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For more information visit our privacy policy.Work Conditions The Contractor agrees to accept sole responsibility to comply with all federal, provincial and municipal legislation which may have application to the Work and agrees to comply with all provincial and federal legislation affecting conditions of work and wage rates including the Employment Standards Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. E-6.2, the Workers Compensation Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. W-7.1, or any other laws that impose obligations in the nature of employers’ obligations. The Contractor agrees to follow the Public Service Commission Human Resource Policies 9.05 Violence in the Workplace Policy; 9.08 Drug, Alcohol, and Medication Policy, and 11.01 Policy for the Prevention and Resolution of Harassment in the Workplace while working on Government sites, in Government vehicles or alongside Government staff. The Contractor agrees to accept the full cost of doing those things required under this paragraph and will not charge or seek reimbursement from the Owner in any way, such costs having been taken into consideration and included in the rates of payment stipulated in this Agreement.
OTHER WORK 14.1 Owner may perform other work related to the Project at the site by Owner’s own forces, have other work performed by utility owners or let other direct contracts. If the fact that such other work is to be performed is not noted in the Contract Documents, written notice thereof will be given to Construction Contractor prior to starting any such other work. If Construction Contractor believes that such performance will involve additional expense to Construction Contractor or require additional time, Construction Contractor shall send written notice of that fact to Owner and Design Professional within seven (7) calendar days of being notified of the other work. If Construction Contractor fails to send the above required seven (7) calendar days’ notice, Construction Contractor will be deemed to have waived any rights it otherwise may have had to seek an extension to the Contract Time or adjustment to the Contract Amount. 14.2 Construction Contractor shall afford each utility owner and other contractor who is a party to such a direct contract (or Owner, if Owner is performing the additional work with Owner’s employees) proper and safe access to the site and a reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of materials and equipment and the execution of such work and shall properly connect and coordinate its Work with theirs. Construction Contractor shall do all cutting, fitting and patching of the Work that may be required to make its several parts come together properly and integrate with such other work. Construction Contractor shall be responsible for all damage to the work of others caused by the performance of its Work. Further, Construction Contractor shall not in any way cut or alter the work of others without first receiving the written consent of that other person and Design Professional. 14.3 If any part of Construction Contractor’s Work depends for proper execution or results upon the work of any other contractor or utility owner (or Owner), Construction Contractor shall inspect and promptly report to Design Professional in writing any delays, defects or deficiencies in such work that render it unavailable or unsuitable for such proper execution and results. Such report must be made within seven (7) calendar days of the time Construction Contractor first became aware of the delay, defect or deficiency or by the scheduled commencement of Construction Contractor’s dependent Work, whichever occurs first. Construction Contractor’s failure to report within the allotted time will constitute an acceptance of the other work as fit and proper for integration with Construction Contractor’s Work.
Summer Work a. This section shall apply only to those employees hired to fill temporary summer positions. b. The District will provide the Association with a list of expected summer work job openings prior to the last day of school. Summer positions shall be included on the District’s website. c. The District shall not fill summer positions with outside employees until bargaining unit members have had at least three (3) working days to submit applications.
Safe Working Conditions The Employer undertakes to maintain office furniture, equipment, etc., in a practical and safe condition in order to avoid injury to employees or damage to their attire. Employees, for their part and in their own interest, are expected to advise the Employer of any such potentially injurious equipment.
WORKING CONDITIONS Section 15.1. The contractor and members of the Union shall comply with all applicable provisions of State and Federal health, sanitation and safety laws, and regulations. Workers shall not be permitted to work on unsafe scaffolds, with unsafe equipment, where proper safeguards are not provided, under conditions which are unsafe, or injurious to health. All defective equipment, scaffolding, tools and Section 15.2. Employees shall be allowed such time as necessary to collect, clean and store tools in the designated place before quitting time. Section 15.3. Each worker shall be entitled to pick-up time at the end of each day which shall not be less than five (5) nor more than fifteen (15) minutes, exact time to depend on accessibility to actual place of work and to be established by mutual agreement at the job site conference by a represen- tative of the individual employer and a representative of the Union. Employees receiving notice of discharge shall be allowed to pick-up time prevailing on the job, to assemble their tools. Section 15.4. An adequate supply of pure, cool, clean drink- ing water and sanitary drinking cups shall be kept in close proximity to workers at all times. At no time shall water bags be permitted. Section 15.5. Toilets, urinals, latrines of approved types and in sufficient number and in clean and sanitary condition shall be provided on all jobs. Any worker found not cooperating in keeping sanitary facilities clean and undamaged shall be subject to discharge. Section 15.6. When working with material or equipment which is contaminated with human waste, the contractor must furnish suitable facilities for the workers to wash and disinfect their hands immediately before the lunch period and this time (ten (10) minutes) shall not be considered as part of the lunch period time. Workers working with toxic materials such as epoxies, solvents, paint, adhesives, chemi- cals, radiation sewage gasses and irritants such as fiberglass blankets, insulation or sound attenuation shall be furnished with proper instructions, safety procedures, protective equip- ment, respirators, showers and washing facilities and/or any other measure necessary to maintain maximum safety. Section 15.7. First Aid Kits and other approved emergency equipment shall be kept in convenient and easily accessible places at all times, and shall be in the charge of an accredited First Aid Operator. Section 15.8. Should an employee be taken to any medical facility due to a lost time injury, the Union Representative responsible for the area the job is located in shall be notified (by phone or fax or e-mail) as soon as practical. In the event the job has a Xxxxxxx, he or she shall be notified of the injury as soon as practical. Section 15.9. Employees shall be granted two rest periods of ten (10) minutes duration each day; one prior to lunch period and one between lunch period and end of work shift. Regular time of these breaks to be determined by the com- pany. Section 15.10. If site conditions allow, adequate facilities shall be provided within a reasonable time for employees