Instructional Year. 9.4.1 The regular instructional year for university transfer, advanced and provincial ABE and for career diploma programs shall consist of two (2) semesters. Regular employees may be assigned to teach a single scheduled course in the May-June intersession period not more than once every alternate year, except by consent. Faculty teaching intersession courses will not be required to support open students at the same time, except by Departmental agreement. Faculty not teaching intersession courses and not engaged in approved Professional Development activities shall be required to support open students, conduct curriculum development activities or perform other duties as assigned. The assignment of duties during intersession periods shall occur as outlined in
9.4.2 For all other programs, the instructional year shall normally fall within the months September through June.
Instructional Year. A. Beginning in Winter Quarter of the 2017-18 Academic Year, there will be 172 work days including 162 instructional days (or their equivalent), 3 development days and 7 non-instructional days.
B. The 162 instructional days (or their equivalent) and the 3 development days shall be scheduled commonly across the District in accordance with the instructional year calendar (Appendix C).
C. The non-instructional days will consist of work as follows:
1. One such day, shall be District Convocation.
2. Utilization of three of these days will be determined by the unit administrator in conjunction with the unit faculty. Such work might include (on either a group or individual basis) course and curriculum development, laboratory maintenance, routine preventive shop maintenance, review and/or preparation of audio-visual instructional aids, etc.
3. Faculty will work with their unit administrator, and document upon request, the use of three additional non-instructional days for activities such as: curriculum and textbook review; writing recommendations; graduation attendance; student- group advising; school, community, industry liaison; program review; Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meetings; review and/or preparation of audio-visual aids; technology upgrades; professional development activities; web development and maintenance; community building; email maintenance; meeting preparation; and other tasks.
4. Three days will be development days, (one per quarter) and will be utilized for faculty to participate in divisional / departmental / program meetings and activities. The content of these days will be planned and delivered jointly by the Unit Administrator and the faculty who choose to be involved. Part-time faculty who participate on these days will be compensated at $100 per day. The distribution of non- instructional work for the next academic year will be determined at the spring quarter development day.
D. Counselor and librarian assignments may include workdays that are outside the normal instructional year calendar provided such assignments are between the second Monday of September and the Friday of the week following the last day of instruction for Spring Quarter. Such assignments will be made on an equitable rotation basis among the qualified individuals and in such instances compensatory time off shall be at a time convenient to the individual. Assignments outside the period described above shall require concurrence of the individual faculty member. Su...
Instructional Year. There shall be one hundred and eighty (180) instructional days in a work year. Exceptions to the above may occur at Opportunity Schools, Alternative Schools, Charter Schools and other special and pilot programs. Field Study Days at Charter Schools are instructional time in which students may be at their home school or off campus doing job shadows, community service, career exploration or field trips. Changes in the instructional year may only occur after consultation with the Association and approval of the Board of Trustees, except in cases where an emergency arises.
Instructional Year. 10.9.1 The instructional year shall contain the following minimum number of instructional minutes: Kindergarten 43,200 minutes of instruction Grades 1-3 50,400 minutes of instruction Grades 4-8 54,000 minutes of instruction The Governing Board shall make the final decision as to staffing needs and the precise allocation of instructional minutes during the school day.
Instructional Year. 18.01 The Instructional Year will consist of twelve months as set out by the employer. The Instructor will be assigned functions of his classification for a maximum of ten (10) months.
Instructional Year. There will be 173 calendared work days in a regular, full-time contract for instructional faculty, including 165 instructional days and 8 non-instructional days. Faculty members are professionals performing a body of work. The completion of professional duties by faculty members will include activities determined at the discretion of the faculty member that extends beyond these 173 calendared days. The 165 instructional days shall be scheduled in accordance with the instructional year calendar (Appendix C): The non-instructional days will consist of the following:
a) The three workday before the first day of Fall, and one workday before the Winter and Spring quarters will be an onsite non-instructional workday during which faculty will be available to students and administration. The first workday before Fall quarter will be used for Opening Day activities. The second and third days shall be used for instructional and related professional duties consistent with 6.9.
b) Three (3) days, each academic year, during Fall, Winter or Spring quarters, will be scheduled for a faculty-wide in-service. These days will be scheduled on Fridays or other days as agreed upon by the parties. Faculty will report onsite for this in-service. Faculty will be provided with an opportunity to provide input into in-service activities.
c) Except for those programs regularly scheduled to exceed the 173 day work year, extensions of the work year will be by mutual agreement between the faculty member and College. Such extensions shall be compensated at the faculty member’s regular per diem.
d) It is understood that faculty members are professionals performing a body of work. The discharge of professional duties by faculty members will include activities determined at the discretion of the faculty member that extend beyond these 173 calendared days.
Instructional Year. Beginning in Winter Quarter of the 2017-18 Academic Year, Xxxxxx will be 172 work days for the contract work year, including 168 165 instructional days (or their equivalent in non-contact instructional activities) and three (3) Development Days.
Instructional Year a. There will be 169 work days in the contact work year, including 168 instructional days (or their equivalent in non-contract instructional activities).
b. The one non-instructional day shall be used at the discretion of the Chancellor.
c. Non-contact instructional days shall be used on instructional activities as determined by the unit administrator in consultation with faculty. Part-time faculty will be paid for the total number of days in a module at their assigned teaching load and will be available for those hours on non-contact days.
Instructional Year. 10 There shall be one hundred and eighty (180) instructional days 11 in a work year. Should any of the one hundred and eighty (180) 12 instructional days be postponed or canceled for any reason, 13 Members shall make up those days as scheduled by the District 14 at no additional cost to the District. Exceptions to the above 15 may occur at Opportunity Schools, Alternative Schools, Charter 16 Schools and other special and pilot programs.
17 Changes in the instructional year may only occur after 18 consultation with the Association and approval of the Board of 19 Trustees, except in cases where an emergency arises.
Instructional Year a. There will be 169 work days in the contract work year, including 165 instructional days (or their equivalent).
b. The 165 instructional days (or their equivalent) shall be scheduled in accordance with the instructional year calendar (Appendix C).
c. The four non-instructional days will consist of work as follows:
1. One such day shall be used at the discretion of the District chancellor.
2. Utilization of the remainder of these days will be determined by the unit administrator in conjunction with the unit faculty. Such work might include (on either a group or individual basis) course and curriculum development, student advising, laboratory maintenance, routine preventive shop maintenance, review and/or preparation of audio-visual instructional aids, etc.
d. Counselor and librarian assignments may include workdays that are outside the normal instructional year calendar provided such assignments are between the second Monday of September and through Friday of the week following the last day of instruction for Spring Quarter. Such assignments will be made on an equitable rotation basis among the qualified individuals and in such instances compensatory time off shall be at a time convenient to the individual. Assignments outside the period described above shall require concurrence of the individual faculty member. Such assignments shall be paid on a prorata basis unless there is mutual agreement between the unit administrator and the individual regarding compensatory time during the regular instructional year.
e. Individual negotiations shall take place between administrator and counselor prior to change of assignment from day to night duties or one campus to another involving more than 1/4 time.
f. Upon mutual agreement between the individual and the unit administrator, full-time tenured faculty members may substitute Summer Quarter for a customary Fall, Winter, or Spring Quarter. In such instances, employment will be guaranteed for the Summer Quarter regardless of enrollment. Pay for such purposes shall be based upon the applicable rate during the quarter for which Summer is being substituted.