean Median Mode Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum Valid Q20 It is easy to convert low input traditional into 44 44 42 43 44 43 44 43 44 42 44 44 43 44 44 3,3864 4,3636 3,4048 3,9767 3,8409 3,5116 4,5227 3,6977 4,0227 2,7619 3,9545 3,9318 3,8837 4,0227 4,1818 4,0000 4,0000 3,5000 4,0000 4,0000 4,0000 5,0000 4,0000 4,0000 3,0000 4,0000 4,0000 4,0000 4,0000 4,0000 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 5,00 4,00 4,00 2,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 1,24295 ,71823 ,93859 ,70672 ,91355 ,93534 ,73100 1,10270 ,90190 ,95788 ,74567 ,84627 ,95641 ,97620 ,86998 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 organic production. Q22 The motivation of the producers themselves is important for the development of the organic sector Q24 The development of organic production is hindered by the difficulty for organic producers to obtain organic seeds or other inputs they need to respect the code of practice Q26 Financial consolidation of organic farms is necessary to enhance organic farming Q28 The interest of producers to convert to organic production is increasing Q30 Organic farming sector is growing in my country, despite the economic crisis Q32 Teaching and training for organic farming is necessary to increase the number of new organic farmers Q34 Export opportunities strongly influence organic agriculture in my country Q36 Producers and processors are motivated to produce more organic food if market information about supply, demand, prices, and export opportunities is available easily for them Q38 Horizontal cooperation between organic farmers and pooling of the organic product...
Future situation. Regarding future expectations 17 questions have been offered. In this group results are close to the present situation. Consensus with all countries (WBC) was found to be in a case of clear labelling of organic products (Q.76) – 93 % followed by (Q.70) bargaining power of distributors - with 77 % and market of certain categories of vegetables (Q.58) with consensus of 72 %. Highest numbers of consensus is found in Slovenia, 15 among 17 questions fulfilled values of consensus above 60 %. Croatia and Macedonia follow with 11 questions which is also relatively high. Lowest number of achieved consensus is found to be in B&H (6). On the level of WBC 9 questions among 17 offered, achieved consensus. Among questions where consensus was achieved on the level of the whole WBC, average is 80% for present situation and 71% for future prediction. Results are presented in table 12, 13 and figure 6. Table 12 Market WBC Future (5year) Prediction N Std. Mean Median Mode Deviation Minimum Ma ximum Q52 Market of certain categories of 43 43 43 43 43 43 44 41 43 43 44 44 44 44 44 44 43 2,7209 3,0698 3,6279 3,7209 3,6047 3,2326 3,3864 3,0732 4,0000 3,3721 3,2955 4,2500 3,7045 3,5909 3,4318 2,4318 3,1628 2,0000 3,0000 4,0000 4,0000 4,0000 3,0000 3,0000 3,0000 4,0000 4,0000 3,0000 4,0000 4,0000 4,0000 4,0000 2,0000 3,0000 2,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 2,00 4,00 4,00 3,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 2,00 4,00 ,93416 1,09968 1,04707 1,03108 1,04971 1,17184 ,92046 1,05807 ,89974 ,97647 ,87815 ,81054 1,00185 1,01885 1,16933 1,10806 1,11120 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 4,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 4,00 5,00 organic products is meat Q54 Market of certain categories of organic products is milk Q56 Market of certain categories of organic products is fruit Q58 Market of certain categories of organic products is vegetable Q60 Market of certain categories of organic products is cereal Q62 Market of certain categories of organic products is baby food Q66 Imported organic products dominate the organic market Q68 Low prices of imported organic products lower the prices on domestic organic market Q70 Distributors (wholesalers, importers, retailers) have more bargain power than producers Q72 Promotion of organic products is at low level Q74 Organic market development in WBC follows the market development elsewhere Q76 Clear labelling of organic products enhances market development Q81 Market for or...
Future situation. Regarding expectation in future for the same Part of the questionnaire, 17 questions has been offered. Practically all of them resulted in consensus. Results are presented in table 16, 17 and figure 8. All of offered questions, except only 3 of them reached consensus in all countries. Among 17 questions consensus for all of them has been found in Montenegro, Macedonia and B&H. Only one less was found in Slovenia, Serbia and Croatia, which means that these countries reached consensus with 16 questions among 17 offered. On the level of WBC consensus was found in all the questions offered. It must be noted that obtained consensus scores are extremely high. N Mean Median Mode Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum Q91 Organic farming will spread in all 42 42 42 43 42 43 42 43 43 42 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 3,8571 4,5000 4,2857 4,3023 4,3571 4,3256 4,2619 4,2093 3,6279 4,0476 4,4186 4,0465 4,2093 3,9070 4,3721 4,4651 4,3953 4,0000 4,5000 4,0000 4,0000 4,0000 4,0000 4,0000 4,0000 4,0000 4,0000 4,0000 4,0000 4,0000 4,0000 4,0000 5,0000 4,0000 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 5,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 5,00 5,00 ,56618 ,50606 ,59615 ,55784 ,57685 ,56572 ,82815 ,59993 ,92642 ,98655 ,54478 ,72222 ,70906 ,75005 ,53556 ,63053 ,69486 3,00 4,00 2,00 3,00 3,00 3,00 1,00 3,00 2,00 2,00 3,00 2,00 3,00 2,00 3,00 3,00 2,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 WBC countries Q93 Eco tourism is important for the development of this form of agriculture Q95 Agro tourism is important for the development of this form of agriculture Q97 Mountain tourism is important for the development of this form of agriculture Q99 Health tourism is important for the development of this form of agriculture Q103 Media (including internet) is important for development of organic market in my country Q105 Activities of non-governmental organizations (national and international) are important for the development of the organic sector Q107 The organic market development depends on the general level of wealth Q109 Organic farming is a success factor for agricultural sector in all the WBC countries Q111 Initiatives in organic production play a key role in preserving jobs in rural areas Q113 The organic sector brings about new possibilities for income and labor Q115 The organic sector supports the economy in rural areas Q117 Importance for the development of organic sector_new technology Q119 Importance for the development of organic sector_risk venture c...
Future situation. Future expectations for the same Part are presented in tables 20, 21 and figure10. The greatest number of reached consensus was found in this Part. 13 questions have been offered for evaluation. Table 20 Supply Chain WBC Future (5 year) Prediction N Mean Median Mode Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum Q129 Distribution channels for organic products are numerous and devirsified 33 3,515 4,0000 4,00 ,93946 2,00 5,00 Q131 Rank particular types of distribution channels by their importance for market 33 3,848 4,0000 4,00 1,06423 2,00 5,00 development_green market Q133 Rank particular types of distribution channels by their importance for market 33 4,061 4,0000 4,00 ,78817 3,00 5,00 development_ farm gate Q135 Rank particular types of distribution channels by their importance for market 33 4,667 5,0000 5,00 ,47871 4,00 5,00 development_ organic food store Q137 Rank particular types of distribution channels by their importance for market 33 3,970 4,0000 4,00 ,95147 2,00 5,00 development_ Box schemes Q139 Rank particular types of distribution channels by their importance for market 33 4,364 5,0000 5,00 ,82228 2,00 5,00 development_ Supermarkets Q141 Rank particular types of distribution channels by their importance for market 33 3,091 3,0000 2,00 1,12815 1,00 5,00 development_ Discounters Q143 Rank particular types of distribution channels by their importance for market 33 4,364 4,0000 4,00 ,54876 3,00 5,00 development_ HoReCa Q145 Rank particular types of distribution channels by their importance for market 32 4,188 4,5000 5,00 1,09065 1,00 5,00 development_ Internet Q149 A better organization of the supply chain is necessary. Evaluate importance 33 4,515 5,0000 5,00 ,71244 2,00 5,00 of each measure_Vertical cooperation Q151 A better organization of the supply chain is necessary. Evaluate importance 33 4,545 5,0000 5,00 ,61699 3,00 5,00 of each measure_Transparency Q153 A better organization of the supply chain is necessary. Evaluate importance 33 4,576 5,0000 5,00 ,66287 2,00 5,00 of each measure_Traceability Q155 A better organization of the supply chain is necessary. Evaluate importance 33 4,636 5,0000 5,00 ,54876 3,00 5,00 of each measure_Quality management Table 21 Supply Chain WBC Future (5 year) Prediction B&H Croatia Macedonia Monteneg ro Serbia Slovenia WBC Q129 Distribution channels for organic products are numerous and devirsified Q131 Rank particular types of distribution channels by their importance for market development_ green market Q133 Rank particula...
Future situation. Results for the future expectations are presented in tables 24, 25 and figure 12. The obtained consensus again proofs to be high. Table 24 Consumer Behaviour - WBC Future (5 year) Prediction N Mean Median Mode Std. Deviation Minim um Maxim um Q159 Prices of organic products are, from the perspective 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 32 33 32 31 32 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 32 33 33 33 33 32 3,3030 3,6364 3,5758 3,8182 3,7273 3,6364 4,0606 4,7576 4,0000 3,5758 3,5152 3,1875 3,2727 3,4375 3,4516 2,6563 4,1818 4,2424 3,9394 4,0909 3,2424 3,5152 4,0000 4,0909 3,8485 3,0909 3,8125 3,0303 4,1212 3,5455 3,5455 4,4375 3,0000 4,0000 4,0000 4,0000 4,0000 4,0000 4,0000 5,0000 4,0000 4,0000 4,0000 3,0000 3,0000 4,0000 3,0000 2,0000 4,0000 4,0000 4,0000 4,0000 3,0000 4,0000 4,0000 4,0000 4,0000 3,0000 4,0000 3,0000 4,0000 4,0000 4,0000 4,0000 3,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 5,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 2,00 2,00 a 2,00 3,00 2,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 5,00 4,00 3,00 4,00 3,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 ,88335 ,74239 1,03169 ,72692 ,87581 ,74239 ,65857 ,43519 ,75000 1,03169 1,09320 1,17604 1,12563 1,24272 1,02758 1,23417 ,68258 ,79177 ,78817 ,76500 1,27550 ,93946 ,86603 ,87905 ,93946 1,04174 ,85901 ,91804 ,69631 1,00284 1,00284 ,50402 1,00 2,00 1,00 2,00 1,00 1,00 3,00 4,00 2,00 1,00 2,00 1,00 2,00 1,00 2,00 1,00 3,00 1,00 2,00 2,00 1,00 1,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 1,00 2,00 1,00 2,00 2,00 1,00 4,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 of consumers, too high Q161 Organic consumers worry less about high prices than others consumers. Q163 Rank the motivations of consumers for buying organic food_Environment Q165 Rank the motivations of consumers for buying organic food_ Local agriculture Q167 Rank the motivations of consumers for buying organic food_ Traditional agriculture Q169 Rank the motivations of consumers for buying organic food_ Small-scale agriculture Q171 Rank the motivations of consumers for buying organic food_ Traditional processing Q173 Rank the motivations of consumers for buying organic food_ Health concerns Q175 Rank the motivations of consumers for buying organic food_ Animal welfare Q177 Rank the motivations of consumers for buying organic food_ Rural development Q181 Consumers are confused by different indications for food (organic, untreated, traditional …) Q183 Following attributes make confusion with organic with regard to consumer pe...
Future situation. This section of the Redevelopment Plan sets forth the planned future conditions within the Community Redevelopment Area. This section is divided into the following subsections: A. Proposed Land Use Plan B. Conformance with the Comprehensive Plan; Conformance with the Community Development Law Declarations C. Relationship to Local Objectives D. Building Requirements and Standards after Redevelopment E. Proposed Changes and Actions F. Cost Benefit Analysis
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Related to Future situation

  • Special Situations XXXXXXX BENEFICIARY agrees to inform AGENCY within one (1) business day of any circumstances or events which may reasonably be considered to jeopardize its capability to continue to meet its obligations under the terms of this Agreement. Incidents may include, but are not limited to, those resulting in injury, media coverage or public reaction that may have an impact on the AGENCY’S or GRANTEE BENEFICIARY’S ability to protect and serve its participants, or other significant effect on the AGENCY or GRANTEE BENEFICIARY. Incidents shall be reported to the designated AGENCY contact below by phone or email only. Incident report information shall not include any identifying information of the participant.

  • Emergency Situation In the event of an emergency situation beyond our reasonable control, such as an "act of God," war, fire, or natural disaster, services involving your account could be available only in a modified or reduced form or could be entirely unavailable. Unless expressly prohibited by applicable law, you agree that we will have no liability to you for such modification, reduction, or unavailability of services caused by an emergency situation.

  • Emergency Situations If the condition is an emergency, this will be communicated to the Contractor with the request that corrections are to be accomplished immediately. The Contractor shall respond to the notice in emergency situations within twenty-four hours. If the Contractor fails to respond within this time limit, the Owner may correct the defect and charge the Contractor for the Work. If it is determined the complaint is not the responsibility of the Contractor, the Contractor shall be promptly paid for the cost of the corrective work. The Contractor shall give notice in writing to the Owner when corrections have been completed.

  • Future Functionality You agree that Your purchases are not contingent on the delivery of any future functionality or features, or dependent on any oral or written public comments made by Us regarding future functionality or features.

  • Investment Management If and to the extent requested by the Advisor, the Sub-Advisor shall, subject to the supervision of the Advisor, manage all or a portion of the investments of the Portfolio in accordance with the investment objective, policies and limitations provided in the Portfolio's Prospectus or other governing instruments, as amended from time to time, the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the "1940 Act") and rules thereunder, as amended from time to time, and such other limitations as the Trust or Advisor may impose with respect to the Portfolio by notice to the Sub-Advisor. With respect to the portion of the investments of the Portfolio under its management, the Sub-Advisor is authorized to make investment decisions on behalf of the Portfolio with regard to any stock, bond, other security or investment instrument, and to place orders for the purchase and sale of such securities through such broker-dealers as the Sub-Advisor may select. The Sub-Advisor may also be authorized, but only to the extent such duties are delegated in writing by the Advisor, to provide additional investment management services to the Portfolio, including but not limited to services such as managing foreign currency investments, purchasing and selling or writing futures and options contracts, borrowing money or lending securities on behalf of the Portfolio. All investment management and any other activities of the Sub-Advisor shall at all times be subject to the control and direction of the Advisor and the Trust's Board of Trustees.

  • Orientation Program The Company will allow a designated representative of the Local or Bargaining Unit up to one (1) hour per calendar month for the purpose of conducting the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union New Members’ Orientation Program. Such meetings will be conducted during the probationary period of employees, and will be held on Company premises. Employees participating in Orientation Program meetings during their normally scheduled working hours will not suffer loss of pay at their regular rate. Orientation Program meetings will be scheduled by Management and a Management representative may attend as an observer.

  • Summer Session A. All ASEs employed in the Summer Session shall receive the same general range adjustment as ASEs received in the preceding Fall term. B. The following articles apply to ASEs who are employed in the summer session: Recognition, Wages (range adjustment only), DCP, Travel, Health and Safety, Leaves, Holidays, Duration, Workspace and Instructional Support, Parking, Grievance and Arbitration, Waiver, Management and Academic Rights, No Strikes, Non-Discrimination, Union Access and Rights, Union Security, Discipline and Dismissal, Emergency Layoff, Employment Files and Evaluations, Definitions, Severability, Labor-Management Meetings, and Classifications. C. The remainder of the articles in the agreement does not apply to ASEs who are employed in the summer session. D. The topic of Summer Session, and effects of changes on terms and conditions of employment for ASEs employed in Summer Session, shall be reopened for bargaining commencing no later than January 2, 2001.

  • Asset Management Supplier will: i) maintain an asset inventory of all media and equipment where Accenture Data is stored. Access to such media and equipment will be restricted to authorized Personnel; ii) classify Accenture Data so that it is properly identified and access to it is appropriately restricted; iii) maintain an acceptable use policy with restrictions on printing Accenture Data and procedures for appropriately disposing of printed materials that contain Accenture Data when such data is no longer needed under the Agreement; iv) maintain an appropriate approval process whereby Supplier’s approval is required prior to its Personnel storing Accenture Data on portable devices, remotely accessing Accenture Data, or processing such data outside of Supplier facilities. If remote access is approved, Personnel will use multi-factor authentication, which may include the use of smart cards with certificates, One Time Password (OTP) tokens, and biometrics.

  • Virus Management DST shall maintain a malware protection program designed to deter malware infections, detect the presence of malware within DST environment.

  • Cultural ceremonial leave may be taken as whole or part days off. Each day, or part thereof, shall be deducted from: a) the Employee's annual leave entitlements (where applicable); b) the Employee’s accrued long service leave entitlements, but in full days only; or c) accrued days off or time in lieu.

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