OBJECTIVE AND FUNCTIONS. The objective of the Fund shall be to mobilize additional resources to be made available on concessional terms for agricultural development in developing Member States. In fulfilling this objective the Fund shall provide financing primarily for projects and programmes specifically designed to introduce, expand or improve food production systems and to strengthen related policies and institutions within the framework of national priorities and strategies, taking into consideration: the need to increase food production in the poorest food deficit countries; the potential for increasing food production in other developing countries; and the importance of improving the nutritional level of the poorest populations in developing countries and the conditions of their lives.
OBJECTIVE AND FUNCTIONS. 1. The objective of the Centre shall be to promote and develop education for international understanding and global citizenship education, with a view to promoting a culture of peace in the Asia-Pacific region. 2. The functions of the Centre shall be to: (a) strengthen regional and sub-regional capacities in planning and implementing a broad range of practices in education for international understanding and global citizenship education; (b) encourage and facilitate collaborative links between Asia-Pacific initiatives and other regional, international and global efforts in education; (c) carry out research and development related to the philosophy, teaching methods and curricula in the field of education for international understanding and global citizenship education; (d) organize training workshops and seminars on education for international understanding and global citizenship education; (e) produce and disseminate teaching/learning materials and other publications on education for international understanding and global citizenship education; and (f) undertake any other activities necessary to promote education for international understanding and global citizenship education in the Asia-Pacific region.
OBJECTIVE AND FUNCTIONS. ‌ 1. The main objective of the Centre shall be to provide research and training globally for the improved management of Internationally Designated Areas (IDAs), namely Biosphere Reserves, World Natural Heritage Sites, UNESCO Global Geoparks and Ramsar sites, including Multi-Internationally Designated Areas (MIDAs), in a coordinated and integrated manner in order to ensure environmental conservation in line with sustainable development objectives. 2. The functions of the Centre shall be to: (a) disseminate advanced knowledge on the management of IDAs for contributing to sustainable development and environmental conservation in connection with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; (b) carry out research to develop case studies and illustrative examples of local development integrated into the conservation and management of IDAs and develop guidelines on best practices; (c) provide capacity building programmes for managers and representatives of national and local authorities in charge of proposing and managing IDAs, including MIDAs with a focus on developing countries, especially countries in the African and Asia- Pacific region; (d) consult upon and support the drawing-up of nomination documents and periodic reports, as well as development of management policies on IDAs; (e) provide a platform for networking and cooperation within a specific ecosystem or biome and/or within a specific region or sub-region; and (f) develop partnerships with appropriate United Nations (UN) agencies and programmes, as well as other international intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations and global funds and foundations to strengthen research and training that will enhance and strengthen the capacity of IDAs to contribute to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change.


  • MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS B.1 The Association recognizes that the management of the Hospital and the direction of working forces are fixed exclusively in the Hospital and shall remain solely with the Hospital except as specifically limited by the provisions of this Agreement and, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, the Association acknowledges that it is the exclusive function of the Hospital to: (a) maintain order, discipline and efficiency; (b) hire, assign, retire, discharge, direct, promote, demote, classify, transfer, lay- off, recall, and suspend or otherwise discipline nurses, provided that a claim of discharge or discipline without just cause may be the subject of a grievance and dealt with as hereinafter provided; (c) determine, in the interest of efficient operation and high standards of service, job rating and classification, the hours of work, work assignments, methods of doing the work, and the working establishment for the service; (d) generally to manage the operation that the Hospital is engaged in and, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, to determine the number of personnel required, methods, procedures, and equipment in connection therewith; (e) make, enforce, and alter from time to time reasonable rules and regulations to be observed by the nurses which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement. B.2 These rights shall not be exercised in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement.

  • Duties and functions 23.2.1 The Independent Engineer shall discharge its duties and functions substantially in accordance with the terms of reference set forth in Schedule 16. 23.2.2 The Independent Engineer shall submit regular periodic reports (at least once every month) to the Authority in respect of its duties and functions set forth in Schedule 16.

  • MIXED FUNCTIONS An employee engaged for more than two hours during one day or shift on duties carrying a higher rate than his or her ordinary classification shall be paid the higher rate for such day or shift. If for two hours or less during one day or shift he or she shall be paid the higher rate for the time so worked.

  • Additional Functions Upon receipt of Proper Instructions, the Custodian shall take all such other actions as specified in such Proper Instructions and as shall be reasonable or necessary with respect to Repurchase Agreement transactions and the Securities and funds transferred and received pursuant to such transactions, including, without limitation, all such actions as shall be prescribed in the event of a default under a Repurchase Agreement.

  • Commercially Useful Function A prime consultant can credit expenditures to a DBE subconsultant toward DBE goals only if the DBE performs a Commercially Useful Function (CUF). A DBE performs a CUF when it is responsible for execution of the work of a contract and carries out its responsibilities by actually performing, managing, and supervising the work involved. To perform a commercially useful function, the DBE must also be responsible, with respect to materials and supplies on the contract, for negotiating price, determining quality and quantity, ordering the material, and installing (where applicable) and paying for the material itself that it uses on the project. To determine whether a DBE is performing a commercially useful function, the Department will evaluate the amount of work subcontracted, industry practices, whether the amount the firm is to be paid under the contract is commensurate with the work it is actually performing and the DBE credit claimed for its performance of the work, and other relevant factors. A DBE will not be considered to perform a commercially useful function if its role is limited to that of an extra participant in a transaction, contract, or project through which funds are passed in order to obtain the appearance of DBE participation. In determining whether a DBE is such an extra participant, the Department will examine similar transactions, particularly those in which DBEs do not participate. If a DBE does not perform or exercise responsibility for at least 30 percent of the total cost of its contract with its own work force, or if the DBE subcontracts a greater portion of the work of a contract than would be expected on the basis of normal industry practice for the type of work involved, the Department will presume that the DBE is not performing a commercially useful function. When a DBE is presumed not to be performing a commercially useful function as provided above, the DBE may present evidence to rebut this presumption. The Department will determine if the firm is performing a CUF given the type of work involved and normal industry practices. The Department will notify the consultant, in writing, if it determines that the consultant’s DBE subconsultant is not performing a CUF. The consultant will be notified within seven calendar days of the Department’s decision. Decisions on CUF may be appealed to the ADOT State Engineer. The appeal must be in writing and personally delivered or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the State Engineer. The appeal must be received by the State Engineer no later than seven calendar days after the decision of XXXX. XXXX’s decision remains in place unless and until the State Engineer reverses or modifies BECO’s decision. ADOT State Engineer will promptly consider any appeals under this subsection and notify the consultant of ADOT’s State Engineer findings and decisions. Decisions on CUF matters are not administratively appealable to USDOT. The BECO may conduct project site visits on the contract to confirm that DBEs are performing a CUF. The consultant shall cooperate during the site visits and the BECO’s staff will make every effort not to disrupt work on the project.

  • CUSTOMER SERVICE FUNCTIONS The Servicer shall handle all Customer inquiries and other Customer service matters according to the same procedures it uses to service Customers with respect to its own charges.

  • Benchmarking 19.1 The Parties shall comply with the provisions of Framework Schedule 12 (Continuous Improvement and Benchmarking) in relation to the benchmarking of any or all of the Goods and/or Services.

  • Registry Functions Activity Report This report shall be compiled in a comma separated-value formatted file as specified in RFC 4180. The file shall be named “gTLD-activity-yyyymm.csv”, where “gTLD” is the gTLD name; in case of an IDN-TLD, the A-label shall be used; “yyyymm” is the year and month being reported. The file shall contain the following fields: 01 operational-registrars number of operational registrars at the end of the reporting period 02 ramp-up-registrars number of registrars that have received a password for access to OT&E at the end of the reporting period 03 pre-ramp-up-registrars number of registrars that have requested access, but have not yet entered the ramp-up period at the end of the reporting period 06 web-whois-queries number of Web-based Whois queries responded during the reporting period, not including searchable Whois 09 dns-udp-queries-responded number of DNS queries received over UDP transport that were responded during the reporting period 10 dns-tcp-queries-received number of DNS queries received over TCP transport during the reporting period 11 dns-tcp-queries-responded number of DNS queries received over TCP transport that were responded during the reporting period 12 srs-dom-check number of SRS (EPP and any other interface) domain name “check” requests responded during the reporting period 13 srs-dom-create number of SRS (EPP and any other interface) domain name “create” requests responded during the reporting period 14 srs-dom-delete number of SRS (EPP and any other interface) domain name “delete” requests responded during the reporting period 15 srs-dom-info number of SRS (EPP and any other interface) domain name “info” requests responded during the reporting period 16 srs-dom-renew number of SRS (EPP and any other interface) domain name “renew” requests responded during the reporting period 17 srs-dom-rgp-restore-report number of SRS (EPP and any other interface) domain name RGP “restore” requests delivering a restore report responded during the reporting period 18 srs-dom-rgp-restore-request number of SRS (EPP and any other interface) domain name RGP “restore” requests responded during the reporting period 19 srs-dom-transfer-approve number of SRS (EPP and any other interface) domain name “transfer” requests to approve transfers responded during the reporting period 20 srs-dom-transfer-cancel number of SRS (EPP and any other interface) domain name “transfer” requests to cancel transfers responded during the reporting period 21 srs-dom-transfer-query number of SRS (EPP and any other interface) domain name “transfer” requests to query about a transfer responded during the reporting period 22 srs-dom-transfer-reject number of SRS (EPP and any other interface) domain name “transfer” requests to reject transfers responded during the reporting period 23 srs-dom-transfer-request number of SRS (EPP and any other interface) domain name “transfer” requests to request transfers responded during the reporting period 24 srs-dom-update number of SRS (EPP and any other interface) domain name “update” requests (not including RGP restore requests) responded during the reporting period 25 srs-host-check number of SRS (EPP and any other interface) host “check” requests responded during the reporting period 26 srs-host-create number of SRS (EPP and any other interface) host “create” requests responded during the reporting period 27 srs-host-delete number of SRS (EPP and any other interface) host “delete” requests responded during the reporting period 28 srs-host-info number of SRS (EPP and any other interface) host “info” requests responded during the reporting period 29 srs-host-update number of SRS (EPP and any other interface) host “update” requests responded during the reporting period 30 srs-cont-check number of SRS (EPP and any other interface) contact “check” requests responded during the reporting period 32 srs-cont-delete number of SRS (EPP and any other interface) contact “delete” requests responded during the reporting period 33 srs-cont-info number of SRS (EPP and any other interface) contact “info” requests responded during the reporting period 34 srs-cont-transfer-approve number of SRS (EPP and any other interface) contact “transfer” requests to approve transfers responded during the reporting period 35 srs-cont-transfer-cancel number of SRS (EPP and any other interface) contact “transfer” requests to cancel transfers responded during the reporting period 36 srs-cont-transfer-query number of SRS (EPP and any other interface) contact “transfer” requests to query about a transfer responded during the reporting period 37 srs-cont-transfer-reject number of SRS (EPP and any other interface) contact “transfer” requests to reject transfers responded during the reporting period 38 srs-cont-transfer-request number of SRS (EPP and any other interface) contact “transfer” requests to request transfers responded during the reporting period 39 srs-cont-update number of SRS (EPP and any other interface) contact “update” requests responded during the reporting period The first line shall include the field names exactly as described in the table above as a “header line” as described in section 2 of RFC 4180. No other lines besides the ones described above shall be included. Line breaks shall be <U+000D, U+000A> as described in RFC 4180. For gTLDs that are part of a single-instance Shared Registry System, the Registry Functions Activity Report may include the total contact or host transactions for all the gTLDs in the system. REGISTRATION DATA PUBLICATION SERVICES

  • Tasks 1) The Sub-Recipient shall procure the services of a qualified and licensed Florida contractor and execute a contract with the selected bidder to complete the scope of work as approved by the Division and FEMA. The Sub-Recipient shall select the qualified, licensed Florida contractor in accordance with the Sub-Recipient’s procurement policy as well as all Federal and State Laws and Regulations. All procurement activities shall contain sufficient source documentation and be in accordance with all applicable regulations. The Sub-Recipient shall be responsible for furnishing or contracting all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transportation and supervision and for performing all work per sealed engineering designs and construction plans presented to the Division by the Sub-Recipient and subsequently approved by the Division and FEMA. The Sub-Recipient and contractor shall be responsible for maintaining a safe and secure worksite for the duration of the work. The contractor shall maintain all work staging areas in a neat and presentable condition. The Sub-Recipient shall ensure that no contractors or subcontractors are debarred or suspended from participating in federally funded projects. The selected contractor shall have a current and valid occupational license/business tax receipt issued for the type of services being performed. The Sub-Recipient shall provide documentation demonstrating the results of the procurement process. This shall include a rationale for the method of procurement and selection of contract type, contractor selection and/or rejection and bid tabulation and listing, and the basis of contract price. The Sub-Recipient shall provide an executed “Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility, Voluntary Exclusion Form” for each contractor and/or subcontractor performing services under this agreement. Executed contracts with contractors and/or subcontractors shall be provided to the Division by the Sub-Recipient. The Sub-Recipient shall provide copies of professional licenses for contractors selected to perform services. The Sub-Recipient shall provide a copy of a current and valid occupational license or business tax receipt issued for the type of services to be performed by selected contractor. 2) The Sub-Recipient shall monitor and manage the procurement and installation of all opening protection products in accordance with the HMGP application and associated documentation as presented to the Division by the Sub-Recipient and subsequently approved by the Division and FEMA. The Sub-Recipient shall ensure that all applicable State, Local and Federal Laws and Regulations are followed and documented, as appropriate. The project shall protect the building from windblown debris resulting from high wind storms which shall allow the function of the structure(s) to continue following a severe wind event. The structure shall be upgraded to meet Florida Building Code and/or Miami Dade Requirements, including all exterior openings. The Sub-Recipient shall fully perform the approved project, as described in the application, in accordance with the approved scope of work indicated herein, the estimate of costs indicated herein, the allocation of funds indicated herein, and all applicable terms and conditions. The Sub-Recipient shall not deviate from the approved project terms and conditions. Upon completion of the work, the Sub-Recipient shall schedule and participate in a final inspection of the completed project by the local municipal or county building department (official), or other approving official, as applicable. The official shall inspect and certify that all installation was in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. Any deficiencies found during this final inspection shall be corrected by the Sub-Recipient prior to Sub-Recipient’s submittal of the final inspection request to the Division. Upon completion of Task 2, the Sub-Recipient shall submit the following documents with sufficient supporting documentation, and provide a summary of all contract scope of work and scope of work changes, if any. Additional documentation shall include: a) Copy of permit(s), notice of commencement. b) Local Building Official Inspection Report and Final Approval. c) Signed and sealed copy of the As-built plans. d) A copy of electrical designs, specifications and/or drawings elaborated to complete the scope.

  • Operations Support Systems Functions 9.1 Effective as of February 8, 2021, notwithstanding any other term or condition of the Amended Agreement or a Verizon tariff or SGAT, and subject to the transitional provisions set forth in Subsection 9.2 below, unbundled access to Operations Support Systems Functions will not be available from Verizon on or after February 8, 2021, except when such functions are used to manage other UNEs that remain available from Verizon, local interconnection, or local number portability. 9.2 Any unbundled access to Operations Support System Functions eliminated pursuant to Section 9.1 above will continue to be provisioned for the period in which unbundled access is available to the UNE managed through the use of such functions, but not after such period.