Use of University Facilities Sample Clauses

Use of University Facilities. The Union and its representatives will have the right to schedule the use of University facilities to transact Union business subject to standard facilities use policies and procedures. Where standard facility charges exist, the Union will pay the same rate as any other outside, non-University client. In the event the University agrees to improve the use of facilities, as outlined in this subsection 54.1, with the United Faculty of Central such modification will be included in this Article.
Use of University Facilities. Members may use the office assigned to them in connection with such professionally-related activities as preparation of professional manuscripts and materials, scholarly endeavors, approved consultancies, and service to professional associations, schools, or other groups or agencies for whom such service is appropriate. Upon request, faculty may use laboratories and studios for non-sponsored research and other scholarly activity. Upon request, faculty may use meeting rooms and other physical facilities for professionally-related groups subject to availability and prevailing policies of the University governing use of facilities. The facilities of the TRC, Print Shop, computer labs and the use of University equipment are available to the faculty in connection with professional writing, research, or approved service projects subject to availability and to reimbursement at prevailing rates charged by the University.
Use of University Facilities a. Duly authorized representatives of AAUP-FA shall be permitted to transact official AAUP-FA business on University property at all reasonable times, provided that this shall not interfere with or interrupt normal University operations or other faculty members in the performance of their duties. No faculty member shall engage in AAUP-FA activities during the time the faculty member should be performing teaching or other normally assigned University duties. b. The AAUP-FA shall have the right to post notices of its activities and matters of AAUP-FA concern on faculty bulletin boards at the locations heretofore agreed upon between the AAUP-FA and the University. The AAUP-FA shall be permitted reasonable use of intra-University mail for communication to the faculty. c. The Administration has agreed for the duration of this Agreement to use reasonable efforts to make available the University e-mail system for communications by the AAUP-FA to the faculty. This commitment is subject to any issues of technical feasibility concerning the capacity of the University system. Furthermore, the AAUP-FA agrees that its use of the e-mail system will be for information purposes only with respect to regular union matters. d. The AAUP-FA reserves the right to notify faculty members of their rights under the contract with respect to study days. e. The Administration shall make available to the AAUP-FA two separate offices. In addition, the AAUP-FA shall be permitted reasonable use of appropriate facilities at the University for its meetings so long as such facilities are available and the AAUP-FA complies with the rules and regulations relating to use of such facilities applicable to all members of the University community.
Use of University Facilities. Except for emergency closings deemed necessary by the University President or designee, full- time faculty members shall have 24-hour, 365-day access to their offices and other facilities for University-related professional activities. Bargaining Unit Members cannot use his/her offices as living facilities.
Use of University Facilities. The Union shall be permitted reasonable use, to the extent permitted by law, of University facilities, services, and publications on the same basis and at the same cost as other recognized campus organizations.
Use of University Facilities. University facilities may be used by the Union, with prior approval of the designated University official, for the purpose of holding meetings, to the extent that such facilities can be made available without interfering with normal University operations. When required, the Union shall reimburse the University for user fees or expenses, such as security, maintenance, and clean-up costs, incurred as a result of the Union's use of such facilities.
Use of University Facilities. Subject to the time, place and manner rules in effect at the time of a Union request for use of facilities, University facilities may be used for Union meetings subject to the operating needs of the University. Requests for use of such University facilities shall be made in advance to the appropriate University representative. In the event the facilities requested by the Union have already been scheduled for other activities at the time the University receives the Union request, the University shall not be required to change the existing scheduled use of the facility to accommodate the Union. As required by the University, the Union shall reimburse the University for expenses such as room rental, security, maintenance and facility management costs or utility costs incurred as a result of the Union's use of University facilities. Such costs will at a maximum be consistent with the amount normally charged to other non-University groups for provision of such services.
Use of University Facilities. Members may use the office assigned to them in connection with such professionally-related activities as preparation of professional manuscripts and materials, scholarly endeavors, approved consultancies, and service to professional associations, schools, or other groups or agencies for whom such service is appropriate. Upon request, faculty may use laboratories and studios for non-sponsored research and other scholarly activity. Upon request, faculty may use meeting rooms and other physical facilities for professionally-related groups subject to availability and prevailing policies of the University governing use of facilities.
Use of University Facilities. The Union may use University facilities for Union activities according to current building use policies applicable to non-campus groups. The Union is responsible for ensuring availability, making all necessary arrangements and paying all necessary fees.
Use of University Facilities. The employer shall provide the bargaining unit with reasonable private and secure office space on the premises, reasonable free use of office supplies, duplicating services, computing facilities, audio-visual and video conferencing equipment, IT support and the University internal, Canada Post, courier and electronic mail services.