3.1 The maximum amount of the grant is EUR [insert amount].
MAXIMUM AMOUNT AND FORM OF GRANT. 3.1 The maximum amount of the grant is EUR [insert amount], as shown in the estimated budget in Annex II.
3.2 The grant takes the form of: The reimbursement of 100% of the eligible costs of the action ("reimbursement of eligible costs"), which are estimated at EUR […] and which are: reimbursement of actual costs: not applicable; declared on the basis of: An amount of EUR 2000 per each post-return package granted to the main applicant in voluntary return; An amount of EUR 1000 per each post-return package granted to the main applicant in forced return; An amount of EUR 1000 per each post-return package granted to each of the family members of the main applicant in voluntary or forced return. An amount of EUR 205 per each charter-flight arrival package to each applicant that is eligible to receive it. An amount of EUR 615 per each post-arrival package granted to each applicant that is eligible to receive it. reimbursement of lump sum costs: not applicable; reimbursement of flat-rate costs: not applicable; declared on the basis of an amount per unit calculated in accordance with the partner’s usual cost accounting practices (“reimbursement of costs declared on the basis of the partner's usual cost accounting practices”) for the following categories of costs for the partner and the following affiliated entities: Operating costs Handling fee for the charter-flight arrival package Handling fee for the post-arrival package Handling fee for the post-return package Country of Origin Guest Counsellor Expert cost unit contribution: not applicable; lump sum contribution: not applicable; flat-rate contribution: not applicable; Financing not linked to costs: not applicable.
MAXIMUM AMOUNT AND FORM OF GRANT. 3.1 The maximum amount of the grant is [insert amount] EUR, allocated per survey as follows:
3.2 The grant is defined per survey under the action and takes the form of:
(a) The reimbursement of the following percentage of the eligible costs, per survey of the action ("reimbursement of eligible costs"), which are estimated as follows: [Services survey : and which are [grant%] on [total estimated eligible costs EUR]
(i) 1. actually incurred (“reimbursement of actual costs”) for the following categories of administrative costs for the partner [and the affiliated entity identified in Article 8]: ▪ travelling costs and subsistence allowances ▪ printing, translating, mailing, telephone, fax and other communication costs ▪ costs for materials (paper, envelopes and toners) ▪ fees for IT software and data ▪ certain other costs not covered above if they are necessary and specific to the project activities and contribute to the final result This applies to the following surveys: [specify the survey(s) for which the cost of the above mentioned categories of administrative costs exceeded 50% of the estimated eligible direct staff costs in Annex II]. : [not applicable]
MAXIMUM AMOUNT AND FORM OF GRANT. 3.1 The maximum amount of the grant is EUR 365.000 for the provision of a full cycle of a first Cumulative Risk Assessment (CRA) / EUR 175.000 for the provision of a CRA repetition.
3.2 The grant takes the form of:
(a) The reimbursement of a percentage of the eligible costs of the action ("reimbursement of eligible costs") not applicable;
(b) unit contribution: not applicable;
(c) lump sum contribution: not applicable;
(d) flat-rate contribution: not applicable;
(e) Financing not linked to costs for the activities described in Annex I of this specific agreement and subject to the achievement of results specified therein.
MAXIMUM AMOUNT AND FORM OF GRANT. 3.1 The maximum amount of the grant is EUR [insert amount].
3.2 The grant takes the form of:
(a) [The reimbursement of [ …]% of the eligible costs of the action ("reimbursement of eligible costs"), which are estimated at EUR [ …] and which are:] [Reimbursement of eligible costs: not applicable]
(i) [actually incurred (“reimbursement of actual costs”) for the following categories of costs for the partner: staff, travels, equipment, consumables, subcontracting, workshops, miscellaneous costs, in line with Annex I of the Framework agreement (Rules on eligibility of the costs);
(ii) declared on the basis of an amount per unit (“reimbursement of unit costs”) for the following categories of costs for the partner: daily subsistence allowances, in line with Annex I of the Framework agreement (Rules on eligibility of the costs);
(iii) reimbursement of lump sum costs: not applicable;
(iv) declared on the basis of a flat-rate of 10 % of the eligible direct costs (“reimbursement of flat-rate costs”) for the following categories of costs for the partner: indirect eligible costs, in line with Annex I of the Framework agreement (Rules on eligibility of the costs);
(v) reimbursement of costs declared on the basis of the partner's usual cost accounting practices: not applicable.
(b) unit contribution: not applicable;
(c) lump sum contribution: not applicable;
(d) flat-rate contribution: not applicable;
MAXIMUM AMOUNT AND FORM OF GRANT. 3.1 The maximum amount of the grant is EUR [insert amount].
3.2 The grant takes the form of:
(a) The reimbursement of […]% of the eligible costs of the action ("reimbursement of eligible costs"), which are estimated at EUR […] and which are:
(i) actually incurred (“reimbursement of actual costs”) for the following categories of costs for the partner: personnel, travel and subsistence, rental, equipment and depreciation, external assistance or subcontracting, other direct costs
(ii) reimbursement of unit costs: not applicable
(iii) reimbursement of lump sum costs: not applicable
(iv) reimbursement of flat-rate costs: not applicable
(v) reimbursement of costs declared on the basis of the partner's usual cost accounting practices: not applicable
(b) unit contribution: not applicable
(c) lump sum contribution: not applicable
(d) flat-rate contribution: not applicable
MAXIMUM AMOUNT AND FORM OF GRANT. 3.1 The maximum amount of the grant is 63,059.78 EUR, allocated per survey as follows:
3.2 The grant is defined per survey under the action and takes the form of:
(a) The reimbursement of the following percentage of the eligible costs, per survey of the action ("reimbursement of eligible costs"), which are estimated as follows: and which are
(i) 1. actually incurred (“reimbursement of actual costs”) for the following categories of administrative costs for the partner: ▪ travelling costs and subsistence allowances ▪ printing, translating, mailing, telephone, fax and other communication costs ▪ costs for materials (paper, envelopes and toners) ▪ fees for IT software and data ▪ certain other costs not covered above if they are necessary and specific to the project activities and contribute to the final result This applies to the following surveys: not applicable
MAXIMUM AMOUNT AND FORM OF GRANT. 3.1 The maximum amount of the grant is EUR [insert amount].
3.2 The grant takes the form of unit contributions and reimbursement of eligible costs actually incurred, in accordance with the following provisions:
(a) eligible costs as specified in Annex III;
(b) estimated budget as specified in Annex II;
(c) financial rules as specified in Annex III.
MAXIMUM AMOUNT AND FORM OF GRANT. 3.1 The maximum amount of the grant is EUR [insert amount], as shown in the estimated budget in Annex 02.
3.2 The grant takes the form of reimbursement of eligible direct and indirect, on the basis of the cost actually incurred, unit cost and flat-rates declared by the Beneficiaries.
(a) actual costs of mobility that cover:
i. costs actually incurred by the Beneficiary covering learners’ mobilities related to contact weeks, particularly to: travel expenses (including local transportation), accommodation, DSA, catering, insurance;
ii. costs actually incurred by the Beneficiary covering learners’ mobilities related to field trips/study visits that must be adequate and directly related to these activities;
iii. costs actually incurred by the Beneficiary covering learners’ mobilities related to thesis development and supervision that must be adequate and directly related to these activities (if relevant);
iv. costs actually incurred by the Beneficiary covering learners’ mobilities related to the graduation ceremony that must be adequate and directly related to the activity (if relevant);
v. costs related to teachers’/tutors’/supervisors’/examiners’ mobility, particularly to: travel expenses (including local transportation), accommodation, full board and other sundry expenses;
vi. costs related to the participation in the Consortium and quality assurance meetings1;
(b) educational and administrative unit cost that covers:
i. cost of epidemiological health protection guidelines;
ii. cost of Virtual Learning Environment (an online platform used for educational purposes);
iii. cost of the rental of training facilities / equipment (if supplementary costs occur);
iv. costs related to the graduation ceremony non-related to learners’ mobility;
v. enrolment fees;
vi. costs related to the issuance of parchments/diploma supplement;
vii. accreditation/Validation and Re-Validation fee;
viii. entry, admission, enrolment, transfer, progression of learners and all other arrangements that relate to the provision of the European Joint Master’s in Strategic Border Management;
ix. cost of educational, organisational and training support before, during, and after the modules.
(c) A lump sum [not applicable]
(d) a flat-rate of 7% of the total eligible direct costs of the action representing the Beneficiary’s general overhead expenses (administrative costs) that:
i. can be regarded as chargeable to the actions, and
ii. cannot be attributed to the eligible direct costs.
3.3 The total...
MAXIMUM AMOUNT AND FORM OF GRANT. I.3.1 The maximum amount of the grant is EUR «DEDE_MNT_PRO» .