Land Use and Development. The agreement should address the status of the Downsview Area Secondary Plan (OPA 464) and the process for making decisions on development in the area, including the role of the public in that process. The municipal development process under the Ontario Planning Act includes Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments, Plans of Subdivision, Site Plans, Minor Variances, Consents, as well as matters related to the administration and enforcement of the Ontario Building Code.
Land Use and Development. The City agrees to review all land use changes, land development applications, and plats in an expeditious manner in accordance with procedures set forth in the Zoning Regulations. Plans will be processed in accordance with then current Master Plan and related procedural requirements. Owners and Developers may submit these items for concurrent review by the City and other governmental authorities. City may give final approval to any submission, but will not grant authorization to record plats or begin development construction activities until all permitting agencies have completed their reviews except to the extent allowed by local and State law. Such grant of authorization to record plats or begin development construction activities will not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed.
Land Use and Development. The Parties acknowledge that development approved by one Party within the Joint Planning Area may affect other portions of the Joint Planning Area, including those portions within the jurisdiction of the other Party. As such, the Parties desire consistent and compatible development within the Joint Planning Area and across the Parties’ jurisdictional boundaries.
1. Within 10 calendar days of receiving a complete application for (i) a rezoning, (ii) a comprehensive plan amendment, or (iii) a development approval, the Party receiving the application must notify the other Party of the application and provide a copy of the application and related materials upon request of the other Party. The Party receiving the application will permit the other Party 30 calendar days from the date the notification was received to submit comments on the application and will introduce those comments into the public record of any hearing for the application.
2. The Parties recognize the value of joint planning between the County and the City and will continue working toward a future goal of an agreement under Part II, Chapter 171, Florida Statutes, which encompasses the entirety of the City and adjacent unincorporated areas.
Land Use and Development i. The Orange County CoC has no direct role or responsibility as it relates to land use and development; however, the Orange County CoC will continue to work collaboratively to support the Parties in fulfilling their land use and development roles and responsibilities.
ii. The County will continue to identify available land and support development opportunities with the County jurisdiction and support the County’s Housing Funding Strategy, which prioritizes the development of permanent supportive housing and affordable housing for people experiencing homelessness.
iii. The City of Anaheim will identify available areas and projects for development opportunities and build partnerships with third party developers that streamline or improve development projects and timelines.
iv. The City of Irvine will acquire land within the city limits for development of a 50- bed bridge housing facility.
v. The City of Santa Xxx will assess available land in the city to determine how this land can be used to provide transitional and/or permanent housing to those who are housing insecure or literally homeless.