Infill Development Sample Clauses

Infill Development. (a) New roof profiles are to be secondary to the established skyline profiles in the Heritage Conservation Area and are to enhance the established character of the existing skyline (refer to Figure 13). Objectives‌ (a) To ensure the retention and reinstatement of early verandahs and balcony forms. (b) To ensure that alterations and additions do not detract from original balconies and verandahs.
Infill Development. (a) Infill Development must not include garages or driveways to the front of the property where these are not characteristic of the area. (b) Where no rear lane access is provided and it is consistent with the predominant character of the area, garages should be either setback behind the line of the dwelling frontage, or incorporated within the building design (for new dwellings). (c) Where the streetscape is dominated by garages located up to the front boundary, garages may be allowed in front of the dwelling. Driveway width shall be minimised to maximise on street parking availability and landscaping used to unify the garage and dwelling with the landform. Objective‌ (a) To ensure that the landscape settings and elements of heritage items or buildings within a conservation area are retained or reinstated. (b) To promote the retention of original soft and hard landscaping to maintain the character of the area. (c) To promote the retention of coursed local sandstone retaining walls that are characteristic of Waverley’s heritage.
Infill Development. (a) New development should conform to the established street front building alignment for the extent of its height. (b) New under awning shop fronts should be simply detailed with large areas of glazing and narrow mullions/framing. (c) The height of new development at the street alignment should not exceed the height of existing buildings. B9 SAFETY‌ The aim of these controls is to ensure that the way in which the site and the buildings within the site are laid out, enhance security and feelings of safety and clearly delineate between private and public space. This Part should be read in conjunction with NSW Government’s Crime Prevention and the Assessment of Development Applications Guidelines under Section 4.15 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. The preparation of a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) assessment is to be prepared in accordance with the Waverley Development Application Guide.
Infill Development. (a) Infill buildings should recognise characteristics materials, textures and colours used locally and in adjacent buildings. (b) Materials and colours of surrounding buildings need not be simply copied but used as a point of reference. (c) Modern materials can be used if their proportions and details are harmonious within the surrounding historic context. Objective‌ (a) To retain and maintain the characteristic roof forms, finishes and chimneys of heritage items and conservation areas. (b) To ensure new roof profiles are consistent with the established skyline profiles of the conservation area.
Infill Development. Infill development should be cohesive in scale, proportion and finish to the surrounding streetscape and buildings (refer to Figure 12).
Infill Development. Each party shall receive full credit, and shall not incur any reimbursement obligation under this agreement, for local option sales tax distribution gains that result from population increases due to infill development within the boundaries of that party, including infill development in an annexed area subsequent to the effective date of such annexation.
Infill Development. (a) New development and alterations and additions to existing dwellings should be compatible and consistent with development both in the immediate vicinity and in the overall context of the street. (b) Contemporary design is acceptable in a conservation area where it is sympathetic to, and respects the context of the conservation area and any heritage item in the vicinity (refer to Figure 8). (c) New buildings adjacent to buildings of historic character or heritage items should be secondary in prominence to the existing streetscape fabric and draw on the predominant pattern of the existing streetscape. (d) Where properties have side street or rear lane frontages, alterations and additions reinforce the desirable side or rear streetscape.
Infill Development. (a) Modern details should defer to, and be cohesive with, traditional details that contribute to the character of the area.

Related to Infill Development

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  • Career Development The City and the Union agree that employee career growth can be beneficial to both the City and the affected employee. As such, consistent with training needs identified by the City and the financial resources appropriated therefore by the City, the City shall provide educational and training opportunities for employee career growth. Each employee shall be responsible for utilizing those training and educational opportunities made available by the City or other institutions for the self- development effort needed to achieve personal career goals.

  • Joint Development If joint development is involved, the Recipient agrees to follow the latest edition of FTA Circular 7050.1, “Federal Transit Administration Guidance on Joint Development.”

  • Design Development An interim step in the design process. Design Development documents consist of plans, elevations, and other drawings and outline specifications. These documents will fix and illustrate the size and character of the entire project in its essentials as to kinds of materials, type of structure, grade elevations, sidewalks, utilities, roads, parking areas, mechanical and electrical systems, and such other work as may be required.

  • Curriculum Development This includes the analysis and coordination of textual materials; constant review of current literature in the field, some of which are selected for the college library collection, the preparation of selective, descriptive materials such as outlines and syllabi; conferring with other faculty and administration on curricular problems; and, the attendance and participation in inter and intra-college conferences and advisory committees.

  • Skills Development The Company acknowledges the changing pace of technology in the electrical contracting industry and the need for employees to understand those changes and have the necessary skill requirements to keep the Company at the forefront of the industry. The Parties to this Agreement recognise that in order to increase the efficiency, productivity and competitiveness of the Company, a commitment to training and skill development is required. Accordingly, the parties commit themselves to: i) Developing a more highly skilled and flexible workforce. ii) Providing employees with career opportunities through appropriate training to acquire the additional skills as required by the Company. Taking into account; The current and future skill needs of the Company. The size, structure and nature of the Company. The need to develop vocational skills relevant to the Company and the Electrical Contracting Industry. Where, by agreement between the employee and employer, an employee undertakes training providing skills, which are not a company specific requirement, any time spent in the completion of this training shall be unpaid.

  • Research and Development (i) Advice and assistance in relation to research and development of Party B; (ii) Advice and assistance in strategic planning; and

  • Program Development NWESD agrees that priority in the development of new applications services by XXXXX shall be in accordance with the expressed direction of the XXXXX Board of Directors operating under their bylaws.