PERMITS AND FEES. Contractor shall apply and pay for all permits and inspection fees as required by all governmental agencies having jurisdiction over this project.
PERMITS AND FEES. The CONTRACTOR shall secure and pay for all building permits and other permits and governmental fees, licenses and inspections necessary for proper execution and completion of the Work which are normally and legally required for the construction of similar projects in the State of Texas. The CONTRACTOR will give all notices required by laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and lawful orders of authorized public authorities required for the proper and legal performance of the Work.
PERMITS AND FEES. Contractor shall secure and pay for all permits, governmental fees, licenses and inspections necessary for the proper execution and completion of Work which are customarily secured after execution of the Contract and which are legally required. Contractor shall give all notices and comply with all laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and lawful orders of any public authority bearing on the performance of the Work.
PERMITS AND FEES. Contractor shall comply with all applicable building, zoning, environmental, and land use laws, regulations, and ordinances. Contractor shall give all notices required by and comply with all applicable laws, ordinances and codes of the municipality where work is being performed and the State of Maine. Contractor shall at his/her own expense secure and pay fees or charges for all permits required for the performance of the work. Contractor shall provide copies of such notices and permits to the Applicant and the Escrow Agent.
PERMITS AND FEES. Obtain all building permits and special permits for permanent improvements, excluding permits for inspection or temporary facilities required to be obtained directly by the various Trade Contractors. Assist in obtaining approvals from all the authorities having jurisdiction. The Owner will pay for the permit and all utility assessment fees.
PERMITS AND FEES. A. Contractor shall secure all permits, licenses and renewals required by government authority to complete construction of the Project. If permits are required for Subcontracted Work, Subcontractors will secure those permits. Owner shall assist Contractor in responding to requests for information from the permit-issuing authority. Contractor shall provide Owner a copy of each permit, license and renewal issued by government authority for the Project. B. Owner will pay the building permit fee, Plan check fee, and charges levied by government for testing, Inspection and Re-Inspection of the Project. C. Except as provided elsewhere in this agreement, Owner will pay all fees and application charges imposed by government authority, including, but not limited to, grading permit fees, drainage permit fees, traffic control charges, thoroughfare charges, impact fees, special district fees, sewer fees, water fees, planning fees, school fees, elevator permit fees, charges for temporary access or use of the public right of way, and charges for document processing, hearings, and certifications. Owner will also pay all fees and application charges imposed by any association of property owners having authority over the Job Site. D. Except as provided elsewhere in this agreement, Owner will pay all application fees and connection charges imposed by utility companies or government agencies for bringing service to the Job Site, and for connecting gas, water, electricity, phone, cable, sewer, and drainage lines. E. Except as provided elsewhere in this agreement, Owner will secure all approvals for the Project that are required by government authority, including planning, easements, remediation, environmental, and zoning approvals.
PERMITS AND FEES. 36.1 The following shall be the County's responsibility unless modified according to terms of Subsection 34.2: 36.1.1 County shall submit the construction documents to the permitting authority for plan review. When permits or fees are required by the permitting authority, County shall pay the following costs directly to the governing agency and/or entity upon request from Contractor: (1) Plan check fees; (2) Building Permits; (3) Impact Fees (i.e. - hydrology); (4) Conditional Use Permit Fees (completed prior to bidding); (4) Utility Connection Fees (i.e. - gas, sewer, water, power, phone). 36.1.2 Utility unit labor and material costs for Work not included with connection fees and normally performed by the utility company. 36.2 The following shall be Contractor’s responsibility: 36.2.1 County may require at the pre-construction conference that Contractor submit construction documents to the permitting authority for plan review. When fees are required by the permitting authority, County shall pay the costs directly to the governing agency and/or entity upon request from Contractor. 36.2.2 When permits and fees are required by the permitting authority, Contractor shall make arrangements to secure the building permit and shall notify County’s project representative, in a timely manner, of the fee amount required to obtain the building permit. Contractor shall research, coordinate and schedule all Work required by the utility companies, special service districts and subcontractors to complete all Work shown on the construction documents. Contractor shall be responsible for all Work not normally performed by the utility companies or special service districts (i.e. - trenching and backfilling) even if this Work is not indicated in the construction documents, and shall comply with Section 18.0 - Changes In The Work. 36.3 Contractor shall be responsible for all bonding requirements and deposits that might be required by utility or government entities to perform the Work.
PERMITS AND FEES. As set out in Section 4 above, the Contract Amount includes the price of all normally applicable fees and permits. The City may, at its discretion, arrange for the waiver of certain fees, permits and expenses.
PERMITS AND FEES. Contractor shall secure, at its own cost any building permit and Contractor shall secure at its own cost other such permits, inspections, licenses, and approvals as may be required under all applicable building codes, ordinances, laws or regulations for the Work.
PERMITS AND FEES. 5.1 The Client will secure and pay for the cost of any required building permit. The Client shall secure and pay for necessary approvals, easements, assessments and charges required for the use or occupancy of permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities. 5.2 The Contractor shall secure and pay, as a part of the Contract Sum, for all other permits and governmental fees, licenses and inspections necessary for proper execution and completion of the construction of the Work.