Prior Disaster Relief Contract Violation Under Sections 2155.006 and 2261.053 of the Texas Government Code (relating to convictions and penalties regarding Hurricane Xxxx, Hurricane Xxxxxxx, and other disasters), the Contractor certifies that the individual or business entity named in this Contract and any related Solicitation Response is not ineligible to receive this Contract and acknowledges that this Contract may be terminated and payment withheld if this certification is inaccurate.
General Scope Except for matters on which the Members’ approval is required by the Act or this Agreement, the Manager has full power, authority and discretion to manage and direct the Company’s business, affairs and properties, including the specific powers referred to in paragraph (b), below.
Change in Scope of Work Any change in the scope of the Work, method of performance, nature of materials or price thereof, or any other matter materially affecting the performance or nature of the Work shall not be paid for or accepted unless such change, addition, or deletion is approved in advance and in writing by a valid change order executed by the District. Contractor specifically understands, acknowledges, and agrees that the District shall have the right to request any alterations, deviations, reductions, or additions to the Project or Work, and the cost thereof shall be added to or deducted from the amount of the Contract Price by fair and reasonable valuations. Contractor also agrees to provide the District with all information requested to substantiate the cost of the change order and to inform the District whether the Work will be done by the Contractor or a subcontractor. In addition to any other information requested, Contractor shall submit, prior to approval of the change order, its request for a time extension (if any), as well as all information necessary to substantiate its belief that such change will delay the completion of the Work. If Contractor fails to submit its request for a time extension or the necessary supporting information, it shall be deemed to have waived its right to request such extension.
Typical activities (i) School support services grade 3 (ii) Preschool/childcare services grade 3 (iii) School administration services grade 3 (iv) School operational services grade 3
General Scope of Services Consultant promises and agrees to furnish to the City all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, and incidental and customary work necessary to fully and adequately supply the services necessary for the Project ("Services"). The Services are more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. All Services shall be subject to, and performed in accordance with, this Agreement, the exhibits attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations.
Dependencies HP’s ability to deliver services will depend on Customer’s reasonable and timely cooperation and the accuracy and completeness of any information from Customer needed to deliver the services.
Minimum scope of coverage Commercial general coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability occurrence form CG 0001 (ed. 11/88) or Insurance Services Office form number GL 0002 (ed. 1/73) covering comprehensive General Liability and Insurance Services Office form number GL 0404 covering Broad Form Comprehensive General Liability. Automobile coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office Automobile Liability form CA 0001 (ed. 12/90) Code 1 (“any auto”). No endorsement shall be attached limiting the coverage.
Change in Scope For substantial modifications in authorized Project scope, and/or substantial modifications of drawings and/or specifications previously accepted by City, when requested by City and through no fault of Consulting Engineer/Architect, the Consulting Engineer/Architect shall be compensated for time and expense required to incorporate such modifications at Consulting Engineer/Architect's standard hourly rates per Exhibit B; provided, however, that any increase in contract price or contract time must be approved through a written change order. Consulting Engineer/Architect shall correct or revise any errors or deficiencies in its designs, drawings or specifications without additional compensation when due to Consulting Engineer/Architect's negligence or other actionable fault.
Office Use Only Unit Size Requested Unit Number Targeted Move-In Date Date Received Time Received _N__o__b__le__s__S__q__u_a__q__r_e__A__p__a_r_t_m___e_n__t_s____________ _2__1_7__5__N___o_b__l_e_s___S_t_r_e__e__t_______________________ _W___o__r_th__i_n_g__t_o_n__,__M__N___5__6_1__8__7__________________ _(_5__0_7__)__3_6__0__-_6_0__8__3_____________________________ APPLICANT INFORMATION Applicant Name (Head of Household): Address: Social Security Number: Date of Birth: [ ] Male [ ] Female [ ] Decline Applicant Phone #: Applicant Email: Alternate Phone #: Alternate Email: Emergency Contact: List All Other Household Members First MI Last Relationship to Head Date of Birth Male/Female/ Decline to Answer Social Security Number [ ]M [ ]F [ ]Decline [ ]M [ ]F [ ]Decline [ ]M [ ]F [ ]Decline [ ]M [ ]F [ ]Decline [ ]M [ ]F [ ]Decline [ ]M [ ]F [ ]Decline Primary Language: Do you require an interpreter? [ ] Yes [ ] No How did you hear about this housing? [ ] Online [ ] Newspaper [ ] Local Agency [ ] Drive By [ ] Resident Referral [ ] Other What is the combined gross monthly income of all household members? $ ADDITIONAL HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS CURRENT HOUSING STATUS How long have you lived at your current address? From: To: Is this family or a friend? [ ] Yes [ ] No Name of Owner/Manager: Phone #: Email: Address: Do all adult household members live at this address?........................................................................................................................ [ ] Yes [ ] No If NO, include additional adult household’s current address and contact information on a separate piece of paper. PREVIOUS HOUSING STATUS Your previous address: How long did you live at your previous address? From: To: Is this family or a friend? [ ] Yes [ ] No Name of Owner/Manager: Phone #: Email: Address: List every state in which each household member has lived: ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION
No Dedication Without limitation of each Party’s obligations under Sections 10.5(a) and 10.5(b) herein, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create any duty to, any standard of care with reference to, or any liability to any person or entity not a Party to this Agreement. No undertaking by one Party to the other under any provision of this Agreement shall constitute the dedication of that Party’s system or any portion thereof to the other Party or the public, nor affect the status of Buyer as an independent public utility corporation or Seller as an independent individual or entity.