UNION SECURITY - UNION MEMBERSHIP. If any provision of an Article is invalid under the law of any state wherein this contract is executed, such provision shall be modified to comply with the requirements of state law or shall be re-negotiated for the purpose of adequate replacement. If such negotiations shall not result in a mutually satisfactory agreement, either party shall be permitted all legal or economic recourse.
UNION SECURITY - UNION MEMBERSHIP. All employees employed in the bargaining unit, or who become employees in the bargaining unit, who are not already members of the Union may voluntarily elect to, within thirty
UNION SECURITY - UNION MEMBERSHIP. All Employees covered by this Agreement shall become members of the Union within fourteen (14) working days of their employment and shall remain members in good standing during the course of their employment.
UNION SECURITY - UNION MEMBERSHIP. The Employer and the Association have negotiated a separate agreement on agency shop (attached at the end) that, upon ratification, shall supersede the provisions of Articles 6 and 7. However, should the separate agreement be found to be unenforceable, then these provisions (Article 6 and 7) shall immediately return to being in full force and effect. A. Employees covered by this Agreement at the time it becomes effective and who are members of the Union at that time shall be required as a condition of continued employment, to continue membership in the Union or pay a service fee to the Union as established by the Union for the duration of the Agreement. B. Employees covered by this Agreement who are not members of the Union at the time it becomes effective shall be required as a condition of continued employment to become members of the Union or pay a service fee established by the Union commencing thirty (30) days after the effective date of this Agreement and such conditions shall be required for the duration of the Agreement. C. Employees hired, rehired, reinstated or transferred into the bargaining unit after the effective date of the Agreement and covered by the Agreement shall be required as a condition of continued employment to become members of the Union or pay a service fee to the Union as established by the Union for the duration of the Agreement commencing the 30th day following the beginning of their employment in the unit.
UNION SECURITY - UNION MEMBERSHIP. All employees employed in the bargaining unit, or who become employees in the bargaining unit, who are not already members of the Union may voluntarily elect to, within thirty (30) days of the effective date of this provision or upon completion of probation, whichever is later, become members of the Union, pay to the Union each month a service fee.


  • Union Membership Every employee who is now or hereafter becomes a member of the Union shall maintain membership in the Union as a condition of employment, and every new employee whose employment commences hereafter shall, within thirty (30) days after the commencement of employment, apply for and maintain membership in the Union, as a condition of employment, provided that any employee in the appropriate bargaining unit, who is not required to maintain membership or apply for and maintain membership in the Union, shall, as a condition of employment, tender to the Union the periodic dues uniformly required to be paid by the members of the Union.

  • UNION SECURITY 7.01 The Employer shall deduct monthly from the pay due to each employee who is covered by this Agreement a sum equal to the monthly Union dues of each such employee. Where an employee has no earnings during the first payroll period, the deduction shall be made in the next payroll period where the employee has earnings, within that month. The Union shall notify the employer in writing of the amount of such dues from time to time. The Employer will send to the Union its cheque for the dues so deducted in the month following the month in which the dues are deducted. When arrears or adjustments are submitted retroactively, the dues month and an explanation will accompany any such dues. 7.02 The Employer shall provide the Union with a list showing the first and last names and Social Insurance Numbers of all employees from whom deductions have been made. The report will identify the name of the facility and the month from which the dues are remitted. The Employer will also identify job classification (where the bargaining unit includes classifications, employees paid less than RNs) and status (i.e. full-time, part-time) of the employees, all terminations, newly hired employees (including start date, where the existing system allows for the information without cost), and employees on Leaves of Absence. On a quarterly basis, the Home will also provide the members’ current addresses and phone numbers, shown on the Employer’s personnel records. The Employer will endeavour to provide information in electronic format if the Employer has the technology. The Union may forward any questions with respect to individual employees in writing (or e-mail) to the Administrator (or designate). The employer will respond to such requests with any information it has which is readily available, within two weeks. 7.03 The Employer shall provide each employee with a T4 Supplementary slip showing the dues deducted in the previous year for income tax purposes where such information is or becomes readily available through the employer's payroll system. 7.04 The Union shall indemnify and save the Employer harmless with respect to dues so deducted and remitted.

  • ARTICLE UNION SECURITY It is agreed that all employees covered by this Agree- ment shall become and remain members of the Union in good standing as a condition of employment. New employees shall make application for membership in the Union at the time of their hiring and shall become and remain members of the Union in good standing, as a condition of employment. The Employer agrees that it will inform all new employees prior to or at the time of hiring of the Union security provisions of the Agree- ment. The Employer or designate will during the first three (3) weeks of each individual’s employment make known to the new employee the names and work locations of union stewards in the store. The Employer shall, during the term of this Agreement, as a condition of employment, deduct from members of the bargaining unit the regular weekly Union Dues and such Dues shall be remitted to the Union prior to the 15th day of the month following the month in which such deduction is made. The Employer shall notify the Union of new full-time employees’ classifications and rates of pay in addition to ter- minations, on a monthly basis. Deduction statements shall be documented by location, containing the full name of the employee and his starting date and social insurance number subject to the employee consenting to the use of his or her social insurance number. The Employer agrees to record the annual Union Dues deductions for each employee on his Form. Employers shall provide dues information to the Union in an electronic format acceptable to both parties. In the event that such weekly Dues are changed during the term of the Agreement, such change must be given to the Employer by notice properly authorized by Union Officials and shall become effective within one month following the date the notice is received. New employees shall be documented and documents for- warded to the Union Office within two (2) weeks of hiring. The first sixty (60) days worked at each store shall be con- sidered a probationary period. It is understood between the Employer and the Union that a probationary employee shall be considered an employee for all purposes of the Agree- ment save that a probationary employee may be dismissed at any time during the probationary period.

  • UNION MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENT 4.01 Within one (1) week of the signing of this Agreement, all employees of the Employer shall, as a condition of employment, become and remain members in good standing of the Union, according to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Union. As a condition of employment, all new employees shall become and remain members in good standing of the Union within six (6) months of employment.

  • UNION MEMBERSHIP AND DUES The Union assumes all obligation and responsibility for the collection of union dues, and the Union shall retain the right to discipline its members at all times. No employee shall be discriminated against for upholding Union principals, and any employee who works under the instructions of the Union, or who serves on a committee, shall not lose his position or be discriminated against for this reason. However, the Employer shall be the judge of the employee's qualification.

  • Association Membership In accordance with applicable laws, the Employer/Appointing Authority shall not discriminate against, interfere with, restrain or coerce an employee from exercising their right to join or not to join the Association, or participate in an official capacity on behalf of the Association, which is in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. The Association shall not discriminate against, interfere with, restrain or coerce an employee from exercising the right to join or not to join the Association, and will not discriminate against any employee in the administration of this Agreement because of non- membership in the Association.

  • UNION MEMBERSHIP AND DUES DEDUCTION 4.01 All Employees have the right: (a) to be members of the Union and to participate in its lawful activities; (b) to bargain collectively with the Employer through the Union. 4.02 The Employer will, as a condition of employment, deduct from the earnings of each Employee covered by this Collective Agreement an amount equal to the dues as determined by the Union. The Union acknowledges that the deductions of amounts equal to the dues does not constitute membership in the Union and membership in the Union shall continue to be voluntary. 4.03 Consistent with the payroll system of the Employer, the Union will advise the Employer of the amount of its membership dues. An amount equal to said membership dues will be deducted from each Employee at the prescribed rate and remitted to the Union not later than the fifteenth (15th) of the month following. The remittance shall be accompanied by a list specifying the following: (a) the Employee's name; (b) mailing address; (c) classification; (d) site(s); (e) Employee status; (Regular Full-time, Part-time, Temporary, Casual); (f) Basic Rate of Pay; (g) the amount of deduction for each Employee; (h) the Employee's gross pay; (i) personal phone number; (j) Employee number; (k) starting date; (l) Employees on long term absence status where applicable. Long term absence shall mean any absence in excess of six (6) months; and (m) unless already provided, a separate listing of all Casual Employees including the name of the Employee and date of hire. 4.04 The dues structure of the Union shall be on a percentage basis and the Union shall give not less than thirty (30) days notice of any change in the rate at which dues are to be deducted. Any change in the amount of deductions shall be implemented by the Employer at the next possible pay period following expiry of the notice period. 4.05 Where an accounting adjustment is necessary to correct an over or under payment of dues, it shall be effected in the succeeding month. 4.06 The Employer shall indicate the dues deducted and enter the amount on the T-4 slip supplied to the Employee.

  • RECOGNITION AND UNION SECURITY 2.01 The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole collective bargaining agent for the Employees covered by this Agreement. 2.02 The Union recognizes the responsibility of its members to perform their respective duties for the said Employer and at all times to carry out their individual responsibilities according to the regulations, methods and procedures established by the Employer. 2.03 No Employee shall be required to make any written or verbal agreement, which may conflict with the terms of this Collective Agreement. 2.04 The Employer shall deduct by payroll deduction, from every Employee covered by Alberta Labour Relations Board Certificate #375-2000, union dues as levied by the Union. Dues shall be deducted at the end of each pay period and shall be forwarded to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Local Union or to such party as is agreed upon by the Local and the Employer not later than the fifteenth (15th) day of the month following. Dues shall be accompanied by a list containing the names of all Employees from which dues have been deducted, their date of hire, the amount of dues deducted, the regular wage rate or salary, and the classification of each Employee. In the event that dues are forwarded to a party other than the Local Secretary-Treasurer, the Employer shall forward two (2) copies of the list, one to the Local Secretary-Treasurer and one with the dues cheque. 2.05 The Employer will note any Union dues deducted, on T-4 slips issued for Income Tax purposes. (a) The Employer will recognize a Shop Xxxxxxx who is a current Employee of the Complex as having the authority to act on behalf of other Employees. The names of Shop Stewards will be supplied in writing to the Employer before they are recognized as Shop Stewards. (b) Union Officers will be recognized as Shop Stewards for the purpose of this Article. (c) The Employer agrees that the Shop Xxxxxxx shall not be hindered, coerced or interfered with in any way in the performance of the Shop Xxxxxxx’x function while investigating disputes and presenting adjustments. Shop Stewards shall suffer no loss of pay for time spent performing these duties. The Union understands and agrees that each Shop Xxxxxxx is employed to perform work as required by the Employer and that the Shop Xxxxxxx will not leave work during working hours except to perform Shop Xxxxxxx duties as provided in this Collective Agreement. Therefore, no Shop Xxxxxxx shall leave work without obtaining the permission of the Shop Xxxxxxx’x supervisor, and such permission shall not be unreasonably withheld. (d) Shop Stewards shall suffer no loss in pay for time spent on the Employer’s premises in performing their duties as Shop Stewards. 2.07 The Employer respects the fact that the Employees belong to a union, and will not intimidate, coerce, harass, or unduly influence Employees because of union activity.

  • ASSOCIATION SECURITY 5.01 The Hospital will deduct from each nurse covered by this Agreement an amount equal to the regular monthly Association dues designated by the Association. The deduction period for a part-time nurse may be extended where the nurse does not receive any pay in a particular month. Where a nurse has no dues deducted during the payroll period from which dues are normally deducted, that deduction shall be made in the next payroll period provided the nurse has earnings in the next payroll period. If the failure to deduct dues results from an error by the Hospital, then, as soon as the error is called to its attention by the union, the Hospital shall make the deduction in the manner agreed to by the parties. If there is no agreement, the Hospital shall make the deduction in the manner prescribed by the union. 5.02 Such dues shall be deducted monthly and in the case of newly employed nurses, such deductions shall commence in the month following their date of hire. 5.03 The amount of the regular monthly dues shall be those authorized by the Association and the Vice-President, Finance of the Association shall notify the Hospital of any changes therein and such notification shall be the Hospital's conclusive authority to make the deduction specified. In the case of any local dues levies, notification will be made by the local treasurer and such notification shall be the Hospital’s conclusive authority to make the deduction specified. 5.04 In consideration of the deducting and forwarding of Association dues by the Hospital, the Association agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Hospital against any claims or liabilities arising or resulting from the operation of this Article. 5.05 The amounts so deducted shall be remitted monthly to the Vice-President, Finance of the Association, no later than the end of the month following the month in which the dues were deducted. In remitting such dues, the Hospital shall provide a list of nurses from whom deductions were made, their work site (if the bargaining unit covers more than one site) and the nurses’ social insurance numbers, amount of dues deducted and, where feasible, the Hospital shall also provide the job classification, and status of the nurses. The list shall also include deletions and additions from the preceding month highlighting new hires, resignations, terminations, new unpaid leave of absence of greater than one (1) month and returns from leaves of absence. A copy of this list will be sent concurrently to the local Association. Where the parties agree, the Hospital may also provide the information in an electronic format or on a computer disk. If the central parties are able to agree on a template for dues related information, it will be distributed and jointly recommended to the Hospitals. 5.06 The Hospital agrees that an officer of the Association or Union representative shall be allowed a reasonable period during regular working hours to interview newly hired nurses during their probationary period. During such interview, membership forms may be provided to the nurse. These interviews shall be scheduled in advance as determined by local negotiation and may be arranged collectively or individually by the Hospital. NOTE: The list provided for in Article 5.05 shall include any other information that is currently provided to ONA. Additionally, the Hospital will provide each nurse with a T-4 Supplementary Slip showing the dues deducted in the previous year for income tax purposes where such information is or becomes readily available through the Hospital's payroll system.

  • Union Delegate/Employee Representative Facilities The Employer shall provide an agreed facility for the use of the Union Delegate/ Employee representative to perform their duties and functions as the on-site representative of the Employees. The provision of the following facilities is to ensure that the Union Delegate/Employee Representative is able to effectively perform their functions in a professional and timely manner. The facilities shall include but need not exceed: (a) a telephone; (b) a table and chairs (c) a filing cabinet; (d) air-conditioning/heating; (e) access to stationery and other administrative facilities use of e-mail, (if available on site), following consultation between the Union Delegate/Employee Representative and Site Management. (f) a private lockable area (g) access to a computer.