PROBATIONARY PERIOD/TRIAL PERIOD. (a) - PROBATIONARY PERIOD (FULL-TIME) A new full-time employee shall attain seniority when he/she has worked thirty (30) days within a one hundred twenty (120) consecutive day period. A new full-time employee hired into the package car classification may have up to an additional ten (10) working days at the beginning of his/her probationary period, which may result in a total probationary period of up to forty (40) worked days within a one hundred twenty (120) consecutive day period, provided that all such additional time is spent in classroom training. Prior to attaining seniority, as defined in this Section, the employee, other than those employees attempting to transfer from part-time to full time positions, shall be considered a probationary employee and may be discharged without such discharge being subject to the grievance procedure. However, the Employer shall not discharge or otherwise discipline a probationary employee for purposes of evading the terms of this provision or to discriminate against Union members. Upon completion of the probationary period, the employee shall be given a seniority date as of his/her first day worked within such one hundred twenty (120) day period. Notification will be made to all Local Unions within seven (7) days of employment of all new hires. Information will include name, address, social security number, last employer, classification hired into, and date of hire.
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PROBATIONARY PERIOD/TRIAL PERIOD. (a) Full-time employees hired from October 1st through December 31st of any year shall not accrue seniority. Any such employee will be responsible for any Hiring Hall fees required by the Local Union involved. A new full-time employee shall attain seniority when they have worked thirty (30) days within a one hundred twenty (120) consecutive day period. A new full-time employee hired into the package car classification may have up to an additional ten (10) working days at the begin- ning of their probationary period, which may result in a total proba- tionary period of up to forty (40) worked days within a one hundred twenty (120) consecutive day period, provided that all such addi-
PROBATIONARY PERIOD/TRIAL PERIOD. (a) Full-time employees hired from October 1st through December 31st of any year shall not accrue seniority. Any such employee will be responsible for any Hiring Hall fees required by the Local Union involved. A new full-time employee shall attain seniority when he/she has worked thirty (30) days within a one hundred twenty (120) consec- utive day period. A new full-time employee hired into the package car classification may have up to an additional ten (10) working days at the beginning of his/her probationary period, which may result in a total probationary period of up to forty (40) worked days within a one hundred twenty (120) consecutive day period, provid- ed that all such additional time is spent in classroom training. Prior to attaining seniority, as defined in this Section, the employee, other than those employees attempting to transfer from part-time to full- time positions, shall be considered a probationary employee and may be discharged without such discharge being subject to the grievance procedure. However, the employer shall not discharge or otherwise discipline a probationary employee for purposes of evad- ing the terms of this provision or to discriminate against Union members. Upon completion of the probationary period, the employee shall be given a seniority date as of his/her first day worked within such one hundred twenty (120) day period.
PROBATIONARY PERIOD/TRIAL PERIOD. (a) Full-time employees hired from October 1st through December 31st of any year shall not accrue seniority. Any such employee will be responsible for any Hiring Hall fees required by the Local Union involved. A new full-time employee shall attain seniority when he/ she has worked thirty (30) days within a one hundred twenty (120) consecutive day period. A new full-time employee hired into the package car classification may have up to an additional ten (10) working days at the begin- ning of his/her probationary period, which may result in a total pro- bationary period of up to forty (40) worked days within a one hun- dred twenty (120) consecutive day period, provided that all such
PROBATIONARY PERIOD/TRIAL PERIOD. (a) Employees transferring from part-time to full-time who are at- tempting to qualify as a package car driver shall have a thirty (30) working day trial period to qualify and may have up to an additional ten (10) working days at the beginning of his/her trial period, which may result in a total trial period of up to forty (40) working days, provided that all such additional time is spent in classroom training. A new part-time employee shall attain seniority when he/she has worked seventy (70) days within a six (6) consecutive month period. Prior to attaining seniority, as defined in this Section, the employee Article 3 shall be considered a probationary employee and may be discharged without such discharge being subject to the grievance procedure. However, the employer shall not discharge or otherwise discipline a probationary employee for purposes of evading this provision or discrimination against Union members. Upon completion of the probationary period, the employee shall be given a seniority date as of his/her first day worked within a six (6) month period.


  • Probationary Period A new employee will be considered on probation until he has completed forty-five (45) days of work (or 337.5 hours of work for employees whose regular hours of work are other than the standard work day), within any twelve (12) calendar months. Upon completion of the probationary period he shall be credited with seniority equal to forty-five (45) working days. With the written consent of the Hospital, the probationary employee and the President of the Local Union or designate, such probationary period may be extended. Any extensions agreed to will be in writing and will specify the length of the extension. The release or discharge of an employee during the probationary period shall not be the subject of a grievance or arbitration.

  • Probationary Periods Employees transferring to a different title will serve a six (6) calendar month probationary period. In the event the probationary period is not satisfactorily completed, the affected employee shall be returned to Job Bank assignment and the employee’s “bumping”, layoff or transfer rights under the Agreement or other applicable authority shall be restored to the same extent such rights existed prior to the employee taking the probationary position. Upon the affected employee’s first such return to the Job Bank, the employee shall be entitled to remain in the Job Bank for the greater of ten (10) business days, or the duration of the applicable Job Bank period, as determined under Article I, paragraph 2, that remained as of the date the employee began in the probationary position. The rate of compensation for the remainder of the employee’s time in the Job Bank will be the same as the rate in effect as of the employee’s last day in the probationary position. Return to the Job Bank terminates the employee’s work in the probationary assignment and, therefore, time served following the return to the Job Bank shall not be construed to count toward the completion of the probationary period.

  • Initial Probationary Period An employee in an initial probationary period shall have no seniority until completion of his/her probationary period. Upon the completion of said probation, the employee will acquire seniority from his/her original date of hire. An employee who has a continuous period of temporary, interim, intermittent or seasonal employment prior to receiving permanent appointment shall acquire seniority for such time only if that permanent appointment occurred prior to July 1, 1989.

  • Promotional Probationary Period An employee who has previously completed the requisite probationary period and who is rejected during a subsequent probationary period for a promotional appointment shall be reinstated to the former position from which the employee was appointed. If the employee was dismissed from employment during the promotional probationary period, the employee shall not be entitled to such reinstatement rights.

  • Trial Period (a) In order for an adequate assessment of the employee’s capacity to be made, an employer may employ a person under the provisions of this clause for a trial period not exceeding 12 weeks, except that in some cases additional work adjustment time (not exceeding 4 weeks) may be needed.

  • Probation Period It is understood and agreed that the first ninety days of employment shall constitute a probationary period during which period the Employer may, in its absolute discretion, terminate the Employee's employment, for any reason without notice or cause.

  • Completion of Probationary Period An employee who has completed the probationary period may be suspended without pay, discharged or disciplined only for just cause. An employee who has completed the probationary period and is suspended without pay, discharged or otherwise disciplined shall have access to the grievance procedure.

  • Extension of Probationary Period The probationary period shall not be extended except in the case of extended illness or injury or compelling personal situation during which time the employee was unable to work. In such cases, the probationary period may be extended for the length of time the ill or injured employee was unable to work.

  • Initial Period The Initial Period will begin on the date set forth above (date of signed Agreement) and will terminate on the earlier of (i) the Commercial Operation Date or (ii) the date the Agreement is terminated pursuant to the provisions of Section 4(b) or 4(d).

  • Trial Periods 1. A secondment agreement may only include a trial period clause if and insofar as the contract is concluded for a period of more than six months. In that case, the maximum trial period laid down by law shall apply.

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