INTERIM NUMBER PORTABILITY. 69.1. Interim Number Portability (INP) shall be provided to the extent technical capabilities allow, by a Sprint directed Remote Call Forwarding (RCF). In the event RCF is a purchased feature of the CLEC end user, there is no relationship between RCF and INP. Once LNP is generally available in Sprint’s serving area, RCF will be provided only as a retail service offering by Sprint.
69.2. Remote Call Forwarding (RCF) is an INP method to provide end users with service-provider portability by redirecting calls within the telephone network. When RCF is used to provide interim number portability, calls to the ported number will first route to the Sprint switch to which the ported number was previously assigned. The Sprint switch will then forward the call to a number associated with the CLEC designated switch to which the number is ported. CLEC may order any additional paths to handle multiple simultaneous calls to the same ported telephone number.
69.3. The trunking requirements will be agreed upon by Sprint and CLEC resultant from application of sound engineering principles. These trunking options may include SS7 signaling, in-band signaling, and may be one-way or two-way. The trunks used may be the same as those used for exchange of other Local Traffic and toll traffic between Sprint and CLEC.
69.4. Local Exchange Routing Guide (LERG) Reassignment. Portability for an entire NXX shall be provided by utilizing reassignment of the block to CLEC through the LERG. Updates to translations in the Sprint switching office from which the telephone number is ported will be made by Sprint prior to the date on which LERG changes become effective, in order to redirect calls to the CLEC switch via route indexing.
INTERIM NUMBER PORTABILITY. “INP”). The Parties agree to provide INP on a reciprocal basis between their networks to enable their Customers to utilize telephone numbers associated with a Telephone Exchange Service provided by one Party, in conjunction with a Telephone Exchange Service provided by the other Party, upon the coordinated or simultaneous termination of the first Telephone Exchange Service and activation of the second Telephone Exchange Service. The Parties shall provide reciprocal INP via remote call forwarding (“RCF”), Direct Inward Dialing (“DID”) or through NXX Migration; provided, in each case that the Customer whose telephone number is subject to INP remains within the same serving Central Office. To the extent technically feasible, Interim Number Portability will be provided by each Party with minimum impairment of functionality, quality, reliability and convenience to subscribers of the other Party's services.
INTERIM NUMBER PORTABILITY. ("INP") Service is a service arrangement that can be provided by USWC to ACI or by ACI to USWC. For the purposes of this section, the Party porting traffic to the other Party shall be referred to as the "INP Provider" and the Party receiving INP traffic for termination shall be referred to as the "INP Requestor".
INTERIM NUMBER PORTABILITY. 9.1 Interim Service Provider Number Portability (“ISPNP”) is a service arrangement that can be provided by Eastern to Aventure or by Aventure to Eastern.
9.2 ISPNP allows an end user customer to transfer service from Eastern to Aventure and to retain their existing telephone number. ISPNP allows incoming calls to Eastern provided telephone numbers to be routed to Aventure’s network for completion. ISPNP is available only for working telephone numbers assigned to Eastern’s customers who request to transfer to Aventure provided service.
9.3 Eastern reserves the right to determine the type of serving arrangement used to redirect ISPNP calls to Aventure’s network (e.g., remote call forwarding (“RCF”)). Additional capacity for simultaneous call forwarding is available where technically feasible on a per path basis. Aventure will need to specify the number of simultaneous calls to be forwarded for each number ported and where LNP has not been implemented.
9.4 ISPNP is subject to the following restrictions:
9.4.1 An ISPNP telephone number may be assigned by Aventure only to its customers located within Eastern’s local calling area and rate center which is associated with the NXX of the ported number.
9.4.2 ISPNP is applicable only if Aventure is engaged in a reciprocal traffic exchange arrangement with Eastern.
9.4.3 Only the existing, Eastern assigned end user telephone number may be used as a ported number for ISPNP.
9.4.4 ISPNP will not be provided by Eastern for Eastern’s customers whose accounts are in arrears and who elect to make a change of service provider unless and until: Full payment for the account (including directory-advertising charges associated with the customer’s telephone number) is made by customer or Aventure agrees to make full payment on behalf of the customer. Eastern is notified in advance of the change in service provider and a change of responsibility form is issued. Eastern accepts the transfer of responsibility.
9.4.5 ISPNP services will not be resold, shared or assigned by Aventure.
9.4.6 ISPNP is not offered for NXX Codes 555, 976, 960 and 1+ send-paid telephones, and service access codes (i.e. 500, 700, 800/888, 900). ISPNP is not available for FGA seven-digit numbers, including foreign exchange (FEX), FX and FX/ONAL and foreign central office service, as well as restrictions that may apply for unique services; e.g., DID, hunting arrangements. Furthermore, ISPNP numbers may not be used for mass calling events.
INTERIM NUMBER PORTABILITY. (a) Until Number Portability is implemented on an industry-wide basis pursuant to an order or regulation issued by the FCC or the Department, the Parties agree to provide to each other Interim Number Portability as defined in the Act, ("INP") through remote call forwarding, route indexing, and full NXX code migration as set forth below or through any other technical solution which may, at the option of the Parties, be mutually agreed to by the Parties.
(b) Upon implementation of Number Portability pursuant to an FCC or Department regulation, both Parties agree to conform and provide such Number Portability in accordance with said regulation. Once Number Portability is implemented, either Party may withdraw, at any time and at its sole discretion, its INP offerings, subject to reasonable advance written notice to the other Party.
(c) In the event a Customer of one Party ("Party A") elects to become a Customer of the other Party ("Party B") and such Customer continues to reside within the same central office boundary and Rate Center, and elects to utilize the original telephone number(s) corresponding to the Exchange Service(s) it previously received from Party A in conjunction with the Exchange Service(s) it will now receive from Party B:
(i) Party B shall, upon receipt from such Customer of the type of customer authorization required by the Department or the FCC (together with an associated service order which, among other things, indicates that Party B has obtained the required customer authorization permitting assignment of the number to Party B), place an order with Party A to implement an arrangement whereby all calls to the original telephone number(s) will be forwarded to Party B over the appropriate Local/IntraLATA trunks for purposes of forwarding the call.
(ii) Party B shall become the customer of record for the original Party A telephone numbers subject to the INP arrangements provided that Party B continues to use the INP service for the use of the end user customer originally assigned such number, and in all respects shall be treated as the customer as to such number as if Party B has been assigned such number. Party A shall use its reasonable efforts to consolidate into as few billing statements as possible all collect, calling card, and third-number billed calls associated with those numbers, with sub-account detail by retained number. The parties shall work cooperatively to enable Party A to provide such billing statement to Party B in an ag...
INTERIM NUMBER PORTABILITY. 51 9.3 911/E-911 SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
INTERIM NUMBER PORTABILITY. (a) Until Number Portability is implemented on an industry-wide basis pursuant to an order or regulation issued by the FCC or the Commission, the Parties agree to provide to each other Interim Number Portability (as defined in the Act, "INP") through remote call forwarding, route indexing, and full NXX code migration as set forth below or through any other technical solution which may, at the option of the Parties, be mutually agreed to by the Parties.
(b) Upon implementation of Number Portability pursuant to an FCC or Commission regulation, both Parties agree to conform and provide such Number Portability in accordance with said
INTERIM NUMBER PORTABILITY. 53 9.3 911/E-911 Service........................................................... 58 9.4
INTERIM NUMBER PORTABILITY. 7.1.1. Until the Parties implement the provisions of the FCC's First Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, CC Docket No. 95-116 ("FCC Number Portability Order"), ACI and Pacific shall provide remote call forwarding functionality, or other INP capabilities, to each other pursuant to the terms and rates of the tariff filed by Pacific. The remote call forwarding functionality is identified in Pacific's tariff as Directory Number Call Forwarding ("DNCF").
7.1.2. In the event that either Party elects to use a DNCF-like INP service and until the Parties implement the provisions of the FCC Number Portability Order, with regard to the division of Switched Access revenues associated with INP, the Party forwarding the calls to the other Party over the INP arrangement shall pay the other Party $1.75 per month for each business line and $1.25 per month for each residence line associated with the INP arrangement. Determination of the number of lines to which the above payment shall apply will be made at the time the INP arrangement is established. The payment shall be made based on the total number of lines included in the same hunting arrangement as the INP number. Partial months will be paid on a prorated basis and such payment shall continue until the INP arrangement is disconnected or PNP is made available for the INP number, whichever occurs first. Such amount is in consideration of the Switched Access compensation and reciprocal compensation that would have been received by each Party if PNP had been in effect. a) DNCF-like INP calls will be delivered over Local Interconnection Trunk Groups.
7.1.3. DNCF-like INP calls will be delivered over Local Interconnection Trunk Groups.
INTERIM NUMBER PORTABILITY. “INP”). The Parties agree to provide INP on a reciprocal basis between their networks to enable their Customers to utilize telephone numbers associated with a Telephone Exchange Service provided by one Party, in conjunction with a Telephone Exchange Service provided by the other Party, upon the coordinated or simultaneous termination of the first Telephone Exchange Service and activation of the second Telephone Exchange Service. The Parties shall provide reciprocal INP via remote call forwarding (“RCF”), Direct Inward Dialing (“DID”) or through NXX Migration; provided, in each case that the Customer whose telephone number is subject to INP remains within the same serving Rate Center or Rate District. To the extent technically feasible, Interim Number Portability will be provided by each Party with minimum impairment of functionality, quality, reliability and convenience to subscribers of the other Party’s services. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, a Party’s obligation to provide INP for new or existing numbers shall cease upon the earlier of (a) the date the FCC requires a LEC to offer LNP in the MSA where such number resides, as indicated on Appendix E to the First Memorandum Opinion and Order on Reconsideration in CC Docket No. 95- 116 and (ii) December 31, 1998. If Party B places an order for INP or maintains an INP arrangement on a number after the date Party A is no longer required to provide INP, as provided in the previous sentence, and Party A has implemented a viable LNP offering consistent with Applicable Law, such INP arrangement shall be provided at the rates and on the terms and conditions of Party A’s applicable RCF or DID retail tariff(s). If, however, Party A does not have a viable LNP offering, INP arrangements shall continue to be priced consistent with Section 13.8 until such viable offering is available.