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For more information visit our privacy policy.Budget Schedule Subrecipient agrees that the expenditures of any and all funds under this Contract will be in accordance with the Budget Schedule, a copy of which is attached hereto as Attachment C, and which by this reference is incorporated herein and made a part hereof as if fully set forth.
Budget Summary Other Sources (Page BudgetSum 2-3 - Acct 7000), must equal Other Uses (BudgetSum 2-3 - Acct. 8000). Estimated Beginning Fund Balance July,1 2020 for all Funds (Cells C3 - K3) (Line must have a number or zero. Do not leave blank.) OK Estimated Activity Fund Beginning Fund Balance July,1 2020 (Cell C83) (Cell must have a number or zero. Do not leave blank.) OK Transfer Among Funds (Funds 10, 20, 40 - Acct 7130 - Cells C29, D29, F29), must equal (Funds 10, 20 & 40 - Acct 8130 - Cells C52, D52, F52). OK Transfer of Interest (Funds 10 thru 90 - Acct 7140 - Cells C30:K30), must equal (Funds 10 thru 60, & 80 - Acct 8140 - Cells C53:H53, J53). OK Transfer to Debt Service to Pay Principal on Capital Leases (Fund 30 - Acct 7400 - Cell E39) must equal (Funds 10, 20 & 60 - Acct 8400 Cells C57:H60). OK Transfer to Debt Service to Pay Interest on Capital Leases (Fund 30 - Acct 7500 - Cell E40) must equal (Funds 10, 20 & 60 - Acct 8500 - Cells C61:H64). OK Transfer to Debt Service Fund to Pay Principal on Revenue Bonds (Fund 30 - Acct 7600 - Cell E41) must equal (Funds 10 & 20 - Acct 8600 - Cells C65:D68). OK Transfer to Debt Service to Pay Interest on Revenue Bonds (Fund 30 - Acct 7700 - Cell E42) must equal (Funds 10 & 20 - Acct 8700 - Cells C69:D72). OK Transfer to Capital Projects Fund (Fund 60 - Acct 7800 - Cell H43) must equal (Fund 10 & 20, Acct 8800 - Cells C73:D76). OK
Model List your model number of the product you are bidding.
Quantitative Analysis Quantitative analysts develop and apply financial models designed to enable equity portfolio managers and fundamental analysts to screen potential and current investments, assess relative risk and enhance performance relative to benchmarks and peers. To the extent that such services are to be provided with respect to any Account which is a registered investment company, Categories 3, 4 and 5 above shall be treated as “investment advisory services” for purposes of Section 5(b) of the Agreement.”
Risk Analysis The Custodian will provide the Fund with a Risk Analysis with respect to Securities Depositories operating in the countries listed in Appendix B. If the Custodian is unable to provide a Risk Analysis with respect to a particular Securities Depository, it will notify the Fund. If a new Securities Depository commences operation in one of the Appendix B countries, the Custodian will provide the Fund with a Risk Analysis in a reasonably practicable time after such Securities Depository becomes operational. If a new country is added to Appendix B, the Custodian will provide the Fund with a Risk Analysis with respect to each Securities Depository in that country within a reasonably practicable time after the addition of the country to Appendix B.
Equipment Specifications All equipment must meet the contract specifications and all federal and State safety codes and regulations in effect at the date of manufacture. All equipment must be Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) equipment unless otherwise stated in the contract. All products, materials, supplies, replacement parts, and equipment offered and furnished must be new, of current manufacturer production, and must have been formally announced by the manufacturer as being commercially available, unless otherwise stated in this Contract.
ODUF Packing Specifications 6.3.1 A pack will contain a minimum of one message record or a maximum of 99,999 message records plus a pack header record and a pack trailer record. One transmission can contain a maximum of 99 packs and a minimum of one pack.
Budget Revisions Grantee shall obtain Prior Approval from Grantor whenever a Budget revision is necessary for one or more of the reasons enumerated in 2 CFR 200.308 or 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.370(b). All requests for Budget revisions that require Grantor approval shall be signed by Grantee’s authorized representative and submitted to Grantor for approval. Expenditure of funds under a requested revision is prohibited and will not be reimbursed if expended before Grantor gives written approval.
Flexible Work Schedule A flexible work schedule is any schedule that is not a regular, alternate, 9/80, or 4/10 work schedule and where the employee is not scheduled to work more than 40 hours in the "workweek" as defined in Subsections F. and H., below.
TIPS Pricing Vendor agrees and understands that for each TIPS Contract that it holds, Vendor submitted, agreed to, and received TIPS’ approval for specific pricing, discounts, and other pricing terms and incentives which make up Vendor’s TIPS Pricing for that TIPS Contract (“TIPS Pricing”). Vendor confirms that Vendor will not add the TIPS Administration Fee as a charge or line-item in a TIPS Sale. Vendor hereby certifies that Vendor shall only offer goods and services through this TIPS Contract if those goods and services are included in or added to Vendor’s TIPS Pricing and approved by TIPS. TIPS reserves the right to review Vendor’s pricing update requests as specifically as line-item by line-item to determine compliance. However, Vendor contractually agrees that all submitted pricing updates shall be within the original terms of the Vendor’s TIPS Pricing (scope, proposed discounts, price increase limitations, and other pricing terms and incentives originally proposed by Vendor) such that TIPS may accept Vendors price increase requests as submitted without additional vetting at TIPS discretion. Any pricing quoted by Vendor to a TIPS Member or on a TIPS Quote shall never exceed Vendor’s TIPS Pricing for any good or service offered through TIPS. TIPS Pricing price increases and modifications, if permitted, will be honored according to the terms of the solicitation and Vendor’s proposal, incorporated herein by reference.