Other Uses and Disclosures Sample Clauses

Other Uses and Disclosures. The Pharmacy may contact you for the following purposes:
Other Uses and Disclosures. Except as otherwise limited in this Agreement, and notwithstanding Section 3.01 above, Contractor may disclose Protected Health Information for the proper management and administration of the Contractor, provided that disclosures are Required by Law, or Contractor obtains reasonable assurances from the person to whom the information is disclosed that it will be held confidential and used or further disclosed only as Required by Law or for the purpose for which it was disclosed to the person, and the person notifies the Contractor of any instances of which it is aware in which the confidentiality of the information has been breached.
Other Uses and Disclosures. [Insert additional prohibited uses or disclosures, if desired, e.g., data aggregation or other commercial activities of the HIO that are not directly related to the purpose of exchanging data among Participants ].59 Limitations on Data Provider’s Provision of Patient Data.60
Other Uses and Disclosures. Except as otherwise limited by this Agreement, Business Associate may use and disclose PHI as follows: a. if necessary, for the proper management and administration of Business Associate or to carry out the legal responsibilities of Business Associate, provided that as to any such disclosure, the following requirements are met: i. the disclosure is required by law; or ii. Business Associate obtains reasonable assurances from the person to whom the information is disclosed that it will be held confidentially and used or further disclosed only as required by law or for the purpose for which it was disclosed to the person, and the person notifies Business Associate of any instances of which it is aware in which the confidentiality of the information has been breached; b. for data aggregation services, if to be provided by Business Associate for the health care operations (as such term is defined in 45 C.F.R. § 164.501) of Covered Entity pursuant to any agreements between the parties evidencing their business relationship. For purposes of this Agreement, data aggregation services means the combining of PHI by Business Associate with the protected health information received by Business Associate in its capacity as a business associate of another covered entity, to permit data analyses that relate to the health care operations of the respective covered entities.
Other Uses and Disclosures. We will obtain your written authorization before using or disclosing your PHI for purposes other than those described in this Notice or otherwise permitted by law. You may revoke an authorization in writing at any time by contacting the Privacy Officer. Upon receipt of the written revocation, we will stop using or disclosing your PHI, except to the extent that we have already acted in reliance on the authorization. Your Health Information Rights: Obtain a paper copy of the Notice upon request. You may request a copy of our current Notice at any time. Even if you have agreed to receive the Notice electronically, you are still entitled to a paper copy. You may obtain a paper copy at the site where you obtain health care services from us or by contacting the Privacy Officer. Request a restriction on certain uses and disclosures of PHI. You have the right to request additional restrictions on our use or disclosure of your PHI by sending a written request to the Privacy Officer. We are not required to agree to the restrictions, except in the case where the disclosure is to a health plan for purposes of carrying out payment or health Inspect and obtain a copy of PHI. With a few exceptions, you or your personal representative have the right to access and obtain a copy of the PHI that we maintain about you. You also have a right to request a copy of your completed test results. If we maintain an electronic health record containing your PHI, you have the right to request to obtain the PHI in an electronic format. To inspect or obtain a copy of your PHI, you must send a written request to the Privacy Officer. You may ask us to send a copy of your PHI to other individuals or entities that you designate. We may deny your request to inspect and copy in certain limited circumstances. If you are denied access to your PHI, you may request that the denial be reviewed. We may charge you a cost-based fee which may include copying and/or mailing your health record or completed test results to you. Request an amendment of PHI. If you feel that PHI we maintain about you is incomplete or incorrect, you may request that we amend it. To request an amendment, you must send a written request to the Privacy Officer. You must include a reason that supports your request. If we deny your request for an amendment, we will provide you with a written explanation of why we denied it. Receive an accounting of disclosures of PHI. Except for certain disclosures, you have a right to receive a l...
Other Uses and Disclosures. If we wish to use or disclose your health information for a purpose not discussed in this Notice, we will seek your authorization. Specific examples of uses and disclosures of your health information requiring your authorization include: (i) most uses and disclosures of psychotherapy notes (private notes of a mental health professional kept separately from a medical record); (ii) most uses and disclosures of your health information for marketing purposes; and (iii) disclosures of your health information that constitute the sale of your health information. You may revoke your authorization at any time in writing, except to the extent that we have taken action in reliance on the use or disclosure indicated in the authorization.
Other Uses and Disclosures. [Insert additional prohibited uses or disclosures, if desired, e.g., data aggregation or other commercial activities of the HIO that are not directly related to the purpose of exchanging data among Participants ].61 57 The HIO may wish to impose specified requirements upon Data Providers with respect to the measures they must take to assure the quality of the Patient Data they provide. These measures may include, for example, requiring Data Providers to adopt benchmark practices for increasing and maintaining data quality and/or requiring Participants to conduct a data quality assessment and improvement project either before or after becoming a Participant. 58 Under Model #1, under which the HIO will not be establishing or applying privacy, security or other standards for health information exchange, Section 7.4 (Grant of License to Use Patient Data) will be unnecessary.
Other Uses and Disclosures. The agreement cannot authorize the Business Associate to use or further disclose PHI that is broader than SJHS could make internally, or for purposes for which SJHS could not use or disclose the information itself, If SJHS mulct nest an individual's authorization to use an individual's information for its own purposes (i.e.; marketing products of third parties), then this same authorization would be required in order for SJHS to disclose the information to the business associate for the same purpose. The contract may permit the business associate to use and disclose PHI for the proper management and administration of the business associate and to provide data aggregation services relating to the health care operations of SJHS.
Other Uses and Disclosures. We will not make any other uses or disclosures of your health information unless you sign a written "authorization form. The content of an “authorization form” is determined by federal law.
Other Uses and Disclosures. Uses and disclosures other than those described in Section I.A. above will only be made with your written authorization. For example, you will need to sign an authorization form before BIFSTL can send PHI to your life insurance company, to a school, or to your attorney. You may revoke any such authorization at any time.