In Lieu Day. Should a holiday fall on an Employee's normal day off, he shall be granted some other day off with pay in lieu of the holiday. For compensation purposes, the in lieu day shall be considered the legal holiday. The in lieu day shall be taken by the end of the calendar year in which it is granted, or it shall be paid at year end within the normal payroll process.
In Lieu Day. All classified employees will select his/her day off, and submit an absence tracking form request for that day to their immediate supervisor for approval at least ten (10) days in advance of the day to be taken. No more than one person per classified category at each site shall be released on a given day without Administrative approval. Requests for the day will be honored in the order in which they are received. A record of days scheduled and used will be kept at the site. The in-lieu day must be taken during the instructional calendar year when it is granted. For newly hired employees starting late in the instructional year, the in-lieu day will be granted on a quarterly pro-rata basis.
In Lieu Day. Compensation for the in-lieu day will be paid as part of the annual salary for employees with a less than twelve (12) month schedule, rather than being taken off during the year. The in-lieu day for twelve (12) month employees shall be a paid day off on a date mutually agreed to by the employee and his/her supervisor. If the employee and the supervisor do not reach agreement, the employee may bring the issue to the attention of the Superintendent.
In Lieu Day. Should a holiday fall on an Employee's normal day off, he shall be granted eight (8) hours of compensatory time in lieu of the holiday.