Emergency School Closing. 24.1 If as determined by the Superintendent, circumstances of weather, energy crisis, power failure, lack of water or heat, work stoppage, epidemic or other civil or natural emergencies, including threats or acts of violence, make it impossible or unsafe to open the schools or to keep open a school or schools, then the Superintendent shall act in such emergency situations to preserve and protect the lives and property of pupils and staff personnel. Such absence(s) shall not result in loss of pay or accumulated leave days to the teacher.
24.2 When an emergency confronts the schools of Polk County, notification of the closing of the schools shall be released for broadcast over appropriate public media as soon as possible.
Emergency School Closing. When an emergency school closing results in a day or days off for employees, the Board shall discuss proposed amendments to the calendar with the Association President and/or designee.
Emergency School Closing. The Superintendent of Schools shall exercise full authority granted under Section 1001.42, 1973, Florida Statutes as amended, to close any or all schools during an emergency. When emergencies arise and the Superintendent decides to close any or all schools, the Superintendent shall immediately notify the School Board of the action taken and the reason therefore and immediately implement administrative procedures which will include announcements over local television and radio stations when such services are made available, in order to alert personnel, students, parents and the community. Nothing in this Article shall require the Board to keep schools open in the event of severe inclement weather or when otherwise prevented by an act of God and nothing shall require educational support professionals to report to work in such circumstances. When one (1) or more schools or school offices are officially closed by the Superintendent, the employees are not required to report; no leave days previously arranged by an employee will be deducted for such emergency days. When the emergency closing results in a day or days off for employees, necessary amendments to the calendar shall be made to coincide with the amendments to the calendar for instructional personnel. During the time of a declared emergency, educational support professionals shall be eligible for Declared Emergency Leave in accordance with School Board Policy 4412.
Emergency School Closing. 6.1 When the schools and school offices are officially closed by the Employer due to an emergency, all licensed teachers will be paid in accordance with state statute, and teachers will not be required to report to their respective schools. If the emergency arises during school hours, teachers will be dismissed as soon as it has been established that all students have departed safely from the school property. Teachers will assist in assuring safe and immediate departure of students. This provision was not bargained and has been included for informational purposes only.
Emergency School Closing. The Chancellor shall announce any emergency closing at the earliest possible time and shall submit such announcements for broadcast by local radio and television stations.
Emergency School Closing. 23.5.1 DCPS shall announce any emergency closing via the DCPS website at the earliest possible time.
23.5.2 DCPS shall also submit such announcements to the local media in a timely fashion.
23.5.3 Teachers shall not have their sick leave reduced as a result of emergency closings.
Emergency School Closing. In the event that the Superintendent or designee determines that it is necessary to close schools due to an emergency, Board Policy No. 4:170-R4 will be followed. Note: Emergency school closing is not subject to collective bargaining and is only presented here for reference.
Emergency School Closing. 17.01 All schools and school offices in the school system will be open on all regularly scheduled days unless closed by the Superintendent because of an emergency. In the event of the closing of a school(s) or other facilities of school operations by the Superintendent or the Board because of an emergency, when they determine that an emergency exists, the Superintendent shall have the authority to designate which day(s), if any, will be used as replacement workday(s) for workday(s) lost due to the emergency. There will be no additional compensation for the replacement day(s) worked.
17.02 When an emergency confronts the schools, notification of the closing of schools will be released for broadcast over all local radio and TV stations as soon as possible. In the event schools are closed due to severe inclement weather or other acts of nature, employees need not report to work.
17.03 When the number of students unable to reach a school is so great that the instructional program is severely impaired, that school may be closed. Employees affected will be personally notified as soon as possible prior to the beginning of the school day as to whether they are to report to duty and, if so, where and when to report. The Board shall designate radio stations which will be utilized in the employees’ notification process. Should employees be notified that they should not report, the employees’ annual compensation will remain the same. All scheduled employees’ workdays so affected shall be rescheduled by the Superintendent as soon as possible.
Emergency School Closing. When school is officially closed by the administration, no leave days previously granted to a teacher will be deducted as a result of such closing.
Emergency School Closing. In the event of an emergency school closing, announcements will be made by an automated phone call, over the local radio and television stations. Students are required to be in attendance at the career and technical education school if school is in session at their sending high school and the tech center. An automated phone call will be made when necessary.