GOVERNMENT FURNISHED MATERIALS. All government furnished materials (GFM), including but not limited to, documents and information provided to the Contractor shall be considered privileged information of the United States. All documents, data, and any form of information generated under this contract shall remain the exclusive property of the government. All rights or copyrights to contract products will be in compliance with FAR 52.227-17 Rights in Data – Special Works. The Contractor shall not release or allow access to GFM, or documents/data/information generated under this contract outside of the Government as designated by the KO. All requests for the release of information shall be referred by the Contractor to the KO. Any breach in security, intentional or unintentional, shall be immediately reported to the KO.
GOVERNMENT FURNISHED MATERIALS. No Government Furnished Material will be provided under this contract. The Contractor shall furnish their own personal computer equipment, administrative supplies, and office supplies required for the performance of the tasking within this contract. The Government will not reimburse the Contractor for cell phone and/or air card charges under this contract.
GOVERNMENT FURNISHED MATERIALS. The NRC shall provide the contractor with the documents contained in Attachment 2, return documents containing comments, and draft and final communications plans. No other materials shall be provided.
GOVERNMENT FURNISHED MATERIALS and Services The Government will furnish 1. All fuel used during the lease period. 2. Interior and exterior cleaning of vehicles; 3. Topping off of engine oil, anti-freeze fluid and battery distilled water at discretion of Government Modification/marking of vehicles as specified in, including restoration of damages resulting from government installed accessories, devices, and stickers
GOVERNMENT FURNISHED MATERIALS. (GFM) The Government will furnish or make available to the Contractors the materials on-hand at the contract start date. These materials are listed in J- 0200000-10 and are to be used only in the performance of this contract. The use of GFM for any other purpose is prohibited. Upon depletion of material provided to the Contractor by the Government, the Contractor shall furnish all material to perform the work of the contract. The Contractor shall maintain the minimum items in the quantities specified. Upon termination of the contract, the Contractor shall be responsible for returning inventories to the specified levels at which was received from the Government.
GOVERNMENT FURNISHED MATERIALS. If the Government provides GFP/M, the Contractor shall comply with FAR Part 45. In accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 45.5 “The Contractor is directly responsible and accountable for all Government property in accordance with the requirements of the contract. This includes Government property in the possession or control of a Subcontractor. The Contractor shall establish and maintain a system in accordance with this subpart to control, protect, preserve, and maintain all Government property. This property control system shall be in writing unless the property administrator determines that maintaining a written system is unnecessary. The system shall be reviewed and, if satisfactory, approved in writing by the property administrator.”
GOVERNMENT FURNISHED MATERIALSGovernment Furnished Information related to the required services will be provided at the task order level.
GOVERNMENT FURNISHED MATERIALS. Each CTO will specify, if applicable, the provision and handling of Government-furnished materials and equipment.
GOVERNMENT FURNISHED MATERIALS. 10.1. Customs will permit the Service Provider progressive access to the GFM specified in Schedule 14 (GFM) from the Commencement Date, in accordance with the timetable specified in Schedule 14 (GFM). 10.2. The Service Provider must, within fourteen (14) days of gaining access to the GFM, inspect the GFM for any physical damage, defects or deficiencies which will impact on the intended use of the GFM. The Service Provider must report the condition of the GFM to the Customs Contract Manager within a further fourteen (14) days. The Service Provider must not use GFM which has been found on inspection to be damaged, defective or deficient. 10.3. The Service Provider will, if requested by Customs, repair or replace GFM which is reported as damaged, defective or deficient after the inspection referred to in clause 10.2. Any such repair or replacement of GFM will be at Customs expense. The Service Provider must notify Customs of any expenses for repair or replacement of GFM and Customs must agree such expenses before they are incurred. 10.4. Any changes by the Service Provider to GFM must be fully documented and recorded and be done in accordance with the change control procedure under clause 38 and any such changes will not alter in any way the Service Provider's obligation to provide the Services in accordance with the Contract. 10.5. The Service Provider must take all reasonable care of GFM. The Service Provider, or a reputable maintainer appointed by the Service Provider, must maintain GFM so that there is no disruption to, or diminution of, the level of the Services required to be provided by the Service Provider to Customs under the Contract. 10.6. The GFM remains the property of Customs. Any Equipment acquired by the Service Provider under clause 10.3 to replace GFM which has reached the end of its useful life remains the property of the Service Provider. 10.7. The Service Provider must not: a. without the prior written consent of the Customs Contract Manager; A. use the GFM other than for the purposes of performing the Services in accordance with the Contract; B. subject to clause 10.4, modify the GFM; C. transfer possession or control of the GFM to a third party including a subcontractor; or D. disclose information included in GFM; and b. create or allow to be created any Security Interest or other interest over or in any GFM. 10.8. Customs will notify the Service Provider of any IPRs applicable to the GFM and the Service Provider must not act in any way...
GOVERNMENT FURNISHED MATERIALS. 5.1 Staff to assist in facilitating access and providing historical information. 5.2 Maps, aerial photographs, and GIS (Geographic Information System) data to carry out tasks described in the description of objectives. 5.3 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other required environmental documentation. 5.4 Sufficient funding to accomplish tasks mentioned in the description of objectives. 5.5 Vegetation management equipment and supplies including pesticides to carry out tasks described in the description of objectives.