Reasons for Recommendation. The elimination of duplication of learning materials will reduce the required number of credit hours necessary for graduation and provide a seamless transition between secondary and post-secondary educational institutions. Increase in enrollment of students into degree and certificate programs as matriculated students.
Reasons for Recommendation. To provide students access to required clinical, technical and educational experience and training directly related to the successful completion of curricula.
Reasons for Recommendation. Continuant has proven itself to be a valuable partner with AHS with a track record of proven success with us in past engagements.
Reasons for Recommendation. Reasons for Approval of Agreement
Reasons for Recommendation. To provide students access to required clinical, technical and educational experience and training directly related to the successful completion of their curricula offered in the Emergency Medical Services Provider certificate, Emergency Medical Technology/Paramedic certificate and Emergency Medical Technology/Paramedic A.A.S. degree programs.
Reasons for Recommendation. This large county agency allows for the placement of numerous students. The agency is reputable and helps develop marketable skills in our students. All Human Services Certificate students are required to complete an internship. There is no cost to SUNY Erie but the benefit is marketable skills, reputable industry connections, pertinent work experience and development of professional practice in our students.
Reasons for Recommendation. To establish eligibility criteria for SUNY Erie students and facilitate access for qualified graduates. Transfer articulation agreements are used to recruit students to complete their first two years at SUNY Erie and then transfer to four-year schools.
Reasons for Recommendation. 10.1 Increased pooling of budgets and aligned incentives between health and care services should enable: • The development of more joined-up health and care services - Sheffield people do not want to be passed from ‘pillar to post’. • Frontline staff and managers in health and care services to spend less time on managing the system and more time on supporting Sheffield people to improve their health and wellbeing. • Increased investment in preventative services – helping more people in Sheffield stay independent, safe and well. • Improved medium-term planning for the health and care system as a whole – helping Sheffield cope with increased demand for health services and reduced levels of Local Government funding.
10.2 Achieving these benefits will require us to enter into a closer, strategic partnership with Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group. The terms of this partnership are as set out in the Section 75 Agreement.
10.3 The Section 75 Agreement is designed to allow us increase the depth of our partnership and the level of risk-sharing with Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group incrementally. Proposals for further joint ventures will however be taken forward within the Council’s decision- making processes.
Reasons for Recommendation. 3 To ensure the continued and sustainable delivery of the partnership museum and to support delivery of integrated County Council services in Market Harborough. Urgent action was taken as it was necessary for the legal agreement to be in place by 8 April 2013. 4 Harborough District Council secured funding towards the refurbishment of Harborough Museum, subject to a number of conditions, one of which was the securing of a legal agreement between the three parties involved in the operation of the museum, to be in place by 8 April 2013. The new museum and library is scheduled to open as part of the overall building timetable early in 2014.
Reasons for Recommendation. 3.1. During 2013/14 proposals were considered for the creation of a partnership with South Kesteven District Council (SKDC) for the provision of a shared Building Control.
3.2. The benefits of developing a partnership with SKDC were identified as the provision of a single Building Control service which would deliver the following advantages: Reduced costs through economies of scale. A consistent level of service delivery to improve customer satisfaction. A more attractive prospect for recruitment and retention of professional staff, and areas of expertise and excellence can be shared. Improved ability of the service to compete with 'Approved Inspectors'; over a larger geographical area. Enhanced flexibility of the service to cope with future pressures better. Opportunity of extending the shared service across the East Midlands as opportunities arise.
3.3. At a meeting of the Cabinet on 11 March 2014 it was resolved to accept South Kesteven District Council (SKDC) being the lead authority for the delivery of Building Control services for the joint authorities in partnership with Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC). It was also resolved to delegate authority to the Executive Manager – Communities in consultation with the then Portfolio Holder for Sustainability to enter into the legal Agreement setting out the terms of the partnership shared service with SKDC prior to the commencement of the partnership arrangement on 1 April 2014.
3.4. The transfer of existing RBC staff was completed in June 2014 completing the process to establish the partnership. The partnership operates under the name of East Midlands Building Consultancy.
3.5. Since the partnership was established, it has been expanded to include the delivery of the building control service for Newark and Sherwood District Council and the partnership is also undertaking cross boundary work (plan checking and inspections) for Rutland County Council.