Meetings and Procedure Sample Clauses
Meetings and Procedure. 9.1. A Chair and up to 3 Vice Chairs (“the four offices”) will be appointed by the Board from amongst its membership.
9.2. The Chair of the Board will be appointed from the largest political group represented on the Board. Where two or more political groups have an equal number of seats on the Board, the group which holds the larger number of seats on district councils within the combined administrative area will be regarded as being the largest political group.
9.3. Subject to (b) below 3 Vice Chairs of the Board will be appointed by the Board from its number under the following principles:
(a) If more than one political group is represented on the Board then all the four offices will not be occupied by members from the same group
(b) If less than three political groups are represented on the Board, then the Board may choose not to make an appointment to one of the three Vice Chair positions
(c) If at least three political groups are represented on the Board, the three largest political groups will be entitled to at least one of the four offices
(d) For the purposes of (c) above, where two or more political groups have an equal number of seats on the Board, the group which holds the larger number of seats on district councils within the combined administrative area will be regarded as being the largest political group
9.4. If the Chair is present at a meeting of the Board he/she will preside. If the Chair is not present, if there is a Vice Chair from the same political group as the Chair he/she will preside; if neither the Chair nor that Vice Chair is present one of the other Vice Chairs will preside. In the absence of the Chair and all the Vice Chairs, the meeting will elect a Chair for that meeting from those present.
9.5. The Chair and Vice Chairs (sitting as a sub-committee) may have decision making powers delegated to them. Such powers will require to be delegated by the full Board.
9.6. The quorum of the Board will be two thirds of participating Parties for any particular function listed in Schedule 1 that is under discussion
9.7. The Board will conduct its business in accordance with this operating agreement and Schedule 3 to this agreement.
Meetings and Procedure. Committees shall determine the frequency which shall not be less than semi-annual and procedures relating to the conduct of meetings. An agenda shall be forwarded by the secretary to members of the Committee at least five (5) days prior to a meeting. A draft without translation of the minutes of each meeting will be circulated to members of the committee no later than twenty-one (21) days after the date of the meeting.
Meetings and Procedure. The Committee shall meet as many times as it deems necessary or advisable to carry out its duties and responsibilities. The chairperson of the Committee or a majority of the members of the Committee may call a special meeting of the Committee. One or more meetings may be conducted in whole or in part by telephone conference call or similar means if it is impracticable to obtain the personal presence of each Committee member. A majority of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum. Information and materials that are important to the Committee’s understanding of the agenda items and other topics to be considered at a Committee meeting should, to the extent practicable, be distributed sufficiently in advance of the meeting to permit prior review by the directors. In the event of a pressing need for the Committee to meet on short notice or if such materials contain highly confidential or sensitive information, it is recognized that written materials may not be available in advance of the meeting. The Company shall make available to the Committee, at its meetings and otherwise, such individuals and entities as may be designated from time to time by the Committee. Following each of its meetings, the Committee shall deliver a report on the meeting to the Company Board, including a description of all actions taken by the Committee at the meeting. The Committee shall keep written minutes of its meetings, which minutes shall be maintained with the books and records of the Company.
Meetings and Procedure. The Board shall hold quarterly meetings during each Local Authority municipal year.
Meetings and Procedure. 1. If either party desires to open negotiations for a successor agreement, it shall so notify the other party in writing not sooner than one hundred twenty (120) calendar days, and not later than ninety (90) calendar days prior to the expiration date of this Agreement. Notification in writing from the Union shall be served on the Superintendent, and from the Board shall be served on the Union President. The party giving notice shall also serve a copy of the written notice, together with a copy of this Agreement, on the State Employment Relations Board.
2. Within fifteen (15) working days after the initial request, the parties shall meet to exchange written proposals. The parties shall meet prior to exchanging their Initial Proposals to determine the number of substantive issues that may be submitted as part of the current negotiations and to establish grounds rules for the negotiations. After the initial submission of proposals, additional items shall not be submitted by either party unless the other party consents thereto. A minimum of each alternate negotiations session will be held during regular business hours of the office of the Superintendent.
3. At the time the initial request for negotiating meetings is made, a meeting place shall be determined and a timetable set up for future meetings.
4. Either team may call for a caucus at any time during a negotiations meeting. Normally a caucus shall not last more than thirty (30) minutes.
5. Negotiating teams shall be limited to five (5) members or less.
6. Consultants may be used during negotiations if deemed advisable by either party.
7. All negotiating sessions shall be closed to the general public.
Meetings and Procedure. The Cwm Taf IFST Management Board shall hold quarterly meetings in each local authority municipal year.
Meetings and Procedure. The Cwm Taf Social Care Workforce Development Service Management Board shall hold quarterly meetings in each municipal year.
Meetings and Procedure. The Committee shall meet as many times as it deems necessary or advisable to carry out its duties and responsibilities. The chairperson of the Committee or a majority of the members of the Committee may call a special meeting of the Committee. One or more meetings may be conducted in whole or in part by telephone conference call or similar means if it is impracticable to obtain the personal presence of each Committee member. A majority of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum. Information and materials that are important to the Committee’s understanding of the agenda items and other topics to be considered at a Committee meeting should, to the extent practicable, be distributed sufficiently in advance of the meeting to permit prior review by the directors. In the event of a pressing need for the Committee to meet on short notice or if such materials contain highly confidential or sensitive information, it is recognized that written materials may not be available in advance of the meeting.
Meetings and Procedure. 5.1 The EWC shall meet at least twice per year with Management, usually after Wincanton full year and half year results have been announced. The EWC has the right to meet internally at a pre- meeting on the day before the meeting with Management. The EWC will hold an internal de- briefing meeting immediately after the meeting with Management. In total, the pre-meeting, meeting with Management, and de-briefing meeting, shall not take up more than two days excluding travel time.
5.2 The Management representative who will inform and consult with the EWC will be Wincanton plc CEO (or his nominee). The CEO (or his nominee) will be accompanied by the appropriate members of senior management.
Meetings and Procedure. Committees shall determine the frequency which shall not be less than semi- annual and procedures relating to the conduct of meetings. An agenda shall be forwarded by the secretary to members of the Committee at least five (5)days prior to a A draft without translation of the minutes of each meeting will be circulate to members of the committee no later than twenty-one (2 days after the date of the meeting. Leave of absence hi Em forming the continuing members of the National Committee be granted leave of absence without pay y reason of their attendance at the meeting of the National Committee. Employees forming the continuing membership of Branch and Area Committees, who attend meetings, shall not suffer any loss of regular pay by reason of their attendance at the meetings. Although the Association and the Corporation agree to the desirability of ensuring of membership on the National Committee and on the Branch and Area it is recognized that, occasionally, employees other than those forming continuing membership will attend as re of the Association on such committees. Such replacements shall e treated the same as continuing members under (a) and above.