LETTER OF CLARIFICATION. Ref: Job Descriptions 717T Collective Agreement • No employee's classification shall be changed to a classification of a lower rate, solely by reason of this agreement. • In the event of a Layoff, seniority within each occupational group will determine the employees to be retained. Layoffs will be implemented beginning with the lowest seniority within the Occupational Group. Nothing herein shall preclude employees from exercising an option of Layoff in accordance with Article 13:11 (a). • In the event of a recall, employees with the most seniority within an Occupational Group will be recalled. Recall by classifications within an Occupational Group will no longer be valid. Nothing herein shall preclude employees from exercising an option of recall in accordance with Article 13:11 (b). • The Company will continue to recognize a committee to monitor and establish a training program that will allow employees to upgrade their skills. This committee will establish its own parameters and will continue to monitor all training programs over the life of this collective agreement. • This Committee to consist of: Co-ordinator Training Officer Local 717T Two (2) members Management Two (2) members • No employee shall be subject to discipline by virtue of their not being capable of learning additional duties beyond the scope of their present job description. • The conditions outlined in this agreement relating to layoffs and recall take precedence over the Articles dealing with layoffs and recall outlined in the Collective Agreement. • The seniority, layoff and recall clauses of the Collective Agreement are to reflect the intent of this letter of clarification. APPENDIX 13
LETTER OF CLARIFICATION. GENERAL HOLIDAY PAY AND PAYMENT OF OVERTIME......................................................................
LETTER OF CLARIFICATION. CREWS OPERATING VEHICLES IN YARD SERVICE ..............................................................................
LETTER OF CLARIFICATION. RE: Letter of Clarification Crew Complement APPENDIX "E 6" RE: Job Redundancy Clause Employment Security
LETTER OF CLARIFICATION. Regarding the Application of to Situations Where Relatives Die Overseas Letter of Clarification Regarding Article Leaves Letter of Understanding Regarding Extended Absences on Long-Term Disability Workers' Compensation Letter of Intent concerning Pension Plan Intent Concerning Pension Plan of Understanding Regarding Pension Negotiations Schedule Hourly wage Rates THIS AGREEMENT made this 24th day BETWEEN : OF THE FIRST PART OF THE SECOND PART
LETTER OF CLARIFICATION. Mileage Allowance The following is the manner in which mileage will be paid to floater custodians.
LETTER OF CLARIFICATION. RE: Crew Complement RE: Employee Family Assistance Program RE: Towboat Accommodation Standards
LETTER OF CLARIFICATION. General and Special Conditions of Contract General Conditions of Contract for Civil Engineering and Building Works (5 April 2000 Edition) (provided in separately bound booklet) Special Conditions of Contract Clauses 1-5 VOLUME TWO Form of Tender Form of Tender Appendix 1 to the Form of Tender Appendix 2 to the Form of Tender - Pricing Document 1. Preamble 2. Pricing Schedule - Part 1 of 2 (including the Lump Sum Breakdowns after the last Cost Centre) LIST OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Specification Particular Specification - Part 2 of 3 VOLUME SIX Specification Particular Specification - Part 3 of 3 VOLUME SEVEN Drawings - General (in A3 size) VOLUME EIGHT Drawings - Foundation and Geotechnical Works (in A3 size) VOLUME NINE Drawings - Viaduct (in A3 size) VOLUME TEN Drawings - EAP, Ramp and Ancillary Structures (in A3 size) VOLUME ELEVEN Drawings - E & M Works (in A3 size) VOLUME TWELVE Associated Documents Particular Specification Appendix L - Items No. 1 to 17 Particular Specification Appendix L - Items No. 18 to 26 (provided in separately bound booklets)