MAIN NATIONAL PARTNERS. The host Member State’s main partners involved in the implementation of this Plan are the following: Ministry for Home Affairs, National Security, and Law Enforcement Migration management. International Protection Agency (IPA) Access to and first instance international protection determination procedure. Agency for the Welfare of Asylum Seekers (AWAS) Management of the reception system and services related to the welfare of asylum seekers. The Principal Immigration Officer, Police Authority responsible for issuing detention decisions. Detention Services (DS) Management of the closed reception facilities in Safi and Xxx XxxXxxxxxxx.
MAIN NATIONAL PARTNERS. The host Member State’s main partners involved in the implementation of this Plan are the following: Asylum Service, Ministry of the Interior The Asylum Service (CAS) is responsible for the first instance determination of asylum applications, including the determination of the Member States responsible under the Dublin III Regulation Organisation Responsibilities criteria. Pursuant to the latest amendments of the Refugees Law the Asylum Service is authorised to issue with a negative decision a return decision in a single administrative act. CAS also offers the applicant the option of Voluntary Return to their country of origin. If no response received by the rejected applicant about voluntary return or request for assisted voluntary return, then the return decision is referred to Aliens and Immigration Unit (AIU) who remains in charge for execution of return decisions and deportation orders. The decisions are based on the Refugee Law (6(1)/2000) and its subsequent amendments. The Asylum Service is also responsible, by the Refugee Law, for the operation of reception and accommodation centres for asylum seekers, as well as for coordinating all other competent authorities on asylum issues. Aliens and Immigration Unit to the Police, Ministry of Justice and Public Order The Aliens and Immigration Unit to the Police (AIU) is primarily responsible for receiving and registering applications for international protection on behalf of the Asylum Service (including fingerprinting for EURODAC and Dublin purposes). AIU is also responsible for implementing detention and deportation orders issued by the Director of the Civil Registry and Migration Department (CRMD). The Cypriot police is also responsible for facilitating and maintaining migration related IT-systems, such as the Eurodac and DubliNet NAP. To both systems, large works are expected to take place in the coming years. Civil Registry and Migration Department of the Ministry of the Interior Civil Registry and Migration Department (CRMD) is the result of the consolidation of the Migration, Registration and Election Services, which were part of the Ministry of the Interior. CRMD is competent for civil registry and migration matters, such as issuance of residence permits to third country nationals who are holders of international protection status, handling applications for family reunification and issuing of entry and residence permits. Social Welfare Services, Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance The S...
MAIN NATIONAL PARTNERS. The host Member State’s main partners involved in the implementation of this Plan are the following: Ministry of Migration and Asylum The mission of the Ministry is the planning and implementation of the national migration policy, both regarding the legal entry, residence and social integration of third country nationals, as well as on identification and reception of third-country nationals entering without legal formalities, the design and the implementation of the national policy on asylum or other forms of international protection and providing protection to applicants and individuals who are in need of international protection, i.e. recognised refugees, beneficiaries of subsidiary protection and beneficiaries of humanitarian status.The Ministry has the responsibility to implement the EU and international law acquis, as well as international conventions onmigration, international protection and the responsibility to coordinate all the co-responsible services of the country in central andregional level. Asylum Service The Asylum Service operates at Directorate General level with local competence throughout Greece, retains the strategic goal of implementing the legislation on asylum and other forms of international protection of Third Country Nationals and stateless individuals. It is the country's competent authority in planning and policy making in the process of granting asylum or other forms of international protection, as well as in monitoring and evaluating itsimplementation. Independent AppealsCommittees established under the Appeals Authority The Appeals Authority operates at the level of Directorate and aims to examine international requests protection at second instance. The Authority consists of the Central Administrative Service and the Independent Appeals Committees, while its territorialjurisdiction covers the whole territory.
MAIN NATIONAL PARTNERS. The host Member State’s main partners involved in the implementation of this Plan are the following: Federal agency for the reception of asylum seekers Reception of applicants for international protection and other target groups Coordination of voluntary programmes State Secretary for Asylum and Migration Policy-making on asylum and reception, proposes measures to the Council of Ministers. Immigration Office Responsible for the registration and lodging of asylum applications, involved in the workflow of the arrival centre in Brussels. Fedasil partner organisations Currently: Croix Rouge Belgique, Rode Kruis Vlaanderen, Samusocial [municipal emergency service providing assistance to homeless and asylum seekers], Mutualités socialistes [mutual insurance company], Caritas International, Le CIRE, private partners. Management of collective reception centres, contracted by Fedasil.
MAIN NATIONAL PARTNERS. The host Member State’s main partners involved in the implementation of this Plan are the following: Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations- Ministerio de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones (MISSM) xxxxx:// The basic organisational structure of the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration is established in Article 7.1(a). Royal Decree 497/2020 of 28 of April 2020, and replaces the former Ministry of Labour, Migration and Social Security. Article 21 of Royal Decree 139/2020 of 28 of January 2020 establishes that the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration is responsible of the State Secretary for Migration in charge of developing policies on foreigners, immigration and migration. Royal Decree 286/2021 of 20 April 2021 amends the Royal Decree 139/2020 and Royal Decree 497/2020 and stablishes a new organisational structure. State Secretary for Migration- Secretaría de Estado de Migraciones (SEM) Article 5 of Royal Decree 497/2020 establishes that the State Secretary for Migration is responsible for developing policies on foreigners, immigration and migration. Royal Decree 286/2021 amends Article 5 and establishes a new organizational structure under the State Secretary for Migration, divided in two Directorates General (Directorate-General for Migration and Directorate-General for International Protection Programs and Humanitarian Assistance) and three Sub-Directorates (Sub- Directorate General for Migration Analysis, Sub-Directorate General for Economic Management and European Funds and Sub-Directorate General for Legal Affairs). Subdirección General de Análisis Migratorio Sub-Directorate General for Migration Analysis According to Royal Decree 286/2021 of 20 April 2021, the Sub- Directorate General for Migration Analysis exercises its functions for the General Secretariat of Inclusion and Social Welfare Objectives and Policies and is responsible for: Organisation Responsibilities 1) the coordination of studies, reports and analysis on migration policies and statistics, without prejudice to the functions of the Spanish Observatory on Racism and Xenophobia. 2) the monitoring and analysis of the evolution of the cost and quality of the programs and benefits, as well as the economic planning, managed by the Secretary of State for Migration. 3) the proposal for regulatory reforms and management procedures that allow better monitoring and supervision of the services and benefits managed by the Se...


  • Additional Partners (a) Effective on the first day of any month (or on such other date as shall be determined by the General Partner in its sole discretion), the General Partner shall have the right to admit one or more additional or substitute persons into the Partnership as General Partners or Limited Partners. Each such person shall make the representations and certifications with respect to itself set forth in Sections 3.7 and 3.8. The General Partner shall determine and negotiate with the additional Partner all terms of such additional Partner’s participation in the Partnership, including the additional Partner’s initial GP-Related Capital Contribution, Capital Commitment-Related Capital Contribution, GP-Related Profit Sharing Percentage and Capital Commitment Profit Sharing Percentage. Each additional Partner shall have such voting rights as may be determined by the General Partner from time to time unless, upon the admission to the Partnership of any Limited Partner, the General Partner shall designate that such Limited Partner shall not have such voting rights (any such Limited Partner being called a “Nonvoting Limited Partner”). Any additional Partner shall, as a condition to becoming a Partner, agree to become a party to, and be bound by the terms and conditions of, the Trust Agreement. If Blackstone or another or subsequent holder of an Investor Note approved by the General Partner for purposes of this Section 6.1(a) shall foreclose upon a Limited Partner’s Investor Note issued to finance such Limited Partner’s purchase of his Capital Commitment Interests, Blackstone or such other or subsequent holder shall succeed to such Limited Partner’s Capital Commitment Interests and shall be deemed to have become a Limited Partner to such extent. Any Additional Partner may have a GP-Related Partner Interest or a Capital Commitment Partner Interest, without having the other such interest. (b) The GP-Related Profit Sharing Percentages, if any, to be allocated to an additional Partner as of the date such Partner is admitted to the Partnership, together with the pro rata reduction in all other Partners’ GP-Related Profit Sharing Percentages as of such date, shall be established by the General Partner pursuant to Section 5.3. The Capital Commitment Profit Sharing Percentages, if any, to be allocated to an additional Partner as of the date such Partner is admitted to the Partnership, together with the pro rata reduction in all other Partners’ Capital Commitment Profit Sharing Percentages as of such date, shall be established by the General Partner. (c) An additional Partner shall be required to contribute to the Partnership his pro rata share of the Partnership’s total capital, excluding capital in respect of GP-Related Investments and Capital Commitment Investments in which such Partner does not acquire any interests, at such times and in such amounts as shall be determined by the General Partner in accordance with Sections 4.1 and 7.1. (d) The admission of an additional Partner will be evidenced by (i) the execution of a counterpart copy of, or counter-signature page with respect to, this Agreement by such additional Partner, or (ii) the execution of an amendment to this Agreement by the General Partner and the additional Partner, as determined by the General Partner, or (iii) the execution by such additional Partner of any other writing evidencing the intent of such person to become a substitute or additional Limited Partner and to be bound by the terms of this Agreement and such writing being accepted by the General Partner on behalf of the Partnership. In addition, each additional Partner shall sign a counterpart copy of the Trust Agreement or any other writing evidencing the intent of such person to become a party to the Trust Agreement.

  • Business Partners Red Hat has entered into agreements with other organizations (“Business Partners”) to promote, market and support certain Software and Services. When Client purchases Software and Services through a Business Partner, Red Hat confirms that it is responsible for providing the Software and Services to Client under the terms of this Agreement. Red Hat is not responsible for (a) the actions of Business Partners, (b) any additional obligations Business Partners have to Client, or (c) any products or services that Business Partners supply to Client under any separate agreements between a Business Partner and Client.

  • New Partners No person shall be admitted as a Partner of the Partnership except with the consent of all the Partners who shall determine the terms and conditions upon which such admission is to be effective.

  • Partners If the Partnership declines to purchase said ownership interest under said notice period, each Partner shall jointly and severally be given a first right of refusal within days’ notice to purchase the ownership interest under the same terms and conditions agreed upon by the potential buyer. If more than one (1) Partner agrees to purchase, they shall be obligated to share the terms of the purchase equally.

  • Interest of Departing General Partner and Successor General Partner (a) In the event of (i) withdrawal of the General Partner under circumstances where such withdrawal does not violate this Agreement or (ii) removal of the General Partner by the holders of Outstanding Units under circumstances where Cause does not exist, if the successor General Partner is elected in accordance with the terms of Section 11.1 or Section 11.2, the Departing General Partner shall have the option, exercisable prior to the effective date of the withdrawal or removal of such Departing General Partner, to require its successor to purchase its General Partner Interest and its or its Affiliates’ general partner interest (or equivalent interest), if any, in the other Group Members and all of its or its Affiliates’ Incentive Distribution Rights (collectively, the “Combined Interest”) in exchange for an amount in cash equal to the fair market value of such Combined Interest, such amount to be determined and payable as of the effective date of its withdrawal or removal. If the General Partner is removed by the Unitholders under circumstances where Cause exists or if the General Partner withdraws under circumstances where such withdrawal violates this Agreement, and if a successor General Partner is elected in accordance with the terms of Section 11.1 or Section 11.2 (or if the business of the Partnership is continued pursuant to Section 12.2 and the successor General Partner is not the former General Partner), such successor shall have the option, exercisable prior to the effective date of the withdrawal or removal of such Departing General Partner (or, in the event the business of the Partnership is continued, prior to the date the business of the Partnership is continued), to purchase the Combined Interest for such fair market value of such Combined Interest. In either event, the Departing General Partner shall be entitled to receive all reimbursements due such Departing General Partner pursuant to Section 7.4, including any employee-related liabilities (including severance liabilities), incurred in connection with the termination of any employees employed by the Departing General Partner or its Affiliates (other than any Group Member) for the benefit of the Partnership or the other Group Members. For purposes of this Section 11.3(a), the fair market value of the Combined Interest shall be determined by agreement between the Departing General Partner and its successor or, failing agreement within 30 days after the effective date of such Departing General Partner’s withdrawal or removal, by an independent investment banking firm or other independent expert selected by the Departing General Partner and its successor, which, in turn, may rely on other experts, and the determination of which shall be conclusive as to such matter. If such parties cannot agree upon one independent investment banking firm or other independent expert within 45 days after the effective date of such withdrawal or removal, then the Departing General Partner shall designate an independent investment banking firm or other independent expert, the Departing General Partner’s successor shall designate an independent investment banking firm or other independent expert, and such firms or experts shall mutually select a third independent investment banking firm or independent expert, which third independent investment banking firm or other independent expert shall determine the fair market value of the Combined Interest. In making its determination, such third independent investment banking firm or other independent expert may consider the then current trading price of Units on any National Securities Exchange on which Units are then listed or admitted to trading, the value of the Partnership’s assets, the rights and obligations of the Departing General Partner, the value of the Incentive Distribution Rights and the General Partner Interest and other factors it may deem relevant. (b) If the Combined Interest is not purchased in the manner set forth in Section 11.3(a), the Departing General Partner (or its transferee) shall become a Limited Partner and its Combined Interest shall be converted into Common Units pursuant to a valuation made by an investment banking firm or other independent expert selected pursuant to Section 11.3(a), without reduction in such Partnership Interest (but subject to proportionate dilution by reason of the admission of its successor). Any successor General Partner shall indemnify the Departing General Partner (or its transferee) as to all debts and liabilities of the Partnership arising on or after the date on which the Departing General Partner (or its transferee) becomes a Limited Partner. For purposes of this Agreement, conversion of the Combined Interest of the Departing General Partner to Common Units will be characterized as if the Departing General Partner (or its transferee) contributed its Combined Interest to the Partnership in exchange for the newly issued Common Units. (c) If a successor General Partner is elected in accordance with the terms of Section 11.1 or Section 11.2 (or if the business of the Partnership is continued pursuant to Section 12.2 and the successor General Partner is not the former General Partner) and the option described in Section 11.3(a) is not exercised by the party entitled to do so, the successor General Partner shall, at the effective date of its admission to the Partnership, contribute to the Partnership cash in the amount equal to the product of (x) the quotient obtained by dividing (A) the Percentage Interest of the General Partner Interest of the Departing General Partner by (B) a percentage equal to 100% less the Percentage Interest of the General Partner Interest of the Departing General Partner and (y) the Net Agreed Value of the Partnership’s assets on such date. In such event, such successor General Partner shall, subject to the following sentence, be entitled to its Percentage Interest of all Partnership allocations and distributions to which the Departing General Partner was entitled. In addition, the successor General Partner shall cause this Agreement to be amended to reflect that, from and after the date of such successor General Partner’s admission, the successor General Partner’s interest in all Partnership distributions and allocations shall be its Percentage Interest.

  • Asset Management Supplier will: i) maintain an asset inventory of all media and equipment where Accenture Data is stored. Access to such media and equipment will be restricted to authorized Personnel; ii) classify Accenture Data so that it is properly identified and access to it is appropriately restricted; iii) maintain an acceptable use policy with restrictions on printing Accenture Data and procedures for appropriately disposing of printed materials that contain Accenture Data when such data is no longer needed under the Agreement; iv) maintain an appropriate approval process whereby Supplier’s approval is required prior to its Personnel storing Accenture Data on portable devices, remotely accessing Accenture Data, or processing such data outside of Supplier facilities. If remote access is approved, Personnel will use multi-factor authentication, which may include the use of smart cards with certificates, One Time Password (OTP) tokens, and biometrics.

  • Substituted Limited Partners A. No Limited Partner shall have the right to substitute a transferee as a Limited Partner in his or her place (including any transferee permitted by Section 11.3). The General Partner shall, however, have the right to consent to the admission of a transferee of the interest of a Limited Partner pursuant to this Section 11.4 as a Substituted Limited Partner, which consent may be given or withheld by the General Partner in its sole and absolute discretion. The General Partner’s failure or refusal to permit a transferee of any such interests to become a Substituted Limited Partner shall not give rise to any cause of action, whether at law or in equity, against the Partnership or any Partner. B. A transferee who has been admitted as a Substituted Limited Partner in accordance with this Article 11 shall have all the rights and powers and be subject to all the restrictions and liabilities of a Limited Partner under this Agreement. The admission of any transferee as a Substituted Limited Partner shall be subject to the transferee executing and delivering to the General Partner an acceptance of all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement (including without limitation, the provisions of Section 2.4 and such other documents or instruments as may be required to effect the admission), each in form and substance satisfactory to the General Partner) and the acknowledgment by such transferee that each of the representations and warranties set forth in Section 3.4 are true and correct with respect to such transferee as of the date of the transfer of the Partnership Interest to such transferee and will continue to be true to the extent required by such representations and warranties. C. Upon the admission of a Substituted Limited Partner, the General Partner shall amend Exhibit A to reflect the name, address, number of OP Units, and Percentage Interest of such Substituted Limited Partner and to eliminate or adjust, if necessary, the name, address and interest of the predecessor of such Substituted Limited Partner.

  • Investment Management If and to the extent requested by the Advisor, the Sub-Advisor shall, subject to the supervision of the Advisor, manage all or a portion of the investments of the Portfolio in accordance with the investment objective, policies and limitations provided in the Portfolio's Prospectus or other governing instruments, as amended from time to time, the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the "1940 Act") and rules thereunder, as amended from time to time, and such other limitations as the Trust or Advisor may impose with respect to the Portfolio by notice to the Sub-Advisor. With respect to the portion of the investments of the Portfolio under its management, the Sub-Advisor is authorized to make investment decisions on behalf of the Portfolio with regard to any stock, bond, other security or investment instrument, and to place orders for the purchase and sale of such securities through such broker-dealers as the Sub-Advisor may select. The Sub-Advisor may also be authorized, but only to the extent such duties are delegated in writing by the Advisor, to provide additional investment management services to the Portfolio, including but not limited to services such as managing foreign currency investments, purchasing and selling or writing futures and options contracts, borrowing money or lending securities on behalf of the Portfolio. All investment management and any other activities of the Sub-Advisor shall at all times be subject to the control and direction of the Advisor and the Trust's Board of Trustees.

  • Interest of Departing Partner and Successor General Partner (a) In the event of (i) withdrawal of the General Partner under circumstances where such withdrawal does not violate this Agreement or (ii) removal of the General Partner by the holders of Outstanding Units under circumstances where Cause does not exist, if the successor General Partner is elected in accordance with the terms of Section 11.1 or Section 11.2, the Departing Partner shall have the option, exercisable prior to the effective date of the departure of such Departing Partner, to require its successor to purchase its General Partner Interest (represented by General Partners Units) and its general partner interest (or equivalent interest), if any, in the other Group Members and all of its Incentive Distribution Rights (collectively, the “Combined Interest”) in exchange for an amount in cash equal to the fair market value of such Combined Interest, such amount to be determined and payable as of the effective date of its departure. If the General Partner is removed by the Unitholders under circumstances where Cause exists or if the General Partner withdraws under circumstances where such withdrawal violates this Agreement, and if a successor General Partner is elected in accordance with the terms of Section 11.1 or Section 11.2 (or if the business of the Partnership is continued pursuant to Section 12.2 and the successor General Partner is not the former General Partner), such successor shall have the option, exercisable prior to the effective date of the departure of such Departing Partner (or, in the event the business of the Partnership is continued, prior to the date the business of the Partnership is continued), to purchase the Combined Interest for such fair market value of such Combined Interest of the Departing Partner. In either event, the Departing Partner shall be entitled to receive all reimbursements due such Departing Partner pursuant to Section 7.4, including any employee-related liabilities (including severance liabilities), incurred in connection with the termination of any employees employed by the Departing Partner or its Affiliates (other than any Group Member) for the benefit of the Partnership or the other Group Members. For purposes of this Section 11.3(a), the fair market value of the Departing Partner’s Combined Interest shall be determined by agreement between the Departing Partner and its successor or, failing agreement within 30 days after the effective date of such Departing Partner’s departure, by an independent investment banking firm or other independent expert selected by the Departing Partner and its successor, which, in turn, may rely on other experts, and the determination of which shall be conclusive as to such matter. If such parties cannot agree upon one independent investment banking firm or other independent expert within 45 days after the effective date of such departure, then the Departing Partner shall designate an independent investment banking firm or other independent expert, the Departing Partner’s successor shall designate an independent investment banking firm or other independent expert, and such firms or experts shall mutually select a third independent investment banking firm or independent expert, which third independent investment banking firm or other independent expert shall determine the fair market value of the Combined Interest of the Departing Partner. In making its determination, such third independent investment banking firm or other independent expert may consider the then current trading price of Units on any National Securities Exchange on which Units are then listed or admitted to trading, the value of the Partnership’s assets, the rights and obligations of the Departing Partner and other factors it may deem relevant. (b) If the Combined Interest is not purchased in the manner set forth in Section 11.3(a), the Departing Partner (or its transferee) shall become a Limited Partner and its Combined Interest shall be converted into Common Units pursuant to a valuation made by an investment banking firm or other independent expert selected pursuant to Section 11.3(a), without reduction in such Partnership Interest (but subject to proportionate dilution by reason of the admission of its successor). Any successor General Partner shall indemnify the Departing Partner (or its transferee) as to all debts and liabilities of the Partnership arising on or after the date on which the Departing Partner (or its transferee) becomes a Limited Partner. For purposes of this Agreement, conversion of the Combined Interest of the Departing Partner to Common Units will be characterized as if the Departing Partner (or its transferee) contributed its Combined Interest to the Partnership in exchange for the newly issued Common Units. (c) If a successor General Partner is elected in accordance with the terms of Section 11.1 or Section 11.2 (or if the business of the Partnership is continued pursuant to Section 12.2 and the successor General Partner is not the former General Partner) and the option described in Section 11.3(a) is not exercised by the party entitled to do so, the successor General Partner shall, at the effective date of its admission to the Partnership, contribute to the Partnership cash in the amount equal to the product of the Percentage Interest of the Departing Partner and the Net Agreed Value of the Partnership’s assets on such date. In such event, such successor General Partner shall, subject to the following sentence, be entitled to its Percentage Interest of all Partnership allocations and distributions to which the Departing Partner was entitled. In addition, the successor General Partner shall cause this Agreement to be amended to reflect that, from and after the date of such successor General Partner’s admission, the successor General Partner’s interest in all Partnership distributions and allocations shall be its Percentage Interest.

  • Not Partners Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to make the Parties partners or joint venturers or to render any Party liable for the debts or obligations of any other Party.