POLITICAL CHECK. OFF 1. To the extent permitted by law and as described more particularly in Appendix A and Appendix B to this Agreement, as soon as practical after the effective date of this Agreement, the University shall upon presentation of a proper and duly signed authorization form, deduct from the salary of each employee in the collective negotiations unit the sum authorized by the employee, not to exceed the limits prescribed by law, for the purpose of contributing to the AFT Committee on Political Education (COPE). This provision applies to present and future members and nonmember employees in the collective negotiations unit. 2. The deductions referred to above shall be forwarded to Union in accordance with the provisions of applicable law and as described more particularly in Appendix A and B of this Agreement.
POLITICAL CHECK. OFF To the extent permitted by law and as described more particularly in Appendix C and Appendix D to this Agreement, as soon as practical after the effective date of this Agreement, the University shall upon presentation of a proper and duly signed authorization form, deduct from the salary of each employee in the collective negotiations unit the sum authorized by the employee, not to exceed the limits prescribed by law, for the purpose of contributing to the AFT Committee on Political Education (COPE). This provision applies to present and future members and non-member employees in the collective negotiations unit. The deductions referred to above shall be forwarded to AAUP-AFT in accordance with the provisions of applicable law and as described more particularly in Appendix B and Appendix C to this Agreement. 1. Representation Fee Deduction The parties agree that as of the effective date of this Agreement all employees in the bargaining unit who are not, and do not become, members of the Rutgers Council of AAUP Chapters, authorizing dues deduction, shall have deducted from their salaries and forwarded to the Rutgers Council of AAUP Chapters a representation fee in a manner and in an amount as provided below, provided that more than 50% of the faculty members of the bargaining unit have authorized the deduction of dues in accordance with Article V of this Agreement. Therefore, as of the second payroll date in July of each year of this Agreement, or any extension thereof, if more than 50% of the faculty members of the bargaining unit who receive paychecks on that date have authorized the deduction of dues in accordance with Article V of this Agreement, then, for the twelve-month period, commencing as of the first payroll date in September of the same year of this Agreement, representation fees shall be deducted from the salaries of members of the bargaining unit who have not authorized the deduction of dues. If on the second payroll date in July of any year of this Agreement, or any extension thereof, less than or equal to 50% of the faculty members of the bargaining unit have authorized the deduction of dues in accordance with Article V of the Agreement, then, for the twelve-month period commencing as of the first payroll date in September of the same year of the Agreement, no representation fees shall be deducted from the salary of any member of the bargaining unit. Deduction of representation fees in accordance with the provisions of this Article shall...
POLITICAL CHECK. OFF 1. To the extent permitted by law and as described more particularly in Appendix A and Appendix B to this Agreement, as soon as practical after the effective date of this Agreement, the University shall upon presentation of a proper and duly signed authorization form, deduct from the salary of each employee in the collective negotiations unit the sum authorized by the employee, not to exceed the limits prescribed by law, for the purpose of contributing to the AFT Committee on Political Education (COPE). This provision applies to present and future members and nonmember employees in the collective negotiations unit. 2. The deductions referred to above shall be forwarded to Union in accordance with the provisions of applicable law and as described more particularly in Appendix A and B of this Agreement. 5 – DESIGNATION OF UNION REPRESENTATIVES AND THEIR PRIVILEGES A. Designation of Union Representatives The University respects and recognizes unit employees' rights to participate in the governance of their Union. The Union respects and recognizes the importance of the University's ongoing activities, operations, and research. B. Access to/Use of University Facilities 1. Authorized representatives of the Union shall have access to appropriate University spaces to meet with unit employees, and unit employees shall have the right to participate in the governance and other activities of their Union, such as attending Union meetings, discussing Union matters with colleagues, investigating potential grievances and meeting with University representatives to discuss and adjust grievances, provided that this shall not interfere with or interrupt normal University, unit, or departmental operations or activities. Access shall include the right of union representatives to meet with newly hired unit members, without charge to the pay or leave time of the unit member, for 30 minutes, within 30 calendar days from the date of hire, during new employee orientations, or if the unit member does not attend an orientation, at individual or group meetings. Such authorized representatives' access to appropriate University spaces and the participation by unit employees in Union governance and other Union activities must comply with applicable University policy and State or Federal regulations, and must be discussed with and approved by the appropriate principal investigator or supervisor in advance to avoid disruption or interference with ongoing University activities or the uni...


  • Political Event A Political Event shall mean one or more of the following acts or events by or on account of any Government Instrumentality: (a) Change in Law, only if consequences thereof cannot be dealt with under and in accordance with the provisions of Article 37 and its effect, in financial terms, exceeds the sum specified in Clause 37.1; (b) compulsory acquisition in national interest or expropriation of any Project Assets or rights of the Concessionaire or of the Contractors; (c) unlawful or unauthorised or without jurisdiction revocation of, or refusal to renew or grant without valid cause, any clearance, licence, permit, authorisation, no objection certificate, consent, approval or exemption required by the Concessionaire or any of the Contractors to perform their respective obligations under this Agreement and the Project Agreements; provided that such delay, modification, denial, refusal or revocation did not result from the Concessionaire's or any Contractor's inability or failure to comply with any condition relating to grant, maintenance or renewal of such clearance, licence, authorisation, no objection certificate, exemption, consent, approval or permit; (d) any failure or delay of a Contractor but only to the extent caused by another Political Event and which does not result in any offsetting compensation being payable to the Concessionaire by or on behalf of such Contractor; or (e) any event or circumstance of a nature analogous to any of the foregoing.

  • Political Activity An employee shall not use his or her official authority for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the nomination or election of any candidate for public office. An employee shall not command or solicit in a coercive fashion from any other employee direct or indirect participation in any political activity or enforce or solicit in a coercive fashion contribution for any political party, organization, or candidate. An employee shall retain his or her right to vote and freely express opinions on all political subjects. An employee shall not be prohibited from participation in local community activities or from holding public office in the community in which the employee resides, provided that such activity does not conflict with Section 3.01 of the Rules and Regulations for Personnel Administration (and the Federal Hatch Act to the extent that employees of agencies receiving federal funds are subject thereto).

  • Political Activities Grant funds cannot be used for the following activities: A. Grantees and their relevant sub-grantees or subcontractors are prohibited from using grant funds directly or indirectly for political purposes, including lobbying, advocating for legislation, campaigning for, endorsing, contributing to, or otherwise supporting political candidates or parties, and voter registration campaigns. Grantees may use private, or non-System Agency money or contributions for political purposes but may not charge to, or be reimbursed from, System Agency contracts or grants for the costs of such activities. X. Xxxxx-funded employees may not use official authority or influence to achieve any political purpose and grant funds cannot be used for the salary, benefits, or any other compensation of an elected official. X. Xxxxx funds may not be used to employ, in any capacity, a person who is required by Chapter 305 of the Texas Government Code to register as a lobbyist. Additionally, grant funds cannot be used to pay membership dues to an organization that partially or wholly pays the salary of a person who is required by Chapter 305 of the Texas Government Code to register as a lobbyist. D. As applicable, Grantee will comply with 31 USC § 1352, relating to the limitation on use of appropriated funds to influence certain Federal contracting and financial transactions.

  • Political Contributions The Company has not directly or indirectly, (a) made any unlawful contribution to any candidate for public office, or failed to disclose fully any contribution in violation of law, or (b) made any payment to any federal, state, local, or foreign governmental officer or official, or other person charged with similar public or quasi-public duties, other than payments required or permitted by the laws of the United States or any other such jurisdiction.

  • Indirect Political Event An Indirect Political Event shall mean one or more of the following acts or events: (a) an act of war (whether declared or undeclared), invasion, armed conflict or act of foreign enemy, blockade, embargo, riot, insurrection, terrorist or military action, civil commotion or politically motivated sabotage; (b) industry-wide or State-wide strikes or industrial action for a continuous period of 24 (twenty four) hours and exceeding an aggregate period of 7 (seven) days in an Accounting Year; (c) any civil commotion, boycott or political agitation which prevents collection of Fee by the Concessionaire for an aggregate period exceeding 7 (seven) days in an Accounting Year; (d) any failure or delay of a Contractor to the extent caused by any Indirect Political Event and which does not result in any offsetting compensation being payable to the Concessionaire by or on behalf of such Contractor; (e) any Indirect Political Event that causes a Non-Political Event; or (f) any event or circumstances of a nature analogous to any of the foregoing.

  • Non-Political Event A Non-Political Event shall mean one or more of the following acts or events: (a) act of God, epidemic, extremely adverse weather conditions, lightning, earthquake, landslide, cyclone, flood, volcanic eruption, chemical or radioactive contamination or ionising radiation, fire or explosion (to the extent of contamination or radiation or fire or explosion originating from a source external to the Site); (b) strikes or boycotts (other than those involving the Concessionaire, Contractors or their respective employees/representatives, or attributable to any act or omission of any of them) interrupting supplies and services to the Bus Terminal for a continuous period of 24 (twenty four) hours and an aggregate period exceeding 7 (seven) days in an Accounting Year, and not being an Indirect Political Event set forth in Clause 30.3; (c) any failure or delay of a Contractor but only to the extent caused by another Non-Political Event and which does not result in any offsetting compensation being payable to the Concessionaire by or on behalf of such Contractor; (d) any delay or failure of an overseas contractor to deliver equipment in India if such delay or failure is caused outside India by any event specified in Sub-clause (a) above and which does not result in any offsetting compensation being payable to the Concessionaire by or on behalf of such contractor; (e) any judgement or order of any court of competent jurisdiction or statutory authority made against the Concessionaire in any proceedings for reasons other than (i) failure of the Concessionaire to comply with any Applicable Law or Applicable Permit, or (ii) on account of breach of any Applicable Law or Applicable Permit or of any contract, or (iii) enforcement of this Agreement, or (iv) exercise of any of its rights under this Agreement by the Authority; (f) the discovery of geological conditions, toxic contamination or archaeological remains on the Site that could not reasonably have been expected to be discovered through a site inspection; or (g) any event or circumstances of a nature analogous to any of the foregoing.

  • Political Activity Prohibited None of the funds, materials, property or services provided directly or indirectly under the Agreement shall be used for any partisan political activity, or to further the election or defeat of any candidate for public office.

  • Prohibition on Use of Public Funds for Political Activity In performing the Services, Contractor shall comply with San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 12G, which prohibits funds appropriated by the City for this Agreement from being expended to participate in, support, or attempt to influence any political campaign for a candidate or for a ballot measure. Contractor is subject to the enforcement and penalty provisions in Chapter 12G.

  • Political Leave Any employee who is a declared candidate for public office shall have the right to a leave of absence without pay for a reasonable period to campaign for the election. Such leave is subject to the conditions governing special leaves of absence without pay contained herein.

  • Prohibition on Political Activity with City Funds In accordance with San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 12.G, Contractor may not participate in, support, or attempt to influence any political campaign for a candidate or for a ballot measure (collectively, “Political Activity”) in the performance of the services provided under this Agreement. Contractor agrees to comply with San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 12.G and any implementing rules and regulations promulgated by the City’s Controller. The terms and provisions of Chapter 12.G are incorporated herein by this reference. In the event Contractor violates the provisions of this section, the City may, in addition to any other rights or remedies available hereunder, (i) terminate this Agreement, and (ii) prohibit Contractor from bidding on or receiving any new City contract for a period of two (2) years. The Controller will not consider Contractor’s use of profit as a violation of this section.