PARCEL E Sample Clauses
PARCEL E. All that portion of Lot 16, Block 6, Columbia Valley Gaxxxxx Xx. 0, xxxxxxxxx xx xxx xxxxxxxx xlat thereof in Volume 6 of the plats, page 5, records of Cowlitz County, Washington, lying Southerly of the Columbia and Cowlitz Railway Company right of way. PARCEL F: Reciprocal easement for ingress, egress, parking as reserved in agreement recorded March 18, 1971, as Auditor's File No. 711096.
PARCEL E. Together with a perpetual, nonexclusive easement for pedestrian and vehicular ingress, egress and access and benefits under Declaration of NonExclusive Access Easement recorded December 30, 1998, at Reception No. F0768468,
PARCEL E. The West 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 11, Township 26 North, Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian. Situate in the County of Jefferson, State of Washington.
PARCEL E. Together with a perpetual, nonexclusive easement for pedestrian and vehicular ingress, egress and access and benefits under Declaration of NonExclusive Access Easement recorded December 30, 1998, at Reception Xx. X0000000, Xxxxxx xx Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxx of Colorado to the extent appurtenant to Parcel A above.
PARCEL E. TOGETHER WITH the easements (for drainage, etc.) and a 1 1 other rights and privileges granted pursuant to the Drainage Easement Agreement dated May 16, 1991, and recorded May 17, 1991, among the Land Records of Xxxx Arundel County, Maryland, in Liber No. 5317, folio 01, by and between Annapolis Self-Storage Limited Partnership, a Maryland limited partnership, and Toys “R” Us, Inc., a Delaware corporation. Subject to and upon the terms conditions, provisions and limitations of the instruments referenced herein. ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING OR BEING IN BALTIMORE COUNTY, Maryland, being more particularly described as follows: All those lots or parcels of ground situate in Baltimore County, Maryland and according to Survey Descriptions prepared by X. X. Xxxxxx & Associates, Inc., dated February 27, 1981 and described as follows: BEGINNING for the first at a stone now found said stone being the end of the first line described in a Deed from the Estate of Xxxxxxx Gabardine to Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx and Xxxxxx Xxx Gabardine, dated August 14th,1972 and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore County in Liber No. 5294, folio 981, thence running reversely with the first line of said Deed, South 21 degrees 28 minutes 40 seconds West 443.00 feet to intersect the northwest right-of-way line of Pulaski Highway 150 feet wide, thence running with said right-of-way line as shown on a Highway Right-of-way Plat recorded among the aforementioned Land Records in Liber No. 5259, folio 460, North 84 degrees 57 minutes 12 seconds West 206.51 feet, to intersect the northeast right-of-way line of Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, 000 feet wide, thence running with said right-of-way line and a curve to the left 178.95 feet, said curve having a radius of 1205.92 feet, subtended by a chord, North 52 degrees 09 minutes 45 seconds West 178.79 feet to intersect the 5th line of the first mentioned Deed, thence running reversely with part of said 5th line and with the 4th, 3rd and 2nd lines of said Deed, North 44 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds West 171.43 feet, thence, North 68 degrees 09 minutes 40 seconds East 360.14 feet, thence North 44 degrees 01 minutes 04 seconds East 180.00 feet to a point, South 59 degrees 27 minutes 20 seconds East 238.51 feet from a stone now found said stone being the end of the first line described in a Deed from Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx and Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx to Xxxx X. Xxxxxx and Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, his wife, dated December 3rd, 1938 and recorded among the aforementioned Land Recor...
PARCEL E. Together with the benefits of that certain Operation and Easement Agreement, recorded in Liber 15041 folio 376 and amended in Liber 15250. ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING OR BEING IN XXXX ARUNDEL County, MARYLAND, being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING for the same at an iron pipe found on the south side of Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx #000 and at the northeast corner of Parcel One of the conveyance from Xxxxxxx Service Investors, et al, to Xxxxx X. Xxxxxxx, by deed dated January 30, 1984 and recorded among the Land Records of Xxxx Arundel County, Maryland in Liber 3690 Page 785; said point of beginning being further located at the same beginning point as in Exhibit “A” of the Deed of Trust by and between Xxxxx X. Xxxxxxx and Xxxx X. Xxxxxxx and Xxxxx X. Xxxxxx, dated October 18, 1989 and recorded among the said Land Records in Liber 4952 Page 446; THENCE running from said beginning point, so fixed, leaving said Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx 000, and with the South 19° 44’ 16” West 320.28 foot line of Parcel One of the said conveyance recorded in Liber 3690 Page 785 and also with the East line of Parcel Three of the conveyance from Mowbray Xxxxx and Xxxxx X. Xxxxx, his wife, to Xxxxx L, Xxxxxxx, by deed dated June, 1985 and recorded among the Land Records or Xxxx Arundel County, Maryland in Book 3908 Page 198, and also with the North 27° 26’ East 47.5 foot line of Parcel Two of said conveyance, reversely, and also running with the outlines of Exhibit “A” of the above mentioned Deed of Trust, and running along the east side of a 40 foot right-of-way, and with bearings referred to Maryland Grid North, South 19° 47’ 15” West 396.95 feet to a P.K. Nail set at the end of the South 72° 38’ East 76.9 foot line of Parcel Two of the said conveyance recorded in Book 3908 Page 198; THENCE with said line, reversely, and also with the North 73° 34’ West 225 foot line of Parcel One of the said conveyance recorded in Book 3908 Page 198, and crossing the southern end of the said 40 foot right-of-way, North 81° 06’ 40” West 301.58 feet to an Iron pipe found at the beginning of the North 02° 22” East 69.0 foot line of said Parcel One (Book 3908 Page 198); THENCE with said line, and also with the west line of said Parcel Three (Book 3908 Page 198), and still continuing with the outlines of said Exhibit “A”, (Liber 4952 Page 446), North 05° 43’ 24” West 99.38 feet to an iron pipe found at the beginning of the North 05° 04’ 54” West 330.00 foot line of Parcel One of the said convey...
PARCEL E. A parcel of land being a part of Sexxxxx 00, Xxxx 0 Xxxxx, Xxxxx 0 Xxxx, Xxxx xf Novi, Oakland County, Michigan, described as follows: Commencing at the center of Sexxxxx 00, Xxxx 0 Xxxxx, Xxxxx 0 Xxxx, Xxxx xf Novi, Oakland County, Michigan, said center of section being South 89 degrees 20 minutes 01 second West, 2625.72 feet from the East 1/4 corner of said Section 14; and proceeding thence North 00 degrees 29 minutes 25 seconds West, 268.65 feet (also recorded as 268.62 feet) along the North and South 1/4 line of said Section to the Point of Beginning, proceeding thence North 00 degrees 29 minutes 25 seconds West, 61.40 feet ; thence South 89 degrees 11 minutes 10 seconds West, 324.17 feet to a point on a curve and the Easterly line of TWELVE OAKS NO. 1, as recorded in Liber 158 of Plats, Page 35 through 47, both inclusive, and as revised in the Judgment Revising Plat as recorded in Liber 39543, Page 468, Oakland County Records; thence along said Easterly line the following two courses, 261.34 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 250.00 feet passing through a central angle 59 degrees 53 minutes 41 seconds with a long chord bearing North 59 degrees 14 minutes 20 seconds East, 249.60 feet and North 29 degrees 17 minutes 29 seconds East, 18.17 feet; thence North 74 degrees 17 minutes 29 seconds East, 28.28 feet; thence South 60 degrees 42 minutes 32 seconds East, 290.39 feet; thence South 43 degrees 59 minutes 10 seconds West, 211.92 feet; thence South 89 degrees 31 minutes 52 seconds West, 80.95 feet to the Point of Beginning.
PARCEL E. An easement for surface drainage purposes over the westerly 10.00 feet of Parcel 3 of Parcel Map No. 12806.
PARCEL E. Together with the benefits of Reciprocal Easement for access, ingress and egress by and between L&G Development, LLC, Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Corporation, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, and Xxxxxx-Memphis Limited Partnership, a North Carolina limited partnership, recorded at Instrument No. FM 5344, rerecorded at Instrument No. FM 5852 in the aforesaid Register’s Office. Xxxxxx County-Austin-#Lot 2-A, XXXXXX XXXX CENTER AMENDED, an Addition in XXXXXX County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 83, Pages 149D and 150A of the Plat Records of XXXXXX County, Texas. Together with Easements as set forth in that certain Declaration recorded in/under Volume 8017, Page 641 and Volume 7953, Page 416 of the Real Property Records of XXXXXX County, Texas. Xxx Xxx (0), Xxxxx Xxxxx (0), XXXXXX XXXXX UNIT 1, an addition in the City of Corpus Christi, Texas as shown by map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 51, Page 158, Map Records of Nueces County, Texas, more particularly described by metes and bounds in Warranty Deed dated January 30, 1994, recorded under Clerk’s File No. 903775, Official Public Records of Nueces County, Texas; and as attached hereto as Exhibit “A-1”. Together with easements contained in Reciprocal Easement Operation Agreement dated January 13, 1986 between Nueces Associates, Ltd.., a Texas limited partnership and Toys “R” Us-Nytex, Inc., a New York corporation recorded under Clerk’s File No. 473117, Volume 1997, Page 710, Deed Records of Nueces County, Texas. First Amendment to Reciprocal Easement and Operation Agreement dated November 9, 1987 recorded under Clerk’s File No. 588374, Volume 2090, page 295, Deed Records of Nueces County, Texas. A tract of land, being all of Xxx 0, Xxxxx 0, Xxxxxx Xxxxx Unit 1, a map of which is recorded in Volume 51, Page 158, of the Map Records of Nueces County, Texas, said Lot 2 as further described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set in the East right-of-way line of XxXxxxx Road which bears South 02 degrees 28 minutes 00 seconds West 345.60 feet from the Northernmost corner of said Block 8, said beginning point for a Westerly corner of this tract and being the common Westernmost corner of said Xxx 0 xxx Xxx 0, xxxx Xxxxx 8; THENCE along the common boundary line between said Lots 2 and 3 to 5/8 inch iron rods set as follows: South 87 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds East 50.33 feet, North 31 degrees 48 minutes 00 seconds East 176.96 feet, South 58 degrees 12 minutes ...
PARCEL E i. The Trust shall retain ownership in fee of Parcel E, subject to its unconditional right to convey this Parcel to a designee.
ii. Parcel E shall not be subject to Chapter 61 of the Massachusetts General Laws.
iii. The Trust at its own determination, and in its sole discretion as to location, shall install appropriate monitoring xxxxx on Parcel E and hereby agrees to share data from such monitoring xxxxx as required by applicable law.
iv. The Trust, its designee and/or successor agrees not to construct any buildings on the approximately 300 foot by 0000-xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxx marked on Exhibit 1 for a period of five years, or until the Town identifies a financeable and feasible public drinking water supply well area on the adjacent Parcel A, whichever occurs earlier. In consideration of this 5- year easement in Parcel E, the Trust will reserve and the Town agrees to a five-year replication easement under federal Army Corp of Engineer regulations of approximately 3 acres on Parcel A benefitting the Trust for potential wetlands replication in the area shown on Exhibit 1. Prior to performing any work within the replication easement area, the Trust shall share copies of plans used for the federal replication filings with the Board of Selectmen, the Hopedale Parks Commission and Hopedale Conservation Commission.