Inclement Weather and Emergency School Closures. 1. When school is closed due to inclement weather or other emergencies, all classified employees, with the exception of Head Custodians and Maintenance, will not be required to report to work and will be paid regularly; however, the District may restore up to two (2) designated, calendared restoration days. In the event that the District still does not meet the State minimum instructional hour requirements, additional instructional days will be restored to meet such requirements. Any additional workdays resulting from such an extension or rescheduling shall be with no additional pay, given that all employees have been paid for their contracted number of days during the school closure(s).
Inclement Weather and Emergency School Closures. 1. In inclement weather or other emergencies which require that schools be closed, bargaining unit members, unless identified as essential personnel, will not be expected to report to work and will not be charged against other paid leaves or will pay be docked. However, the school calendar may be adjusted to make up the days lost without additional compensation.
Inclement Weather and Emergency School Closures. 28.01 When a school or building is closed due to inclement weather or other emergency situations, the affected employees will not lose pay.