Material and Method Sample Clauses
Material and Method. Patients were randomized into two groups to receive IOP measurements using Tono-Pen® XL with two different types of tip covers. In Group 1, the IOP of the right eyes were first measured using Ocufilm® as the tip cover, followed by using the fingertip of a surgical glove. As for the left eyes, the tip of the surgical glove was used first, followed by use of Ocufilm®. In Group 2, the IOP of the right eyes was first measured using the tip of the surgical glove, followed by use of Ocufilm®, while for the left eye the latter was used first, followed by the tip of the surgical glove. A single operator measured the IOP in each eye twice using each type of tip cover. Agreement between the Tono-Pen® XL measurements using the two different tip covers was analyzed using the Xxxxx-Xxxxxx analysis. The difference between the repeated measures was assessed for reproducibility of the Tono-Pen® XL measurements with regard to each type of tip covers. Results: 100 patients (200 eyes) were recruited into the present study. The mean difference of IOP taken by the Tono-Pen® XL covered with Ocufilm® and the fingertip of a surgical glove was -0.21 mmHg (95%CI: -0.36 to -0.05). The limits of agreement (confidence interval 95%) as calculated by the Xxxxx-Xxxxxx plots for Ocufilm-Fingertip of a surgical glove was -2.43 to
Material and Method. Twenty patients with complete cleft lip and cleft palate who had undergone alveolar bone grafting with CBCT follow-up 3-6 months postoperative at the Faculty of Dentistry, Khon Kaen University were recruited into the study. Four trained clinical assessors (two orthodontists, an oral surgeon and an oral radiologist) had made a judgment of three outcome measurements: 1) cemento-enamel junction (CEJ) to marginal bone level of the teeth adjacent to the cleft site, 2) marginal bone level to root apex of the teeth adjacent to the cleft site, 3) labio-lingual alveolar bone grafted thickness. Repeat measurements were made by the same assessors.
Material and Method. The medical records of the patients diagnosed with endometrial cancer who had surgical staging between January 1, 2006 and December 31, 2012 at Songklanagarind Hospital were retrospectively reviewed. The agreement of clinical parameters identified through preoperative investigations and intraoperative evaluations with the final histology findings were calculated using kappa statistics. The diagnostic performance of preoperative investigations, intraoperative evaluations, and final histological results to predict lymph node involvement were calculated in terms of sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value. Results: Preoperative investigations showed a slight to fair agreement whereas intraoperative evaluations had a fair to moderate agreement in detecting clinical parameters compared with the final histological results. Endocervical curettage and endometrial biopsy exhibited the highest sensitivity, pelvic ultrasonography the highest specificity, and intraoperative evaluations had a high-level sensitivity and specificity.
Material and Method. This paper aims at providing justification for specific public policies in rural areas, with emphasis on the implication of the new directions in post-2013 CAP implementation. Relying on recent publications in the field, WKH SDSHU DFWXDOO\ FRQVWLWXWHV D SURIHVVLRQDO VWXG\ FRQYH\LQJ WKH DXWKRUV¶ views on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy, trying to emphasize the importance of financing agriculture in the 2014-2020 Multi-Annual Financial Framework, as well as the main changes proposed for the next years. The Common Agricultural Policy is implemented through multi- annual financial frameworks based in inter-institutional agreements which cover the processing and distribution of all EU funds. These agreements covered the following intervals: 1988-1992 (Xxxxxx I Package, OJ L 185 of 15 July 1988), 1993-1999 (Xxxxxx I Package, OJ C 331 of 7 December 1993), 2000-2006 (Agenda 2000, OJ C 172 of 18 June 1999 and OJ L 160 of 26 June 1999), 2007-2013 (OJ C 139 of 14 June 2006) and 2014-2020 (OJ L 347 of 20 December 2013). Since the Lisbon Treaty, the MMF has become a legally binding act; it is the most important instrument for evaluating the implementation of the EU budget and policies. The political agreement between the Commission, the Council and the European Parliament establishes the regulation on Direct Payments, the Single Common Market Organization, the Rural Development, the financing, the CAP managing and monitoring, the Multi-Annual Financial Framework (the transfer of funds between pillars, the allocation of national envelopes for DP and RD, the co-financing rates, etc.) The CAP reforms from 1992 (MacSharry), 1999 (Agenda 2000), 2003 (Xxxxxx) and 2008 (Health Check) introduced a shift from products support to producer support, from direct payments spending to rural development. During these reforms and along with the EU enlargement process, the share of CAP expenditure of the EU budget fell from 93.5 % in 1969 to 41.4 % in 2013 (Fig. 1).
Material and Method. This was a prospective study conducted in a group of patients at the outpatient eye clinic at Srinagarind Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Thailand. The present study was approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of Khon Kaen University. The inclusion criteria were patients (a) willing to participate (b) having normal corneae and (c) being 18 years or older. The exclusion criteria were patients with eye infections, corneal ulcer or scar, ruptured eyeball, allergy to latex(7) or tetracaine or uncooperative. All patients signed an informed consent form before entering the present study. Patients were randomized into two groups to receive IOP measurements using a Tono-Pen® XL with two different types of tip covers. In Group 1, the IOP of the right eyes were first measured using Ocufilm® as the tip cover, followed by using the fingertip of a surgical glove. As for the left eyes, the tip of the surgical glove was used first, followed by use of Ocufilm®. In Group 2, the IOP of the right eyes was first measured using the tip of the surgical glove, followed by the use of Ocufilm®, while for the left eye the latter was used first, followed by the tip of the surgical glove.
Material and Method. A total of 279 inpatient records were reviewed by 23 clinical auditors. Each record was examined independently by 3 auditors using a standardised review form. Agreements on the occurrence of AEs among auditors were assessed using Kappa statistic (k).
Material and Method. Medical record review by medical auditors, using guided implicit judgement form, was the main mode of data collection. 400 medical records were selected from a pool of medical records collected by the Centre for Healthcare Information.The authors pur- posively selected medical records of patients with high possibility of AE occurrence to focus the evaluation to the variability of reviewers’ judgement and the process of detecting AEs. Inclusion criteria were medical records of patients who died during hospital stay, or having the relative weight by Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) of 3 or higher, or having hospital charge of 50,000 Baht (US$ 1,250) or more. Exclusion criteria were medical records that contained incomplete documents or low readability due to poor quality photocopying. Twenty-three medical doctors were recruited for the reviews. All reviewers were regular auditors of the CHI. All have more than 10 years experience of medical practice at major regional hospitals in Thailand. Their specialty training backgrounds ranged from internal medicine, to general surgery, orthopaedics, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology, neurosurgery and anaesthesiology. A one-day training session was held for these reviewers. After having presented the objectives and detailed study procedures, case exercises were used for practicing of AE determination. The case exercise consisted of a case summary and a real medical record. Discussions among the reviewers led to suggestions for some adjustments of the guided review form, add- ing more examples of clinical conditions included into the list. The final version was a 2-page standardised review form containing 13 clinical conditions poten- tially related to AEs (Table 2).
Material and Method. According to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and the Main Department of Statistics in the Dnipropetrovsk region, the number of tourists served by tour operators and travel agents increased 3.1 times in 2000-2019, and their share did not change and amounted to 2.5% of the total number of tourists. However, the region has a negative trend of a sharp decrease in the number of incoming tourists since 2010. The number of domestic tourists decreased 2.3 times, and their share in 2019 was 3.5% of the total number of these tourists in Ukraine (in 2000 – 3.1%). During this period, the share of domestic tourists decreased by 71.3 percentage points, or from 83 to 11.7% of the total number of tourists served in the Dnipropetrovsk region (Table 1). Number of tourists served by tour operators and travel agents, by types of tourism in the Dnepropetrovsk region Years Total number, persons Including 2000 49869 1588 41372 2005 103320 17189 64799 2007 168431 15676 71635 2010 105413 1122 55503 2011 64470 16 18515 2012 68303 105 15215 2013 81249 28 12717 2014 56803 – 7263 2015 46121 – 7195 2016 57770 – 7776 2017 75526 1 7482 2018 116981 – 9229 2019 154215 2 17998 The analysis of statistical and information materials showed that data on the development of tourism and ecotourism in the regions of Ukraine are given for the period 2011-2017. In this regard, using the autoregression method, forecasts for 2021-2022 were developed. This method of forecasting has some advantages, such as the validity and efficiency of calculations, less error of the obtained results, lack of subjective factor inherent to the method of expert assessments, etc. Thus, this method is effective for forecasting the performance of entities in the field of ecotourism, as there is higher reliability of the forecast values. The method of autoregression is the construction of an autoregressive model,
Material and Method. In the Regional Institute of Oncology, Iasi, the multidisciplinary team meetings are held weekly with the participation of medical oncologists, pathologists, sur- geons, radiotherapists and radiologists. The result of the discussions is recorded by the secretary of the commission and signed by all members. It should also be noted that there is a custom that the discussions go on until everybody agrees and a unanimous decision is reached. When the members disagree on a topic, the case is discussed again after more patient data is available. We performed a retrospective study of all cases presented in the MDT that were not eligible for local curative therapies (such as surgery or radiotherapy) and were referred by their oncologist for systemic therapy. To investigate the efficacy of these committee meetings and the agreement rate, we have considered data like diagnosis, cancer stage, committee decision and type of treatment. Consecutive patients who were presented to the committee between January 2017 and December 2018 that respected the selection criteria were included. Data were analyzed using SPSS software (IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 21.0. Ar- monk, NY: IBM Corp.).
Material and Method. The variables for program development were modified from the THAI-SICU study case record form. The first open discussion on the prototype was performed in a program development workshop. After revision, the stake- holder agreement was performed by modified Delphi method on the final browser program. All the categorical variable details were scored by a rating scale at five levels. The agreement level was defined as the median score at of least four and the interquartile range (IQR)