Notice of Preparation Sample Clauses
Notice of Preparation. Following retention of the Consultant but prior to issuance of the Notice of Preparation for the IWDM Program EIR, the Consultant, representatives of the County, and representative(s) of the Petitioners shall hold at least one in-person or telephonic meeting to solicit information from Petitioners concerning the scope and content of the EIR, including but not limited to: the existing setting, baseline, and appropriate scope of analysis in the EIR; a “non-lethal alternative” to be analyzed in the EIR; and scientific information, studies, reports, or other materials to be considered in the EIR. Thereafter, the County shall provide Petitioners with a copy of the Notice of Preparation at the same time the Notice of Preparation is issued to the public and shall solicit written comments from Petitioners concerning the scope and content of the EIR as described in the Notice of Preparation. Following receipt of the Petitioners written comments on the Notice of Preparation, at the request of Petitioners, the Consultant, County representatives, and representative(s) of Petitioners shall meet to review and discuss with Petitioners written comments on the Notice of Preparation.
Notice of Preparation. Using the current version of the Environmental Checklist in the State CEQA Guidelines, CONSULTANT will prepare the Notice of Preparation. County Staff will circulate the Notice of Preparation to the State Clearinghouse, Responsible Agencies and other interested organizations and individuals. One (1) scoping meeting will be conducted at a County provided facility following circulation of the Initial Study/Notice of Preparation. CONSULTANT will prepare a Table of Contents. CONSULTANT will prepare a brief summary of the proposed actions and their consequences, not to exceed 15 pages. The summary shall identify each significant effect with proposed mitigation measures and alternatives, areas of controversy raised by agencies and the public, and issues to be resolved including the choice among alternatives and mitigation of significant effects.
Notice of Preparation. (including the Initial Study), submission to County Recorder and the State Clearinghouse.
Notice of Preparation. Consultant will prepare and send a Notice of Preparation (NOP) for the EIR to responsible agencies, interested parties, and organizations in order to provide sufficient information describing the proposed project and potential environmental effects for a 30-day public review period. Consultant will also coordinate posting of the NOP with the Fresno County Public Library and City of Fresno.
Notice of Preparation. A document stating that an EIR will be prepared for a particular project; the first step in the CEQA process.
Notice of Preparation. Mintier Harnish will develop a preliminary project description and prepare a draft Notice of Preparation (NOP) pursuant to the CEQA Guidelines. The NOP is geared toward other public agencies, but it also intended to inform the broader public of the pending environmental review. Mintier Harnish will submit a draft NOP to City staff for review. We will make any necessary changes to the NOP and provide an electronic copy to City staff for signatures, publication, and distribution. Mintier Harnish will distribute the NOP to the State Clearinghouse and distribute the NOP to the County Clerk/Registrar Recorder and the City’s list of local interested parties, commencing a 30-day public review period. Mintier Harnish will include all comment letters received during the NOP period in the PEIR appendices and will delineate in a table in the PEIR, along with where their requested topics/issues are addressed in the PEIR.
Notice of Preparation. Upon finalization of the project description, DJP&A will prepare the NOP in compliance with the CEQA Guidelines. The NOP will include a project description, project and vicinity maps, and an overview of the anticipated environmental impacts of the proposed project. Under “Project Deliverables”, the RFP references an Initial Study to be submitted with the NOP. Pursuant to Section 15063 of the CEQA Guidelines: Following preliminary review, the Lead Agency shall conduct an Initial Study to determine if the project may have a significant effect on the environment. If the Lead Agency can determine that an EIR will clearly be required for the project, an Initial Study is not required but may still be desirable. Because a determination has already been made that an EIR is required, DJP&A believes the constraints analysis and project data will provide sufficient information to prepare the NOP and that preparation of an Initial Study would be an unnecessary use of project resources and time. Therefore, DJP&A does not propose to prepare an Initial Study as part of the NOP. The NOP will be sent to County staff for review and approval. Once approved, DJP&A will assist the County in determining the agencies and organizations that should be on the distribution list and will submit the NOP to the County for distribution. The submittal will include two electronic copies (in word and PDF) and two hard copies. During the NOP 30-day circulation period, DJP&A will conduct two scoping meetings. One meeting will be for the general public and the second meeting will be for interested regulatory agencies. DJP&A will assist County staff preparation of meeting materials, will present the EIR process, and will take public comment for inclusion in the EIR. If additional scoping meetings are required, they can be added to the scope on a time and materials basis. Preparation of the EIR Individual tasks to be accomplished in this element are described below.
Notice of Preparation. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx will prepare the Notice of Preparation (NOP) for the EIR, which will be distributed to a City-approved Distribution List. This task includes mailing a maximum of 40 notices to affected agencies and interested parties and posting the Notice with the County Clerk. Comments received in response to the NOP will be evaluated by Xxxxxxx Xxxxx during the preparation of the EIR. Note that this scope excludes the preparation of an Initial Study. Areas that would have “No Impact”, a “Less Than Significant Impact”, or “Less Than Significant Impact with Mitigation” will be documented in the EIR under Task 2.9, Effects Found Not To Be Significant.
Notice of Preparation. The Consultants will develop a project description and prepare a draft Notice of Preparation (NOP) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines and submit a draft NOP to County staff for review. Based on County staff comments the Consultants will prepare the final NOP for distribution. The Consultants assume the County will develop a list of contacts to receive the NOP and will be responsible for distributing the NOP. The Consultants will send the NOP to the State Clearinghouse.
Notice of Preparation. Notice of Scoping Session, Environmental Impact Report for the Proposed Unocal Reformulated Gasoline Project, December 9, 1993. 159 Contra Costa County (1994). Response to Comments Document for the Unocal Corporation Reformulated Gasoline Project, Land Use Permit 2038-93, September, 1994. 160 Contra Costa County (1994). Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Unocal Corporation Reformulated Gasoline Project, Land Use Permit 2038-93, June 1994.