Meal Break Employees working Sample Clauses

Meal Break Employees working a shift of five or more hours will be entitled to one (1) fifteen- minute paid rest break to be taken as scheduled by the Employer. Employees scheduled to work a shift of eight (8) hours or more or two (2) consecutive eight (8) hour shifts will normally be entitled to a half-hour duty-free unpaid meal period for each shift, to be scheduled by the Employer. In the event the meal break is interrupted, the meal break shall be paid.
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Related to Meal Break Employees working

  • Project Employment 1. The Employer may appoint employees into project positions for which employment is contingent upon state, federal, local, grant, or other special funding of specific and of time-limited duration. The Employer will notify the employees, in writing, of the expected ending date of the project employment.

  • Outside Employment Employees may engage in other employment outside of their State working hours so long as the outside employment does not involve a conflict of interest with their State employment. Whenever it appears that any such outside employment might constitute a conflict of interest, the employee is expected to consult with his/her appointing authority or other appropriate agency representative prior to engaging in such outside employment. Employees of agencies where there are established procedures concerning outside employment for the purpose of insuring compliance with specific statutory restrictions on outside employment are expected to comply with such procedures.

  • TTOC Employment Melding Exercise 145 LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING NO. 16(B) 146

  • In-Training Employment 1. The Employer may designate specific positions, groups of positions, or all positions in a job classification or series as in-training. The Employer will document the training program, including a description and length of the program.

  • Supported Employment Supported employment is provided to an individual who has paid, individualized, competitive employment in the community (i.e., a setting that includes non- disabled workers) to help the individual sustain that employment. It includes individualized support services consistent with the individual’s plan of services and supports as well as supervision, self-employment, and training. Optional*† E. Behavioral Support: Specialized interventions by professionals with required credentials to assist an individual to increase adaptive behaviors and to replace or modify maladaptive behavior that prevent or interfere with the individual’s inclusion in home and family life or community life. Support includes: ▪ assessing and analyzing assessment findings so that an appropriate behavior support plan may be designed; ▪ developing an individualized behavior support plan consistent with the outcomes identified in the individual’s plan of services and supports; ▪ training and consulting with family members or other providers and, as appropriate, the individual; ▪ and monitoring and evaluating the success of the behavioral support plan and modifying the plan as necessary. Optional*† F. Nursing: Treatment and monitoring of health care procedures prescribed by physician or medical practitioner or required by standards of professional practice or state law to be performed by licensed nursing personnel. Optional

  • Cyclic Year Employment The Employer may fill a position with a cyclic year appointment for positions scheduled to work less than twelve (12) full months each year, due to known, recurring periods in the annual cycle when the position is not needed. At least fifteen (15) days before the start of each annual cycle, incumbents of cyclic year positions will be informed, in writing, of their scheduled periods of leave without pay in the ensuing cycle. Such periods of leave without pay will not constitute a break in service. When additional work is required of a cyclic position during a period for which the position was scheduled for leave without pay, the temporary work will be offered to the incumbent. The incumbent will be allowed at least three (3) working days in which to accept or decline the offer. Should the incumbent decline the work, it will be offered to other cyclic employees, in the same classification, with the necessary skills and abilities, in order of seniority, before being filled by other means.

  • EMPLOYEE WORK YEAR A. In-School Work Year


  • Permanent Employment (FULL - TIME & PART-TIME) For the purpose of this Agreement, permanent employees shall mean both full-time and part-time employees.

  • Employee’s Role The Employee ☐ shall ☐ shall not have the right to act in the capacity of the Employer. This includes, but is not limited to, making written or verbal agreements with any customer, client, affiliate, vendor, or third (3rd) party.

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